Right some points from the table below :-
There is also a separate worksheet detailing my marathon and ultra times which may be of use to my many readers of this blog; well Mum can print it off and show her friends. ? This table shows that with perseverance and good old fashioned hard work you can achieve your running dreams. I remember running my first sub3 in 2009 and the euphoria of that moment will go with me to the grave. It was my 11th marathon and I always said I’d retire when I ran my first sub 3, never quite got to that retirement thing and don’t intend to anytime soon. This table also shows, combined with the table above, that running improvement needs time and consistency. That is the most important factor in my opinion, consistency. Of course you’ll improve quickly at the start of your running career as you build the cardio engine but to continually improve you need to just keep running, as much as you can. The table above is fed by my daily table for each year where I record every run; this morphs into a weekly total and then 52 of these and hey presto you have an annual table. ( Please note my table pales into insignificance next to Jon’s but he is an accountant by trade and has an Excel Spreadsheet that Bill Gates would be proud of, cocooned in pivot table heaven. As well as distance he records who he ran with, time of day , temperature, how he felt etc. etc… it really is a think of beauty. )
These days of course we have Strava and Training Peaks, amongst others, and the digital world has taken over but I’m still a big believer in the old fashioned method of Excel (or even notebooks) when you can easily look back at previous years and see what worked and what you did to aid in your assault on your next running goal. When it comes to running historical data is gold, sometimes looking back can help you look forward. (I must write these motivational lines down , although I probably just did of course?) So even if you have Strava (because as we all know if it wasn’t on Strava it didn’t happen!) a manual spreadsheet is still worth keeping, plus it’s always good to know when you have finally ran the circumference of the planet you currently live on. !
Finally manage to get some kudos from Feedspot.com with recognition for my blog , making the top 10 Australian Running blogs, a debut at number 6. Happy with that but of course will make every effort to get a podium in the near future, nothing beats a podium. https://blog.feedspot.com/australian_running_blogs/
Right so that was 10 years of running, gone in the blink of an eye, best part is I hope to have at least another 10 years to add to the table above so I’d better get my skates on, ( only figuratively speaking of course, unless there is a skating option on Strava?) I’m off for a run, you don’t get round the world twice blogging you know. !
Finally…as I have said many times you need friends to share in your journey and I have some great examples. So as well as concentrating on the running reach out to fellow runners and suffer(?) / enjoy the journey together… when it comes to running you really do need friends….
The moral of the story , apart from not running in the Perth hills in a Perth summer alone and without water, is you need to continually assess how you feel while you train and if you ‘ain’t feeling it‘ pull the plug and live to fight another day. I could have forged on at 10k and probably even survived the 38k loop , I say probably, but what would it have achieved ? As I said earlier the 20k was a real test and I had to treat myself to a two hour ‘power nap’ when I eventually crawled through my front door, much to my current Wife’s disgust. In my defence I did manage to then take the family to the beach with the dogs and make a good effort playing with both. Even as I type this I feel I could probably manage a slow 10k this evening but know better and will save myself for tomorrow when I’ll get back on the GO ( http://www.elliptigo.com ) and scoot off to work while treating myself to a lunch time trail run and a scoot home on the GO. This three exercise sessions a day has served me well these last 3-4 months and I’m hoping it’ll get me to the end of the ADU 100k in a few weeks. ( http://australiadayultra.com ) must admit thinking about running a 100k at the moment is filling me with dread, not excitement, but it always takes me three to four weeks to fully recover from a marathon/ultra so maybe I’m not as badly off as I feel as the moment, maybe ? This concept of training on feel is one of the major building blocks of Arthur Lydiard and his distance training techniques, Lydiard together with Fitzgerald ( http://mattfitzgerald.org/8020training/ ) are my two favourite coaches , with a little bit of Maffetone ( https://philmaffetone.com ) thrown in for good measure.
So in 2019 what’s the plan ? As a runner you need, goals as I’ve said many times, if you don’t have goals as a runner you find yourself drifting into ‘jogging‘ and before you know it you start to not worry about time and just concentrate on the pure joy of running. Then before long you’ve dumped your Garmin and you stop logging runs to Strava, imagine that , not recording your runs on Strava ! I’m starting to ‘sweat‘ just typing that last sentence.. let’s move on quickly ! For new runners you can start to think about personal bests ( or personal records for our American cousins) . I miss the days of turning up at races and knowing you’re going to run a PB, those days are not as frequent as I’d like now, last year there was only one PB albeit it was a beauty setting a AURA record for the 100k for the 50-55 year old age group. (see certificate below) I’ll be racing this event again in a few weeks but am not seriously considering beating this time unless Jon can drag me to halfway in a good time and the legs feel they maybe have one more record in them. After this mornings runs it’ll be more about just surviving than setting records but I have a few weeks to recover, I suppose? That’s running of course, my number one mantra has always been ‘trust in your training‘ , that’s what I love about running , it’s the most honest sport, do the hard yards and on the day there is a good chance you’ll get your reward, miss your training runs and then aim for the time not mirrored to your training program will always end in tears. You can’t ‘fluke’ a good marathon or ultra time unfortunately, or fortunately if you are prepared to put in the work. This is why I’m not overly excited about the ADU but will be more than happy to finish around the 8 hour mark, of course with an ultra it’s the little things that can conspire against you. Examples would be no vaseline during the run (trust me on an 8 hour run a small chaffing can turn into a major issue very quickly without vaseline!) , the wrong hydration and nutrition (the engine cannot run if it runs out of fuel (nutrition) or there’s a radiator leak (hydration)) and finally the training needs to be tailored to the event. (For an ultra it’s about 80/20 training and time on legs, not too worried about pace just run, a lot!)
Of course speaking of coaches there is a new rooster in the hen house, my old mate the T-train has thrown his hat into the ring and now offers personalised training programs from his website , https://www.tonysmithruncoaching.com. If you need to be inspired Tony would be your man as personally I find him one of the nicest guys around but with a ruthless steak when it comes to racing as this photo of the T-Train mowing down the opposite in the last few hundred metres of a 50k race. I put this down to his army training, no prisoners were taken in this race that’s for sure. Tony’s training is certainly unique but his results cannot be argued with. Even this year , on a comeback after a nasty case of Plantar Fasciitis, he’s won a 50k ultra a week after racing a marathon and always places top 5 in any ultra he enters, winning his fair share. Although he’s not as long in the tooth as yours truely he is the wrong side of forty but loves putting young pretenders to the sword, in the nicest possible way of course. Looking at his website he has the coaching credentials and experience to back up his racing pedigree so I can highly recommend Tone. Please note as a TRC Ambassador ( http://therunningcentre.com.au ) I cannot mention coaching without plugging Raf and his crew as well, Perth is big enough for the both of them of course and the most important thing is selecting the right coach for you and that just takes experience.
Right that’s it for the first post of 2019. I’ll try and post more about running this year and less about injuries as the last couple of years there has probably been a 50-50 split. A nasty Calf tear in 2017 and Plantar Fasciitis in 2018 have been the major talking points on the blog and really its a running blog not an injury prevention blog, I mean its not called www.donotrunbkdonotrun.com is it ? Lets hope I can get though 2019 injury free and see if distance and the Elliptigo can’t propel me to maybe one or more PB’s before I get dragged back to the pack…..we’ll see. Happy new Year all..Yours in running… BK
Was there a benefit of being injured for 6 months and avoiding racing or pace on hard surfaces ? Probably not, truth be told, but it did force me to get back on then Elliptigo and start commuting to work rather than sit on the train wasting my life away watching rubbish on my iPhone. By Elliptigo’ing to work I have found any extra 7 hours exercise weekly and this has allowed me to create a cardio-engine that I hope I can add a turbo too (by adding tempo and threshold sessions to my training week) and explode into 2019 a faster runner. Personally I have never felt fitter and at nearly 52 years old that is saying something. The GO is a hard work out and I’m not one for cruising to work enjoying the view, that’s not me people. As with all things I give it 110% (all exercise things that is …the important stuff!) and I regularly end up at work in the changing rooms sweating like a prize fighter whose gone 15 rounds with Ali. I just about recover for my 10.6k Kings Park hills and trails before jumping back on the GO and getting back in the ring with Ali. Needless to say I have not seem my pillow for 10 weeks, I feel my head move towards the pillow and then ‘hey presto’ it’s time to get up, sleep depravation is not a problem when you average over two hours exercise a day.
Another benefit of the GO is it is non impact training so the knees don’t take a hammering daily. My 10.6K Kings Park loop is 90% sand so my knees are spared any hard surface work here as well. End result the legs feel great with no niggles even though I’m starting to get up to 100k a week running and 200k a week on the GO. I’m still aiming for my 15 hours a week exercise after watching the ‘man in the halo’ video on Tim Don.( https://zone3.com/tim-don-documentary/ ) C’mon people, if Tim can average 15 hours a week with a broken neck we should be able to reciprocate, surely ?
Of course I’ve always known core work is beneficial to running but taking time to do any has always been a problem. I use to do a circuits class twice a week at work , when it was free, but never joined a new class when we moved buildings. (Although I did keep going for nearly two years as you could sneak in through reception into the gym where the class took place and I’d been going for so many years they just assumed I was still in the building. It was only when that part of the building closed my free circuit class days were finally brought to an end. Pity, that building also had an outdoor tennis court and a 28m lap pool. As it was my first building coming to Perth I assumed they were all like that…unfortunately not !) So the GO has allowed to me get my core fix as well as a cardio engine building workout. After many years the Matthews Six-Pack is back, though as Mike says it’s mainly ribs !!! I must admit to using a few kilo’s but am enjoying losing the ‘middle aged’ spread that was starting to introduce itself, mainly due my lack of running due to PF. I actually think it was a comment from no3 Daughter about me putting on a few pounds that made me embrace the GO, and boy I’m glad I did.
The first test of my new found fitness will be the 6 inch on December 16th and I’m secretly (well not that secretly anymore?) hoping to maybe give my course PB a tilt. I always aim for a top 10 finish, win the Veterans (over 50) trophy and try and beat all the women home. Last year I achieved two out of three but failed to beat Nera to the finish line after Zac got me lost… ok, ok.. maybe I helped get me and Zac lost. I love Zac’s comment you know you’re lost when Big Kev says “I know where we are” . ( http://www.6inchtrailmarathon.com ) The 6 inch will be a good yard stick from which to measure my fitness going into 2019 and one of the big goals of the year, the Australia Day Ultra in January. ( http://australiadayultra.com )
Last year I probably had one of the runs of my life to sneak under 8 hours and I’d love to go a tad quicker in 2019. This really will be a test of my GO inspired fitness and also the Nike Vaporfly 4% trainers I brought for the Bunbury Marathon but never used. They are virtually brand new so I’m hoping they’ll propel me to a new PB on the 100k course. With Jon and the T-train as my wing-men I reckon we have a good chance to all go quicker than we have ever gone before, isn’t that a Star Trek quote, or was that going somewhere where no one had been before and being bald ? (or was that bold, whatever… you get then picture ?)
So the point of this post, assuming you’ve read this far in which case well done, is you need to find another aerobic exercise that is non-impact and add this to your running bag of tricks. If you can combine this exercise with commuting to work then great, no impact on family or social time ( do runners get social time? If you do shouldn’t you be running instead..? ) Of course not all people are a lucky as me with the facilities and bike paths in the Perth area. My commute to work is 18k with 95% of that on bike paths and only a couple of road crossing where I have to interact with the car and its driver, who is usually too interested in their iPhone to look up , it’s a worry! The Elliptigo is , in my opinion, the ultimate cardio workout and best alternative to running, it gives you a running workout without the impact, trust me people it really is that good.
Right that’s it, I’m off to see if I can stay awake long enough to feel my head hit the pillow, confidence is, as always, low…..
The talk soon turned to the 6 inch trail ultra marathon ( http://www.6inchtrailmarathon.com/ ) and the second recon run this weekend. We had ran the first 27k last weekend and the plan this week was 29k from the 17k mark to the finish, including the infamous ‘escalator’ hill. They say hill, it looks more like a wall to me as you hit it at around the 35k mark and you’re normally ‘goosed’! Hills always look steeper when you’re goosed..!!
So this weekend we’re off back to North Dandelup and on the Munda Biddi trail ( https://www.mundabiddi.org.au/ ) to sunny Dwellingup for the second half of the 6 inch. Must admit to being very excited as this part of the trail is inspiring and I know its going to be a good ‘crack‘ running with the posse. It won’t be the fastest traverse but it’ll probably be one of the funniest, depending on the state of Bart’s legs at the start. (He was dropped in the first 100 metres last week and didn’t we hear about it!)
If you don’t run trails then you really should, it’s the surface that keeps giving. First, it’s easy on the joints , next it’s harder on the core as you need to watch your step and finally it’s a better workout because you need to concentrate on what you are doing. The last point is clearly ratified at the end of any trail race when half the finishers are coming in ‘covered in claret’ (i.e. bleeding from falls.) On the run last week Gerry Hill, a two times 6 inch winner, stacked it big time and we were all surprised nothing was seriously damaged bar his pride. The trails demand respect. Finally the scenery on the trails is just damn right beautiful and you get reminded why you do what you do, running in its purest sense, no bib on your chest or time target, just being ‘out there’ with friends.
To prepare for the 6 inch I had stuck to my Elliptigo and running trails lunchtime diet and now feel ready for another tilt at a sub 4 hour finish and possible top 10. I have six sub 4 finishes under my belt and the other three times I got lost , just got to stay focused this year, Maybe these recon runs will help as really, after running the event nine times, I have no excuse for getting lost this year.
If the Plantar Fasciitis decides to hang around next year I may be forced to do a season of trail races, which truth be told isn’t such a bad thing, at my age it could be time to go longer on the trails and use my experience to gain an edge over the younger competition. I’ve always said ultra marathons are ready made for the older runner when mental toughness and preparation are more than enough to take on youthful exuberance. In WA at the moment there is a smorgasbord of trail racing so I’ll have enough to keep me busy but I’ll miss my one true love, the good old fashioned marathon on the city streets. Nothing beats this distance and terrain but a good trail distance may be the only alternative next year, we’ll see.
Of course there is one race next year that would certainly test me, The Delirious West 200 mile . ( http://deliriouswest200miler.com.au/ ) This is the first of its kind in WA and it looks like its going to be a beaut race in its inaugural year. If you run trails and live in Australia you need to seriously look at this one. If my PF hangs around and I’m restricted to the softer surface it will come into my radar early next year, just got to persuade my current Wife $1,200 is a reasonable race entry, I feel that may be harder than the race itself ?
Finally if you do decide to run the 6 inch ultra trail marathon this December 16th I highly recommend the bacon and egg sandwich , cappuccino combo at the only cafe in Dwellingup, The blue Wren Cafe, it kept me going for the last 10k today, the thought of it that is; it really is a thing of natural beauty sand did not disappoint!
Kings Park trails and the Elliptigo have been my salvation this year and I’ve managed to string together a strong last 3 months, albeit with more Elliptigo action than running. From the last 7 weeks you can see I’ve managed to avoid a day off exercise and have tried to exercise there times a day in the week when I Elliptigo to work. This has certainly been challenging as I’m not a ‘cruise to work in lycra‘ kind of guy. When I get on my GO it’s on for young and old, I’m racing baby, be it the clock, average pace, the cyclist infront of me ; whatever. This means I get to work in the mornings and home in the evenings on the cusp of a heart attack normally and I wouldn’t have it any other way, I am in a ‘building phase’ and I’m building a cardio engine that will allow me to add a turbo to it (i.e pace) early 2019 and hopefully onwards to glory, that or an early grave and some rest in my box. ? I must admit ti feeling great, albeit tired a lot, and there’s even the chance the BK six pack is making one more appearance before it scurries off to hide behind some well placed toxic fat as I fade away into old age. With my Elliptigo I may be able to avoid that for a few more years and maybe even nudge a PB or two in the near future. The proof will be in the pudding so speak and if my PF finally leaves I have the chance to try this new cardio engine at the Australia Day Ultra in January, around Australia Day funnily enough ? ( http://australiadayultra.com ) It was at this event I set the AURA ( https://www.aura.asn.au ) age group record for the 100k and I ‘d love to knock a minute or two off that but with the interrupted year this is highly unlikely.
Right to the point of the post, cross training can and needs to be a weapon in the arsenal of the competitive runner. Running twice a day every day, even with the second run an easy one, eventually catches up with you. I’m testament to that with my calf tear last year (thank you Mark Lommers and your Cappacino laced with injury !) and a bad case of Plantar Fasciitis this year. On the plus side the previous 8-9 years I ran virtually injury free. Must be a fifties thing which I’m hoping to grow out off in my sixties ? With me I have found the Elliptigo gives me that runners heart rate and cardio workout without the pounding on the legs, supported by some big names in the running world albeit they’re sponsored so have to write good things about the GO. I actually love my time commuting to work now and I’ve found an extra 6-8 hours a week where I can give myself a good workout without affecting work or family time. The alternative is sit on a train with all the other commuters glued to my phone wasting my life away. I actually mislaid my train smart rider months ago and cancelled it before finding it again (Always the way?) Anyhow I’ve never actually been to Transperth and reactivated the card, no need I have my GO . As you can see from the Strava image above ( You have Strava right ? Everybody has Strava don’t they… if not , get it quick and feel free to follow me ; click on the icon at the bottom of this post)
Another point of this post is to remind everyone I’m still here. I’ve moved house in the last month and managed to fill seven garages full of ‘stuff’, it seems the Matthews family are hoarders ? ( I’m currently staying at a 4 villa complex I brought that i can’t seem to sell? The joys of being a property developer in your spare time, in between running… ) This coming from a man who never throws out his running shows and probably has 4 boxes full of old pairs. They are like old friends to me and if you were to pull a pair out of any box I could tell when I wore them, what races , if any, I ran in them and probably how many kilometres I put in them. My Wife just shakes her head, actually everybody shakes their heads but they’re all special to me. Is that wrong , who knows? If i can find all the boxes in the 7 garages I’ll get them all out for a photo, it’ll need to be a wide angled lens if course !
I seem to have digressed , as is my way, but I’ll make more of an effort to post to the blog now I’m nearly uninjured, I have so much more to talk about when I’m racing of course. This weekend there may be a story or two as I’m running a recon run for the 6 inch ultra on Saturday. Even though I’ve ran the course nine times I’ve got lost three times and that’s even wearing two watches with a GPX file loaded to keep me on track. Needless to say I’m not the best person in the world to run the 6 inch with and the running joke , excuse the run, is when I tell people I know where we are you need to panic because you are then officially lost, harsh but true unfortunately! (Thanks for that Zac!)
So far I have managed to maintain my cross training and running targets but must admit to feeling fatigued daily and I’m hoping this is just the phase I need to go through to build the ‘engine’ that will power me to a successful 2019 and beyond. Not sure how much ‘beyond’ I have in me as I’ll be 52 next February and even with the best intentions I realise my time near the front of the pack is limited and eventually I will be dragged, kicking and screaming, back to the chasing pack. Of course there are a few more years , I hope, of running sub3 for the marathon and protecting my 27 in-a-row current sub3 streak. It would be nice to nudge that close to 50 before I eventually succumb to Father time, we’ll see.
The whole point of this cross training program is to allow me to build my engine now for 2019 and not waste this time. I understand that PF has limited my training, and that is an understatement, but like Tim Don I have found a way to keep moving forward and adapting to my injuries. Of course a mild case of PF is not a broken neck but myself and Tim have both felt the devastation of injury and the fear of slowing down. Tim was 39 when he broke his neck after setting a world record for the Ironman, hitting forty we all realise he is going to struggle to maintain that intensity long term and his , like mine, time in the sun, at the front of the pack, globally in his case, is limited. This is why he chose the halo compared to less painful option which would have probably killed off his triathlon career, certainly at his level. He considered the three months of pain a small price to pay for the future glory of still being at the top of his game. Personally if someone offered me the same choice I would take it , three months of intense PF pain but with the caveat that after three months the PF is fixed and you can continue on. Currently PF has been hanging around for 5 months and still I cannot run on my beloved asphalt, it’s better but not 100% yet.
This is why the Elliptigo has become so important to me, that and my Kings Park trail runs. Between the two of them these exercises allow me to ‘scratch‘ my daily exercise itch and , I hope, still maintain my running fitness. In-fact I hope that my three times a day exercise regime may even allow me to return even stronger and fitter than before I was so cruelly cut down at the Australian Masters in April. How I regretted that event that may have earned me 8 gold medals (4 State and 4 National) but destroyed my 2018. Not only did it decimate my racing calendar, worse than that it made me totally reliant on trail and grass running which, socially, just about made a running leper. I’ve never spent so much time running alone. No more Sunday long runs with the boys and , worse than that, no post-long run pancakes or waffles.. ! This is another curse of being injured, you miss your time with your friends because most dedicated runners over time lose any friends who don’t run. It’s hard to balance training with social events and I’ve mentioned many time No1 Wife has created a whole social life for herself without me. I’m the stay at home baby sitter while she goes out with her friends , who I’m assuming are similar middle aged Wife’s with Husbands who prefer the couch to the bar. Actually I should take more of an interest because she did mention the other night she was out with the pool cleaner and we haven’t got a pool ? Only joking , current Wife does have a good group of lonely Wife’s who together cobble together a good social life while leaving me to watch Netflix films on all sorts of sport and the kids of course.?
Right, after digressing yet again for most of this post the point is two fold. First, make cross training a part of your training program and second always keep looking forward. Ok 2018 is a write off for me but I’ve reset the goals and am determined to make 2019 a special year to make up for the disappointment of this year. The Elliptigo will help me clock the hours training without risking an injury because half the training hours will be on non-impact equipment, while still aiding my running as the GO is as close to running as you can get, IMO. (Now the Bionic has stopped selling due to the company folding.) I’m hoping these extra 6-8 hours a week on top of around 100k of running will build the aerobic engine enough that by early March next year I can start to add pace, the classic Lydiard training program. I’m about half way through the initial ‘Conditioning‘ phase. I’ll then start to move up the pyramid which should stand me in with a good chance of going sub 4 hours finish time at the 6 Inch Ultra in December, assuming I don’t get lost for a fourth time ! ( http://www.6inchtrailmarathon.com Any trail runner reading this in Perth or Australia, you need to enter this event quickly, it’ll sell out soon.)
Lydiard Basics
The principles of sound training that Lydiard developed in 1960s––based on experimenting on himself and a small group of local New Zealand runners––have stood the test of time as the scientific studies have caught up to validate his approach. Many of the principles that are part of the Lydiard system are found in coaching and training systems in use today, and nearly every successful athletics coach or athlete consciously or unconsciously emulates Lydiard’s training system by laying an endurance base and making use of periodization for peak performance.
Initially, this culminated in sending Murray Halberg, Peter Snell and Barry Magee to the medalist’s podium at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome. Subsequently, too many runners to mention have used Arthur Lydiard’s approach to achieve an impressive array of Olympic medals and race wins throughout the world.
Lydiard based training is based on five critical principles:
- Conditioning – At the start of any Lydiard training cycle, there is a long phase of aerobic running to build endurance and lay the base for a strong performance on race day.
- Response Regulated Adaptation – Trying to run at training paces that are not aligned to your current fitness level is not a recipe for success. Lydiard plans adjust your effort levels based on how you are responding to training stimulus to optimize your fitness improvement.
- Feeling Based Training – Learning to accurately interpret the language of your physiology allows the runner to stretch the training envelope while avoiding the perils of overtraining.
- Sequential Development – Unlike many running plans that seek to develop multiple facets of running fitness at the same time, Lydiard training is based on a philosophy of developing the building blocks needed for a good race day performance individually over a longer training cycle to allow optimal fitness development.
- Peaking – The later phases of Lydiard training are designed to guide and sharpen the runner to a point where they are in peak condition on race day in an excellent position to run the best race possible.
The Lydiard Training Pyramid
A typical Lydiard plan includes five distinct training phases over (ideally) 24 weeks.
While it is a longer training cycle than what you may be used to, the length of the cycle allows the safe development of running fitness as each phase builds on the previous one. The individual runs are not significantly different from what you might find in another training approach; it is the overall structure and flow of the plan that sets Lydiard apart.
Aerobic Base Building – a period of aerobic runs (run by overall time, not mileage) at a variety of paces to develop stamina and a base of conditioning.
Hills – Develops the leg power and flexibility that will be needed to support faster running while continuing to develop the aerobic base.
Anaerobic Development – Adds faster running (tempos and intervals) to prepare the runner to be able to handle race pace.
Integration – Race distance specific tuning and sharpening including shorter distance time trials.
Taper – Final preparation for race day.
Time to pay the Piper? … no way baby, plenty of time left in the BK running machine…look out 2019.
The story of The Man with the Halo
When Tim crossed the finish line in Florianopolis that day, his overall time of 7:40:23 didn’t just seal victory against his race opponents. It set a new world record for the fastest time ever in an Ironman triathlon. Before Tim, the record for Ironman distance (2.4 mile (3.8 km) swim, 112 mile (180 km) bike, 26.2 mile (42.2 km) run) stood at 7:44:29, set by Lionel Sanders with a 53:45 swim, 4:04:38 bike and a 2:42:21 marathon.
Broken down across disciplines, Tim’s stellar performance set the new record split at 44:16 for the swim, a 4:06:56 on the bike and a marathon run of 2:44:46 to total the new record of 7:40:23.
After leaving Brazil as the world record holder, Tim’s sights turned to the 2017 Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii, in October. Clearly in top form with plenty of training time still to go, Tim was talked up by many as a favorite to win the most iconic race in Ironman and write himself even further into the sport’s history books.
Six months on, Tim arrived in Hawaii in the shape of his life and ready to race. But he never made it to the start line.
While cycling in Kona as part of his final preparations, Tim was hit by a truck. The collision was serious. Scans revealed Tim had broken his neck. It was the end of Tim’s hopes of competing at the World Championships, but thankfully not the end of Tim.
The epitome of a fighter, Tim’s thoughts quickly turned to recovery. Among several options for treating his injury, only one would offer Tim even a chance at competing with the best again: a halo.
Despite its angelic name, the halo resembles something from a torture chamber. A circular metal framework, the halo was fixed directly into Tim’s skull and supported on his shoulders. Two days after the crash, Tim was back home in Boulder, Colorado, with the halo holding his head in place for healing and a long and painful road ahead.
The following four months tested even an Ironman like Tim to his very limits, mentally and physically. When the halo was removed in at the start of 2018, it marked the end of the first chapter of Tim’s recovery and the start of his rehabilitation.
The steely determination that Tim showed since returning to consciousness after the crash now shifted to rebuilding himself as an Ironman. Less than half a year after he broke his neck, Tim was already in the gym with his sights on big goals. Remarkably, on April 16, almost exactly six months after the accident, Tim took on the 2018 Boston Marathon. Despite driving rain and temperatures close to freezing, Tim finished in 2 hours, 49 minutes and 42 seconds, just five minutes more than the marathon leg of his world-record-setting Ironman race in Florianopolis, Brazil in May 2017.
On July 29, 2018, Tim was back on an elite Ironman start line in Hamburg, Germany. A ninth-place finish marked an incredible achievement but was not enough to secure a return to Kona. Undeterred, Tim made another bid for qualification just three weeks later at Ironman Denmark in Copenhagen. Unfortunately, the race didn’t go to plan. After a strong start, Tim was forced to retire. Just as he was accepting that a return to the World Championships would have to wait, news came that one of the qualifiers had dropped out. Ranked just outside the qualification places, Tim would take his spot. The Man with the Halo is heading back to Kona. Check back for updates as Tim heads to Hawaii with unfinished business to settle. The Ironman World Championships takes place October 13, 2018.
Unfortunately with my old friend Plantar Fasciitis still hanging around I knew I’d need to find some cross training exercise to help me meet my 15 hours a week target. So with the aid of the Elliptigo ( http://www.elliptigo.com ) I set about achieving my goal with gusto. As you can see from my Strava details below ( http://www.strava.com ) I have managed to hit my magical 15 hours exercise only once in the last few months, and this is without a broken neck. Maybe the Halo makes exercising easier ? Note: the last sentence was humour at its worst and I do not recommend anyone going out and breaking their neck , putting on a halo on the possibility it may aid future exercise regimes ! The extra hours spent exercising has been challenging but i certainly feel stronger now that when I started this 6 weeks ago. The rides to work on the GO are still hard work and, combined with a lunch time run, I am certainly sleeping well at night. I can feel my body adapting to the extra hours and looking forward to 2019 I’m excited for what I might be able to achieve.
Of course this year has been written off from a competing stand point and this will be brought home again next weekend when I miss Rottnest , a marathon I have historically done quite well at. Five top five placings and two second places probably makes Rottnest my best marathon from a position only view point. Not my fastest due to the terrain and heat but definitely one of the hardest and this makes the playing field a little more level when you’re racing younger, fitter and faster marathon runners. As Rottnest is a four lap course on the last lap mental strength comes to the fore and you can sometimes find yourselves passing runners that normally you wouldn’t see for dust. If any Perth runners are reading this post and feel they are ready to tackle a marathon next Sunday I’d go book a ferry ticket and get over there, if not this year I’ll see you next year for sure, need to win that race one day and at 52 , in 2019, I’ll be the perfect age ?
I seemed to have digressed again, it’s a curse you know. So back to cross training and how it can help you as a runner. If I tried to run for 15 hours a week I think I would be a physical wreck. I would normally average around 12 hours a week when I’m hitting multiple double days and around the 130-150k a week. This was my training in 2016 and early 2017 and I did achieve some great times but eventually injury came calling. With hindsight, so easy to type this two words, I should have cut the mileage early in 2017 and spent more time on the GO when I felt the onset of Plantar Fasciitis, there were early warning signs I ignored. This has come back to bite me big time with the biggest injury of my career. Lesson learned I hope and I will be making the GO a continued part of my exercise artillery. Of course the GO is not for everyone but , I hate to say this, a bike may be an alternative or joining a gym and just spending time on general aerobic exercise or body pump type classes, high intensity low impact. The only caveat to high mileage weeks is there is always the ability to achieve these if you drop the pace and run on ‘forgiving surfaces‘ i.e. trails or sand. I have running friends on Strava who run over 20 hours a week without getting injured but always run most of these kilometres on trails or at a very relaxed pace. If you add pace and asphalt to mileage you end up injured, trust me on this.
The GO enables me to get the running feeling without the high impact of running and also helps me avoid wearing lycra, which at my age is a very good thing for all concerned ! With the commute to work I have been able to hit 160k a week on the GO and that’s 7-8 hours I’d normally spend on the train idling my life away on my iPhone with the rest of the carriage. By commuting to work I am out-there living the life in the real world not through a 6″ high resolution phone screen. It really is a win-win situation, I even get to save a few dollars a day on the train ride, I’m sort of a professional commuter albeit a very poorly paid one. It also helps me find exercise time I can justify to No1 Wife and many Daughters as it doesn’t impact our family time , although I will admit to scuttling off to bed before my 10 year old these days due to being so tired after my three times a day exercise regime, a small price to pay I think ?
The Serpentine train leaves North Dandalap at 10:20am so we decided this year to leave a tad earlier than previous years due to the various running injuries we were all embracing. Calf strains, Achilles issues, carrying too much weight (I’m not sure this is an injury Barts!) and good old Plantar Fasciitis to name a few. Thus at 6:40am we set off up the scarp, mainly due to Bart’s insisting we get a move on as he really wasn’t ready for a 35k sprint to the finish. He had got lost last year when he was dropped halfway up the scarp and had to run a lonely thirty or so kilometres to the finish. This year he was determined to stay the course and refused to leave a key hidden on the car so if he got lost he knew I’d have to find him and my lift home. Little did he know I had arranged alternative transport if we ‘lost’ him. In the end he made it and ran a large proportion of the run with us, complaining most of the way of course. I don’t think Bart’s like any hill in any direction, up or down, as both seem to set him off on a tirade of abuse. This from a man who loves trail running ?
The photo below shows the starting line up for 2018 taken at North Dandalup train station, funnily enough we were the only people about early on a Sunday morning in the country. I managed to persuade five ‘newbies’ to join us and supplied all of these with a GPX file of the course as I didn’t want them to suffer the same fate as Bart’s from last year, bless him.
So off we went up the scarp, which is a road section and probably one of the hardest sections of the run as you’re in danger of getting collected by mad country drivers cutting corners. Thankfully this year it was very quiet and I don’t remember seeing any cars, which is unusual, they were probably all still in bed after the West Coast Eagles, a local footy team, managed to sneak into the Grand Final the day before. As you can see from the elevation below the start is a challenge but the finish is ‘to die for’. It was a this point last year we lost Bart’s (the start not the finish.) and history repeated itself with Mark, a new runner from Brisbane, dropping off the pace early and, in Choo-Choo tradition, left to fend for himself. I felt a small amount of guilt but this was quickly forgotten when I realised the task ahead and I had supplied Mark with a GPX file of the course , so he had no excuse to get lost.
The conditions this year was perfect and we had given ourselves more than enough time to finish by leaving probably half an hour earlier than the year before. This certainly made the journey less stressful than previous years and we settled into a good rhythm with enough pace to complete the task at hand but not enough we couldn’t natter away discussing a plethora of topics and generally putting the world to rights. We as a group splintered early which seemed silly truth be told as it wasn’t a race and there seemed no point running a few hundred metres infront of each other. I ran with Jon, because he had the GPX route loaded into his Garmin 310, and Liam for conversation. (with Bart’s always a few hundred metres behind us complaining about something?) The three of us eventually caught up with the two Mark’s at the ‘drinks stop‘. I say drinks stop in italics because there was no drinks. Simon had hidden a carton of water and a box of Gu’s behind a tree but it seems these country people are resourceful with good eyesight because there was no supplies to be seen. Not a problem though but it did the make the last 5k or so a challenge as we were into the ‘dead zone’ (over 32k) with little water and no nutrition, a good test of your bodies capabilities to survive on it’s won internal fat resources I suppose. Luckily the last 10k is predominantly downhill so you can sort of ‘fall‘ to the finish line. ( It is to be noted this year Trish refused to bake for us which made the return trip to Dandalap a bit of an anti-climax as the reward of Trish’s baking (which is awesome by the way) would not be there to greet us, in the end we made do with McDonalds pancakes but thrust me they ain’t the same!, anyhow I digress.)
After regrouping with the two Mark’s the group of five set off to the finish and the conversation continued to improve with numbers. The highlight of the last part of the run was most of us falling prey to the only puddle on the whole course, how does that happen ? Mark C,. attached it with gusto (he’s Scottish you know and use to large expanses of water !) and nearly went in, this made me more cautious but it was to no avail and I ended up in the same situation, soggy socks and shoes for the last 10k or so.! Once we started to descend of course it was ever man for himself and Mark C. probably set the record for the fastest kilometre with a 3:10 down the steepest part of the hill. He was very excited and reported feeling a runners high as he snowballed down the hill at speed, more probably he was just totally knackered as we had all just ran just about 35k on a few sips of water.
It’s hard to put into words the run itself as it really was just about the perfect day. A good distance, beautiful trails and great company rounded off with Brownes Mocha and a danish at the Deli. Chuck in a train ride where the guard announced to the whole train of our adventures as we boarded and departed and the day really couldn’t of got any better. Talk at the Deli (see below) centred on next years departure time as we had plenty of time to relax at the deli before the train, well most of us that is. If you remember at the start I mentioned Mark from Brisbane getting dropped at the 3k mark, you’ll see he’s not in the photo below. We all thought he was gone and I had even arranged at the Deli to let him know we’d drive back and pick him up, save him the 18k walk back to the train station. Well he made it with 3 minutes to spare, albeit the train was late as usual so he could have probably stopped at the Deli for a danish.
As you can see from the photo below taken at Serpentine train station Mark is back into the fold and happy to be there, he currently holds the record for cutting it closest to missing the train, probably beating Trailblazers record set a few years ago. I’m sure Jon can get closer with a bit of effort ? Honourable mentions must go to Allister Caird who set a course record running the route in 2hrs 27 minutes, thats a 4:11k average, sub 3 pace for a hilly trail run, Boom! He could have left nearly as hour after us and still made it. Nigel also went well considering he twisted his ankle at 15k and ‘hobbled‘ to the finish in good time, a big call as if the ankle had given way completely it would have been a long night on the trails. Of course Mark gets a mention for running the whole route by himself under the stress of a potential long walk back to the car. He looked relaxed when he finish and puts his time down to this was his first trail run back in Perth, he’s from Brisbane you know. Bart’s also went well after we dropped him just after halfway, we actually dropped him earlier but always made sure he could see us, sort off. At least this year he ran the whole course after his miracle run last year.
Right that’s the Choo-Choo for another year. I’ll try and drum up some more enthusiasm next year as if you live in Perth you really need to do this run. We all agreed we’d leave later next year but the departure time is personal to your ability and general fitness and also if you want that added bonus of really ‘racing a train’ and trying to cut it closer tham Mark, fromBrisbane’s, valiant effort of three minutes to go. Up for the challenge ? All aboard…..
Long term readers of my blog (assuming I have any bar my Mum) will know I purchased the Elliptigo ( http://www.elliptigo.com.au/ ) last year to help me get over my calf tear. ( https://www.runbkrun.com/2017/06/24/elliptigo-is-proving-a-life-saver/ ) As with all things , non-running, though the Elliptigo was forgotten once my calf tear was repaired and it was sent back to the garage to sit next to my very expensive Giant carbon fibre racing bike. (Much to my Wife’s disgust.) I merrily returned to running twice a day and all memories of the fun I experienced on the GO was quickly erased and any thoughts of continuing cross training disappeared faster than an avocado smoothie at a models convention.
So what changed and why this post. ? Another long term injury eventually dictated I had no choice but to dust off the GO and start commuting to work as well as keep running lunch times. This served two purposes. First I was getting in three decent cardio exercise sessions a day compared to only one, secondly I needed to work more on my core as the last 3-4 months of inactivity (relatively) had not been good to the waist line and for the first time in many years my ribs disappeared and I started to see these ‘handle’ like growths above my waist. ! My Daughter and Wife even remarked that I was getting ‘a belly’ when I was changing into a t-shirt. Truth be told this was the last straw. I had suspected as much but when your 10 year old notices, much to her amusement, something had to be done. This made me scuttle off to the garage and dust down the GO as I decided I still didn’t really enjoy cycling enough to make another comeback. I feel with cycling you don’t get the same benefits for your running related muscle groups as you do on the GO and this was hammered home this morning when, due to a slow puncture becoming a fast puncture, I was forced to leave the GO at home and mount the Giant. Cycling in I just didn’t get the same workout I experience on the GO albeit I was taking it easy for the first half of the commute as I got use to sitting down compared to my normal ‘loud and proud’ standing position. I know there’s the old saying about ‘as easy as riding a bike’ but it’s been over a year since I got on the Giant and it can be a tad unforgiving, add in a decent cross wind and my deep rimmed wheels are purpose built to dismount a ride at speed. (As I nearly found out this morning !)
Are there alternatives to the Elliptigo. ? There use to be an Australian product which was even more designed for runners in mind but this product was let down by Chinese suppliers (you can’t trust some people!) and unfortunately they went under. They had designed a product to mimic running seamlessly and I had a test ride after I purchased the Elliptigo (always the way !) and was converted. Unfortunately No1. Wife wasn’t convinced and forbid me to buy another bike, for some reason she considered three enough and four was just a ‘bike too far’, I’ll never understand Women ? The Bionic and Predator was built by an Irun.com but is no longer available which is a crying shame. Luckily for me one of my colleagues at work has one of the last models and I’m just waiting until he gets bored and decides he’ll never use it, I’m biding my time; just got to convince No1 Wife.
So as usual I have digressed. The reason behind this post is to highlight the benefit of cross training and recommend every runner makes an attempt to add some cross training time into their busy running schedule. It may be the difference between an injury free period or an interrupted period, and trust me I am talking from experience here. I know Meb Keflexighi is a big believer in using the Elliptigo for a good daily second workout the pounding another run would entail, he explains why in this YouTube video. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlTBE93OIlk ) I’m also a big fan of this method of grabbing your exercise high without the risk of injury. (albeit some car drivers may think otherwise, bless ’em. ?) This weekend I have some GO maintenance planned and will be changing out the back inner tube and ordered two new tires on the interweb this morning. I can’t be doing with all this cycling for fear of ending up sitting in a café, drenched in sweat , cocooned in lycra ordering a soya, light frappacino……..
Of course you don’t need to buy an Elliptigo to get a good cross training hit. Circuit classes at the gym are a good alternative concentrating on your core muscle group and high repetition, low weights. Alternatively there is another train of thought which recommends heavy weight, low repetition. Personally I tend to steer clear of these as I’m not really a gym fan and just prefer to get my exercise high outside, standing up at all times if possible. Another avenue I feel is over looked by nearly all runners is the Pilates, Yoga type exercise. ( https://www.yogajournal.com/lifestyle/good ) Being an ‘older’ runner I can’t even touch my toes with hamstrings so tight you could probably perform Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony on them. I will eventually pluck up the courage and attend a Yoga class, probably. I know Mike K. swears by them and he is a lot older than me ! (Sorry Mike) My Wife has a Pilates Reformer which has stood idle for nearly two years, (due to my Wife’s bad back which is why we brought it in the first place ? A classic chicken and Egg scenario? Which came first, the Pilates Reformer or the bad back?) maybe one day I’ll actually read the manual and strap myself in, so to speak. In the meantime it’s back to the GO for me because it really is just so much fun.
Footnote: Since writing this post and before posting I had a weekend on the GO after rotating the tyres and putting in a new back inner tube, the joys of riding ? Anyhow I rode to Kings Park for a 12k trail run and then rode home afterwards. I’d done the same a few weeks ago and let me tell you it doesn’t get any easier. The GO-run-GO brick session is a killer and I backed it up this morning with a 20k Kings Park trail run with Damo and Mark L. ; I convinced them too leave the beach run for a week. Needless to say I am ‘cross trained’ out and can only assume this has done me some good. The last three weeks I’ve averaged 12 hours a week exercise with virtually a 50-50 split between running and the GO. It’ll be interesting to see how I go when I eventually get rid of this pesky PF and hit the ‘road’ , literally.
Note : The reference to cross dressing in the title was purely to get your attention and for all the readers who have struggled through this post in the vain hope of some juicy cross dressing information I can only apologise. So sorry T-Train.
Last week I rode 173km on the GO, mainly due to commuting to and from work. At 19kg the Elliptigo is not light and due to the standing position when you’re faced with a strong head wind you are in for a serious physical examination ! Luckily for me last week was a particularly bad week for weather in sunny Perth so I was beaten back on many occasions during the week, much to the disgust of my ‘man made’ traffic jam of irate drivers wondering initially what the hold up was and then as they passed me what the hell that was ? The Elliptigo is still a relatively new item for the Perth streets and I certainly made an impression. I’ve found children, professionals and women like the Elliptigo, ‘tradies’ (tradesmen) not so much !
I’ve now had four treatments of Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) so far but am still suffering with PF to a point I still cannot run on hard surfaces. Luckily for me I have Kings Park less than 500 metres from my office desk and am blessed with trails of sand or grass that allow me to exercise without doing damage to my PF injury. (I’m assuming?) This has been my salvation for the last four months but unfortunately I have not been able to shake PF to allow me to scuttle back to the asphalt and bike paths that I love so much. This has cost me two marathons this year and currently is looking like taking out Rottnest as well. This will be a huge disappointment as I ran second at Rotto last year and was targeting a good time this year. At the moment I’d say it would be a Lazarus like recovery to be ale to run Rotto in October as the last four months has eaten away at my fitness levels and I’m not prepared to start ‘running’ marathons just yet in my running career, for me it’s all about testing yourself and racing the bad boys.! I’ve got plenty of time to ‘run‘ marathons when I mature as a runner, remember I’m only 51 years young?
Rottnest Marathon has got to be one of the most scenic marathons in the world and I highly recommend a visit if you ever come to WA. ( http://www.rottnestisland.com/ ) I could spend hours posting pictures of what I consider to be paradise on earth but I’m biased as I always spend a week after the marathon recovering on the Island with my family and these memories we create I cherish.
There’s also a few more target runs and races I have to try and get fit for coming up this year. First off the ranks is the ‘Choo-Choo’ run on Sunday September 23rd. I’ve written a few posts on this run and all are welcome to join us in the Perth area. Of course you are always welcome to fly over for it but it’s not the biggest event in the WA running calendar so probably not worth it. For those Perth runners who are reading this I highly recommend this run and I’ll see you on the 23rd either at the start , North Dandelup train station, or the end, Serpentine train station. ( https://www.runbkrun.com/2017/09/15/choo-choo-run-2017-man-against-train/ or https://www.runbkrun.com/2016/11/15/the-choo-choo-run-an-exercise-in-living-on-the-edge/ ) You’ll need to buy your ticket and get the 10:20 from Serpentine to North Dandelup, if my memory serves me well; there’s only one train down to Bunbury and one back per day so choice is limited. (Australind timetable for those interested in joining me on the 23rd. https://www.transwa.wa.gov.au/plan-your-journey/the-australind )
Then there’s the 6 Inch Ultra Trail Marathon on December 16th, funnily enough my 10th in a row. After missing 10 in a row for the Perth and City to Surf marathons it’ll be nice to actually run this ? Again if you live in Perth, or even Australia, this race is a must-do. ( http://www.6inchtrailmarathon.com/ ) So many good times running this race at the end of the season, more about the challenge of the course and running with good friends rather than time, although under four hours is a target. (You need to keep yourself honest people ?)
Final goal race of the year is the shortest and certainly one of the funniest. The infamous St. Georges Terrace Running Club Beer Mile. Never been a race where I ever expect to podium mainly due to the fact I probably drink more in this one mile than I do the rest of the year. I’m famous for pouring most of it on my head as I reckon natural evaporation drains beer quicker than I drink it ! Certainly no records are set but its a nice way to recover after running the 46k 6 Inch Trail Marathon the day before ! Of course all of these could be null and void if I can’t get rid of this pesky injury, why does running have to be so hard ?