General day to day ramblings

An ultra-marathon legend is born.

A few weeks ago inaugural member of the BK running crew, Jon Pendse, ran over 142km in the twelve hours at the USWA Lighthouse event ( ) and I have attached his race report below as it is an inspiring read. I am mentioned a few times in the report as I sacrificed my run for his of course and it was not really a DNF on my part, more a suicide  mission ! (well it felt like one at the time?)  Jon’s time has caught the attention of the Ultra running community over East and he has been invited to attend the next 24 hour race with a view to making the national team. If anybody deserves this it’s Jon. We go back a long way (since meeting in the changing rooms of our work building, where all good relationships are born?)  and he is one of the most dedicated and hard working runners I know. Week in and week out he’s running and , more than that, so humble and encouraging, a true champion who ran a champions race and hopefully this is a stepping stone to national and then international stardom.  I’ll write a post on my glorious failure later… in the meantime enjoy Jon’s ramblings..


This is a story that continues from my Australia Day Ultra 100km race report held in January 2019 (, where I had attempted to break 8 hours, instead hitting the wall spectacularly early on and slogging out a hard earned third place finisher in 8 hours 58 minutes.

I’ve been wanting to enter my first 12-hour race for several years now, ‘logically?’ this being the next step up in distance from a 100km ultra marathon, previously having run the ADU 100km race four years in succession.

The Lighthorse 12-hour Ultra marathon is a race that has appealed to me over a number of years, and having volunteered last year (and had runners envy) I decided 2019 would be my debut over the 12-hour distance.  Besides I would already be in ‘reasonable’ ultra-marathon shape having run ADU some three months earlier and would be continuing my normal marathon training load. For me, I find having a solid marathon training foundation bodes well stepping up to Ultra’s with not a lot of ‘extra’ training required.

I generally average around 120km-130km per week (if I’m not racing), with two or three ‘double’ days and probably once a fortnight I’ll throw in a triple day.  Most of my runs are about backing up on tired legs. Alternating the easy and hard runs, with my speed work coming from plenty of 5k parkrun time trials.

After having run the Bunbury marathon (2.56.02) some three weeks earlier, having run the WAMC 40 miler (4.48.36) four days earlier, and also having the upcoming Margaret River Ultra (80km) seven days’ time, my target for Lighthorse was not so much to race but more about enjoying the experience and having some ‘me time’.  That said I did have a target distance of 130km with a backup goal of 120km. Basically that meant first reaching 100km ‘feeling good’ and only then assess how I am going… if it was a good day I thought sub 9 hours should be very do-able, given I hit the wall at 40km at ADU 100 and still managed to run 8hrs 58. Not hitting a wall and running within myself would likely see a 100km split time of around 8hrs 45 minutes, and set up for a solid crack at 130km, knowing the temperature would quickly rise and the inevitable slowdown very likely to occur.

My good mate Kevin Matthews (BK) had also entered the race and having been a DNS at ADU 100 this year (he withdrew a few days earlier with pneumonia), this was to be our make-up Ultra marathon where we would run at least the first three or four hours together.  We even had our good mate Tony Smith (who knocks out training marathons in sub 3 hours on an almost weekly basis).

So much easier knocking out a large chunk of the race with someone else.  Even more so when the race has a midnight start; lonely, dark, cold, and scary!!

I was actually worried when I got a call from Kev on the morning of the race (I thought he may be a late scratching), instead asking what I had packed (my list was around half a page long!).  After going through all my items, he was happy there would be enough for both of us, haha. Shortly later I did get a photo of his race pack which contained 1 banana, and then a photo of 2 when I asked where mine was?

My fueling strategy was simple (self-sufficient), setup my own table, stock up an esky with ice, 40 x 350ml bottles of water, 10 x 350ml electrolytes, container on table with 15 gels, muesli bars, hat, sunscreen, and usb pack to charge my garmin.  Every 4 hours I’d run out of water bottles on my table, so a brief stop to put another 15 bottles on top of the table which would see me through another 4 hours. Repeat. (Lucky enough to have folks visiting on holiday, so they replenished my bottles on the table top in the last 2.5 hours so I had no need to stop).  Gel every 10k, and whilst it was cool around 350ml water per hour, and one electrolyte bottle per hour, but once it warmed up this became a lot closer to 2.5L-3L per hour with half going on my head cooling core temperature.

Onto the race; my suggestion of running the first kilometre in 4 minutes was quickly knocked back (I wasn’t joking), but in hindsight was probably sensible going along with a 4.45 starting kilometre.  BK was already worried we were cooking the pace far too quick for so early in the race. I wasn’t so sure, I wanted to bank some time knowing the forecast of 29 degrees would mean a drastic slowdown over the last two hours.  Surely if we bank some easy kilometres in the first few hours, this would set us up to succeed later in the day (what’s the worst that could happen?).

Six-hour split distances of 70k and 60k would achieve the 130k target.  Some simple maths said pace should be around 5.00-5.08 for the first 6 hours, and then a pace of 6min k’s for the last 6 hours, thinking likely actually running 6.30-7.00s, when it’s hot it is all about survival!  Targets are thrown out the window.

For the first hour and a half BK and I averaged around 4.45 per kilometre, mind you every kilometre that ticked by BK kept complaining shouldn’t we be running closer to 5.00.   I was feeling very ‘comfortable’ with plenty in the tank … it’s a long race after all, so there is plenty of time later if we do want to pick up the pace.

By around 20km BK had to stop for the toilet and said go on I’ll catch you up in two or three laps.  Well here was my chance, with BK flailing already, I wasn’t going to slow down to let BK catch me, so I decided instead I would speed up and catch him!  Then I’ll slow down and run at his pace. (Not the best strategy in hindsight but it did work)

Laps being 2.5km, and roughly 12 minutes per lap, with BK’s toilet stop (2minutes?), I’d only need to find 10 minutes, I thought I should be able to shave off a minute per lap and catch Kev within 8-10 laps… plus I would then be a lap up on BK.

I was actually quite surprised when I hit 25k under 2hours, wait a minute by averaging a comfortable 4.45’s that’s actually on track for an 8-hour 100km time…!  Well I’ve banked time now for the first two hours, so it is probably a good idea to slow down and run closer to 5-minute km’s.

Hitting anything under 9 hours at the 100km mark and I’d be well on the way to my 130km target.

The mind doesn’t work that way for me unfortunately.  Break or bust mentality, nothing to lose everything to gain.  

The good thing on a 2.5km lap is the amount of times you pass a human!  (not sure what else Jon was passing , I personally only saw humans but I only lasted 3 hours..?) Every time it’s slightly less scary knowing that I’m not alone (I’m afraid of the dark).  Around 22km Glen decided to join me for a lap, he told me he was basically doing an interval race, resting, running laps ad-hoc with friends and some of his athletes for support, wow what a coach and dedication!  We chatted away whilst running 4.40s, I mentioned to Glen my plan was to run 9 hours feeling good for 100km, which is true. However, Glen slightly twisted my words around and said most important thing I just said was focusing on the feeling good part, and then worry about the time later.  If you run low 9hours you might think that was a fail, but if you are feeling great then you are on a path to succeed. True.

After Glen ran this lap with me (hope he wasn’t too knackered), I decided screw the time, let me just focus on my running and getting to 100km feeling good (this is what I took from the chat with Glen).  Conditions were good and I was setting myself up for a big total, back of my mind the heat is what would slow me down the most.

My best races to date have been the least ‘eventful’, by that I mean I just held a pace not hit a wall and had minimal slow down.   

Around 33km who do I see in front of me BK!  “Jon I stopped for the toilet twice, and I’m feeling terrible I’m thinking I’ll stop at 50km…”  oh no, that doesn’t sound good, come on Kev you should do at least 100km. It’s 12 hours after all, you can go home sleep, come back and still run a good distance.  Ok, um well I’m feeling good how bout you run with me for a bit and see how you go, it seemed like a dream here because around 2km later BK was dropped and I was left back to my own pacing.  He later withdrew around 37km and 3 hours in. Not his day, but he’ll be back to put things right. Trust me no disrespect withdrawing in any ultra, they are challenging and a beast at the best of times.  They consume us, and part of the attraction for entering them in the first place.

I hit 50k just under 4 hours 2 minutes, and I was thinking wow half way to 100 and slightly over an 8-hour 100km split time, now that is some serious time ‘banked’.  I took some time here to re-assess, ok this isn’t a 50k ultra where you ‘race’ a marathon and jog in the last 7.2k. Be serious, now is the time to consolidate re-group and re-zone.  You can’t stay focused for 12 hours, break down the distance and run hour by hour on feel.

By this stage I was now starting to think where is Tony (T-train), he had laughed at the suggestion of joining me and BK on the start line and said you guys are on your own, I’m running 5-minute k’s and that’s it.

At 5min k’s this would put T-train around 4 hours 10 minutes at the 50k mark, so no wonder I hadn’t seen him yet, I was only around 8 minutes in front.  I slightly panicked thinking 8 minutes isn’t much, I would like to at least lap him so that I know how much distance I have being the lead runner. T-train isn’t one for slowing down, if anything he gets quicker the longer a race goes on and many a time has T-train rail roaded me in the last hour of a race.  On the plus he doesn’t know how to run slow (yet), I wasn’t so sure how long he would last hour after hour. He later succumbed to a Plantar Fasciitis niggle and withdrew around 65km. (I would love to get a three-way battle with BK and T-Train both in full form, that would be some serious competition).

By six hours I had clocked up just on 73km’s, which is 3km’s more than I had ‘planned’, greater importance still feeling fresh.  I was confident 130km was a very achievable target, that meant only 57km’s required over the last 6 hours. And if I could run reasonably consistent laps perhaps I could give 135km a nudge which would be a fantastic result.

I had already resorted to continuing my pace to 100km and only then re-assessing a new target distance.  I crossed my 40th lap just under 8 hours 16 minutes.  Awesome! Although I was slightly freaking out from pre-race plans best estimate for 100km was around 8 hours 45 minutes.  Some 30 minutes in front! Talk about banking time (I normally wouldn’t recommend this approach so don’t try this at home!).

I passed Glenn again around 110km running with Sarah, where I said that sub 9-hour 100km target and ‘feeling good’, um well I crossed 100km on 8 hours 16 but I am feeling good so I’ll take it!

110km is now well into new territory.  If I look at my training since 2015 when I began Ultra running, for runs greater than 50km; four 100km races, one 50km race, and training runs; 2 x 70km, 1 x 56km, 3 x 50km, (Plus my 40 miler 4 days earlier).  In fact no training runs more than 50km in the last 12 months. I did run seven marathons though in 2018 (with three done in 5 weeks), so I was cardio fit but not necessarily quick.

After 110km I was beginning to finally feel fatigued, still running consistent lap times but around a minute slower per lap than the previous 9 hours.  Closer to thirteen and a half minute laps.

It was around this time Shaun had some encouraging words for me, ‘Jonny come on mate you know you’re on track to break 140km’, I told him otherwise where to go, and I’d be ecstatic with 135km.  I’m the one running it’s getting hot and still have 3 hours left to run! No chance of 140km.

Not one for giving up, especially after my ADU lesson (thanks Mick again!), I did think well I’ll just keep running and take it an hour at a time.  Maybe I could go closer to 140km, I’m not cramping and I haven’t hit any wall.

By 120km I was just under 10 hours, a good two hours of solid running to go, 10km per hour and I would hit 140km.  I began thinking here, 6-minute km’s 6-minute km’s that’s all I need.

Charging through ‘tent city’…


Crowd support had gained by this stage, I’m sure word was going around that I was on track for a big total… each lap more and more yelling out encouragement.  Truly inspirational having so many on the sidelines, many had seen my growth over the years (too many to name but I thank each and every one).

The last two hours were the hardest, however I had great support (folks) at the aid station keeping me hydrated and cool.  No time wastage which meant I could focus on running each lap.

SO much support on course from runners as well, constant encouragement telling me to keep going.  Each time I completed a lap a slight buzz knowing I was that much closer to 140km.

The last two hours each km split was consistently around 5.20-5.25 (last hour mostly around 5.35s), which is well in front of my 6min average needed to break 140km, things were looking good.  Yes it was hot, yes it was hard, but Forrest Gump was still running and not looking like stopping any time soon! Make hay whilst the sun shines. Plus who knows the next time hitting these sort of distances, surely this isn’t the norm.

Hard work had been done, and now was the time to ice the cake.

I hit 130km on 10 hours 53 minutes.  Accountant by day, that was an easy calculation even almost 11 hours in, 10km required in 1 hour 7 minutes.  I now only needed to run 6.5 minutes km’s. Something drastic would need to happen not to be able to run that pace given how I was feeling and where I was at (compared to ADU hitting the wall 10-minute km’s can be a tough ask! But today was different).  I was in the zone and today was my day.

Three laps to go, two laps to go, this is it, one more lap (with 27 minutes to go) and you’ve achieved 140km!  That final lap was amazing, totally surreal, I was floating. This is the stuff dreams are made of. The only problem was I was going to knock out this lap and still have another 11 or 12 minutes up my sleeve… I had been hoping to time the run to coincide hitting 140km with a minute or two under 12 hours so that I didn’t have to go back out again for a partial lap.  Would be nothing worse than finishing 1 km away on the other side of the course, and then hobbling back to the start. Surely makes more sense to finish near the start line with a very short hobble!

Hands in the air I was overwhelmed having completed 56 laps and the 140km milestone!  What a day. Well I guess I may as well go back out for the last 11 minutes or so, I’d already been out for so long anyway, could even clock up another 1-1.5km… I felt so good here though with the adrenaline pumping I sped up to 5.15s, and managed to knock out another 2.2km.  Total for the day 142.2km!! Totally surpassing wildest dreams, where did this come from, how did I do it?

Running a ‘marathon’ is life changing, running an ‘ultra-marathon’ redefines what the human spirit is capable of.  Never give up. These are my words, this was my story.

2020 will see my biggest challenge yet taking on the W.E.S.T Delirious 200 miler.

By Jon Pendse

Lap times:

25k split times:  1.59.37 / 2.02.11 / 2.09.11 / 2.04.38 / 2.10.16 (last 25k was around 2.14)

50k split times: 4.01.48 / 4.13.49 (last 50k of race around 4.24)


Currently on 57 official marathons, striving to achieve joining the elusive Australian 100 marathon club;  


You can follow me on strava for all my training and future races

Sometimes life just gets in the way.

I’ve been a bit quiet on the blogging scene for a few weeks because I have moved house, for the third time in 18 months. I also make it more and more difficult each time by accumulating more ‘stuff’ , which I will never use, each time I move. For example I knocked down my family home and built four smaller villas in an attempt to mimic Donald Trump and , through property development, make my fortune. Unfortunately I am now discovering while young Donald has lost his hair (it’s a wig right?) and making your zillions from property development isn’t an easy as first envisaged.  This is a prime example of life getting in the way of running. All of a sudden I’m spending my time moving heavy boxes around Perth and working muscles that , as a runner, I have no right working. If I’m not careful I’ll be back up to the 80kg Beef-cake my Wife dreams about, truth be told I was that fine specimen when I me No1 Wife and lost the 10kg to aid in my endless pursuit of running personal bests. I suppose I courted and won over Karen before deciding I wanted the ‘Schlinder’s list extra’ look , when she was thinking Rocky (and I mean the chiseled version in Rocky 3. !)

Anyhow this move has resulted in me only running twice in 5 days and, if you know me, this is unheard of , bar an injury of course. All my time has been spent moving between houses driving hire trucks and the family SUV full of ‘stuff’. Add to this No1 Wife took No1, 2 and 3 Daughters to Aberdeen over the Easter holiday so left me with the boys. (Stanley and Spencer, two 2 year old Golden Retrievers; who are useless for helping when you’re moving house, funnily enough?)

Needless to say it has been a hard week and one which will culminate Friday night/Saturday morning with a 12 hour race. The race starts at midnight Friday night and will finish midday Saturday. As there’s a race briefing before 11pm I’m not expecting any sleep pre-race and certainly will not be napping when the guns goes. (Although Jon is bring a tent for some reason, probably to hold all his food, he loves his ultra’s, well the eating bits anyway?)

The Light Horse Ultra is a 3/6/12 hour race over a 2.5km loop which changes direction every three hours. ( ) As I’m doing the 12 hour it’s a midnight start which means head torches and probably skins for the cold evening conditions. Of course thing warm up rapidly in WA when the suns pokes her head above the parapet,  so I’ll need to change halfway through the event. Luckily Jon has his ‘food tent’, hope there’s some room in there for me in-between the potatoes, chicken, donuts, gu’s… etc etc.. the list is endless! In the image from the website you can see Jon leading the charge , what the other competitors don’t realise is he has one thing on his mind and it’s not the next lap, it’s the next ‘ultra treat’…

Jon leading the charge…. like my Golden Retrievers , food focused !

Give Jon his due he is stepping up into the ultra world with great gusto. On Monday he came second in the West Australian Marathon Club 40 Miler (64k) event, sneaking in under 5 hours. Friday night he’ll aim for 130k+ and then the following weekend is the Margaret River Ultra; an 80k trail event with some series sand-time.  ( ) That’s over 275k+ of racing in less than two weeks. He will need to eat a lot of food to accomplish this and I feel this may be his hidden agenda. We’ll need to keep an eye on the scales and his infamous bumble bee top ( see above photo). The more he eats the more the top rides up his stomach, when we can see his midriff it’s a sign he’s done (eaten) too much.

As always I digress, the point of the post is life gets in the way sometimes and you need to do what you can but not over think it. Of course it would be great to be able to run whenever you choose and let everything else take a back seat, and you can, it’s called being a professional runner.  Before you jack in your job though please note the money is crap to non-existent and you have to be really, really, really good , to then make peanuts , truth be told.  We’ve often discussed why this is and I feel it’s just down to the general public at large not ‘getting’ why we do what we do. A friend of mine once told me he watched me and my fellow runners in a 10k and no one was smiling , the complete opposite in fact , it looked like everybody was in pain. He couldn’t for the life of him see any enjoyment anywhere. Even at the finish everybody seemed to be ‘disappointed’. This is the view of most people when I know I loved that 10k and ran a great time and felt fantastic for weeks afterwards. Of course the event is painful but that’s the whole point, we’re pushing ourselves. In a world where we are protected from just about everything running gives you that rush of adrenaline that you can not find anywhere else, at least not on a daily basis. When you race, really race , you are only racing yourself and the best you can be, or have been, no one else; unless you’re that really , really good pro runner with no money we talked about earlier, they’re racing for the glory and a pair of Asics shoes.?

So when life does get in the way , just do whatever you can to maintain your fitness level and don’t worry, there is light at the end of the tunnel and eventually the world will get back to normal and you’ll be hitting those high mileage weeks you can only dream about at the moment. Right. that’s me, time to take the boys for a walk… or maybe a run, now there’s an idea ?

The boys… bugger all good at helping move house but great for chasing balls ?

Best run for improving your running…

50th b-day run with the boys. 14k progressive with muffin and good coffee as a reward. What more can I ask for ?


Every Thursday I set the alarm for 05:15am to meet the boys at 5:45am outside Yelo cafe in Trigg and then we set off for my favourite run of the week, the progressive. Without a doubt this is the best run for a number of reasons.

  1. You start at a very relaxed pace as the first 1-3k’s is all about catching up with the local gossip from the lives of the various members of the BK posse. Lately a few of the boys have left their partners and this has certainly made the early kilometres a lot more interesting than in previous years. For a start I now know that you need to swipe right if you like someone on Tinder. (It’s a different world this dating game these days, back when I was a boy you’d drink yourself silly and then stagger up to the prettiest girl you’d think would give you half a chance and make your play. Of course this normally ended up in total embarrassment for all parties involved and much amusement to all your friends who would be watching from afar. Happy days… I think? Now you just download an app and swipe left or right? Where’s the fun in that? )
  2. Because you start so slowly you work into a run,  and the middle section feels easier because of the slower pace at the start. I live by the mantra ‘you never judge a run on the first kilometre‘,  many times I have had an awful first few kilometres but more often than not finish like a train. If you start and feel great and finish badly that is not a good sign of course, maybe over training ?
  3. When eventually you do start to increase the pace you are fully warmed up and thus the chance of getting injured is reduced. See, I told you, this really is the run that just keeps on giving.
  4. This is a favourite of the Kenyans, need I say more. The fastest runners in the world start most of their runs at a very relaxed pace, one even us mere mortals could keep up with. The finish is a different story and it’s every man for himself as they reach Olympic pace and push themselves before their cup of tea and afternoon nap, bless ’em.
Happy little future Olympic Champions…with three sugars probably? Funnily enough not a muffin in sight?
  1. The final reason (and yes this should be number 5 but for the life of me I can’t get the software to behave!) , and the most important,  is we get to enjoy the best coffee and muffin combination on this planet, and probably all planets assuming there are any more inhabited by runners, coffee and muffins ? Yelo at Trigg ( ) really is the runners dream serving the best tukka and coffee I have ever had the privilege to digest. The only fly in the ointment is Yelo has been sold to a developer who has plans for a block of high end flats. This is very, very bad news and the boys have discussed chaining themselves to the railings in an attempt to stop this going ahead. This was finally poo-poo’d as being chained to a railing would certainly adversely affect ones ability to run. ?
Yelo muffin and coffee. Life really does not get any better that this?

This Thursday ,for the first time in ages, I managed to finally achieve a perfect progressive as the image from Strava (you are on Strava right? shows. As I mentioned earlier Bart’s set the pace for the first few kilometres and there was much laughter as we talked through the high points of the previous weeks adventures. This is my favourite part of the progressive, the pre-pace banter. Once Bart’s drops off the pace (he has a dodgy hammy) we start to concentrate on the job in hand and after we turn for home it’s on. The normal distance is 14k but after being out for most of last year I have built up to 12k. This week we dropped to 10k as I’m racing the Bridges 10k on Sunday so am saving the legs for the time in the pain-box which is part and parcel of racing, if it doesn’t hurt you ain’t racing.


A perfect progressive…now to treat myself with a sugar high (and coffee)


The post below was written by Jason Saltmarsh and reinforces what I had posted , some nice examples of progressives at the end but for me it’s just start slow, get quicker and finish like your life deepened on it ! As I always say ‘ Running is simple, hardwork is always rewarded‘.

Progression runs were once called the Kenyan secret. They’re great for building stamina, mental strength, and teaching the body to run increasingly faster at the end of a race. A progression run is a run with structured pace increases from beginning to end. The distance and pace will vary based on your specific training goals.

Let’s imagine two runners are preparing for a race. They both run their 10-mile workout in 70 minutes. However, one runner does it with even 7:00 splits, and the other runs the first 5 miles at 8:00 pace and the last 5 miles at 6:00 pace. Who will be better prepared on race day?


The Benefits of a Progression Run

The structure of the progressive run forces runners to start slowly. It teaches them mental patience and allows the body to fully warm-up before running at a harder effort. Many runners are too eager to hit the gas pedal on their runs, progression runs will help them become more disciplined.

Progression runs increase stamina and fitness. Athletes who regularly incorporate progressive runs will actually speed up towards the end of a race when everyone else is trying desperately to hang on. The marathon race begins at mile 20.

They will mentally and physically learn how to make a long killing drive to the finish that particularly in high school racing can be absolutely devastating to their competition. — Nate Jenkins, 2:14 marathoner

According to coach Greg McMillan this all comes at a very small price in terms of training fatigue and recovery time. Runners can use this approach several times during the training cycle for extra quality work, without fear of overtraining and injury.

Progression runs allow you to insert fast running into your training runs (feeding your need for speed) but in a way from which you can easily recover. — Greg McMillan, M.S.

When to Add Progression Runs to Your Plan

If you follow the Arthur Lydiard approach to training, you’ll want to add progression runs after the base building phase to introduce speed. But, progression workouts are really something you can add anytime. Depending upon the distance and intensity of the progression run, you may want to schedule it following an easy day and preceding a rest day.

How to Structure a Progression Run Workout

Progression runs start slow and end fast. Begin your run at an easy pace with successive pick-ups until you are a running at a hard effort. Often times, progression runs are described as running “relaxed.” Accelerating without strain is an important concept.

The number one benefit of progression runs is that they train you to react to surges in a relaxed fashion, which is important in marathoning,” he says. “You never want to cross the threshold too often in a marathon, and this workout pushes that redline in a gradual manner. All pace changes are done gradually so that your nervous system isn’t all out of balance. — Keith Dowling, 2:13 Marathoner

How far you choose to run, and at what pace you do your workouts is up to you. There are endless possibilities. The goal of the run is to become comfortable running your goal race pace on tired legs at the end of your workout. This is not a tempo run or a race effort, it’s designed to boost your stamina by introducing speed gradually over the course of your training run.

Sample Progression Run Workouts

Quarters with Fast Finish — 8 miles
2 miles @ 10K pace plus 60 seconds, 2 miles @ 10K pace plus 45 seconds, 2 miles @ 10k pace plus 15 seconds, 1 mile @ 10K pace, 1 mile @ 10K pace or faster

Out & Back — 35 minutes
Begin with an easy 20 minutes on the way out, then return at a pace that’s 1-2 minutes faster until your back to at the start

5K Race pace Thirds — 45 minutes
50 percent of 5K race pace for 20 minutes, 75 percent of 5K race pace for 15 minutes, 5K race pace for 10 minutes

McMillan’s Fast Finish Long Run
Begins with a long run at 1-2 minutes slower than marathon race pace. Pick it up to marathon pace with 6 miles left in the run. Pick it up again with 2 miles to go and finish with an all-out 400m


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Quickest way to improve your running is simple…

As regular readers of my blog will know I’m a big believer in distance is king and the key to unlocking your potential. Of course some may argue that you need to add threshold, tempo, fartlek, VO2 max, track work, 800m’s , 1500m’s, Gregsons’ the list is just about endless and grows daily but all this is really just noise. If you really want to improve you have to build a foundation for success and this, my friend, is distance. Maffetone ( ) , Matt Fitzgerald ( ) and the late , great Arthur Lydiard all champion distance over pace, that’s not to say pace does not have its place, of course it does as the reason for distance is prepare yourself for the next step, adding pace.

Lets not get ahead of ourselves though. If you want to improve as a runner just run more than you are doing right now, that really is it. Once you’ve doubled, tripled or better your average weekly distance you’ll notice achieving your desired race targets just got a lot easier.  As my favourite coach once said ‘There is no such thing as junk miles’, a Raf classic statement. (Please note Raf is my favourite (full time) professional coach   ( (I also rate  my good friend the T-train; ( ) both are excellent so if you want a coach and live in Perth give them a call. )

Tony sums up my distance is king statement. Two out of the last three weekends he has risen before the sunrise , ran a sub 3 marathon and then finished it off with a 5k park run. That’s a 47k Saturday morning run. By repeating this run on a regular basis it becomes the norm, as much as running a marathon a week in training can be. He’s training for the Bunbury 50k in a few weeks, an event he has won twice , no surprise there. By doing the hard work in training you take away all the unknown variables in long distance running, trust in your training, it’s a meme I live by. The harder you train the more unlikely you are to get a bad result, training just takes away the uncertainty of racing. The Bunbury 50k is a week Sunday, Tony will probably win it for a third time and I predict, if the conditions are good, a big PB for the T-train. I’m fairly confident this will happen, why, because I watch him train on Strava and can see he is ticking all the boxes. He also has experience in his corner and being a mature runner, a bit like myself, can deal with the metal struggles we all go though on the longer races. I’ve said it many times running a marathon, and beyond, is all about mental toughness as well as the physical preparation. I know many runners who should run so much faster but crumble under pressure , while others just seem to flourish over the longer distances and embrace the challenging mind games you need to play with yourself to persuade your mind your body is up to the task.

Remember the mind will also always try to protect the body and it does this with it’s good friend fatigue.  Fatigue is the arch rival of our trusted goal ‘Personal Best’ and will do everything in it’s power to stop us obtaining some PB time ! It does this by persuading your body that is cannot go on at the current pace and the only answer is to slow or stop. I really believe that as we age as runners fatigue starts to find new ways to test your mental strength , and together with his mate ‘self doubt‘ and ‘acceptance’ combine to persuade you that this is all too hard. The good runners , later in their careers, find a way to block out these nagging thoughts and continue onwards but as you age it does get harder and harder and all of a sudden you start to look at age adjusted times or season bests etc.. all ways you can kid yourself all is right in the running universe and slowing is something we all do.

The T-train is all his glory..

Trust me the T-train is not listing to fatigue, self doubt or acceptance. He is listening to PB and thoughts of victory, mentally he is still on the ball and has the mental character to continue in his pursuit of new improved running times and distances. I feel his time in the military is another reason why he is such a great competitor and also why he is so mentally strong. I have met many ex-military runners and to a man/woman, they are always giving their best and never beaten, well not without a massive struggle. They also seem to embrace the harder , longer distances and excel at these races; not for them the show pony shorter distances where physical aerobic fitness is more important that mental toughness.

Another one of my running buddies, Wayne McMurtie, embraces this ex-forces toughness and his Run for Resilience  ( ) website highlights his goals and passions. Wayne ran 1500km over a 22 day period and his reason for the run is described below.  He then ran the inaugural 200mile Delirious West  ( ) February this year and has signed up for next year already. Wayne may not be the fastest 10k runner in the world but add distance and all of a sudden you have a steely competitor.


This September, a solo, supported ultra-marathon journey will be taking place in Queensland as a mark of remembrance and commemoration for all Australians involved in conflict – past and present.

The Run for Resilience will be a 22-day, 1500-kilometre journey of resilience and coming home. Wayne McMurtrie and his Support Team will step off from Anzac Square in Brisbane at dawn on September 1, making their way to the central-west Queensland town of Winton.

Why this route? Mr McMurtrie says that in 1914, as the chaos of war swept across the globe, and from Winton, young men boarded a troop train to Brisbane and began their journey towards war, earning their place in the legend of the ANZAC.

“The Run for Resilience will be a reversal of the original route, signifying how the country trains its troops to go to war, but doesn’t train them to come home,” he says.

“As we run across all levels of terrain, the run will focus on telling the story of current generation young veterans as they struggle to re-define their sense of self-worth and identity, while re-discovering their passion and purpose as they make their way back home in today’s modern society”.

“Community engagement will be a key factor to the success of the Run for Resilience, and to achieve this Fee Mc will host live “Campfire Sessions” to promote positive interactions with local community groups, sporting clubs, schools, regional government, local ESOs and Reserve units along the route.”

With 2018 marking 100 years since the armistice between the allies and German forces, and signalling the end of World War I, the Run for Resilience will also highlight the isolation that many young veterans experience when their time in uniform ends, as well as the tyranny of distance that veterans in regional Australia face – including gaining access to services, support and employment.

Mr McMurtrie will be Joined by his sister, Cairns Community Radio Presenter Fiona and together they will document the journey through the Community Radio Program “Campfire Sessions with Fee Mc”.

Fee says “We will invite members of the communities that we visit to join us around the campfire to share their stories and encourage conversations that break down the stigma around mental health”.

The end of the journey will coincide with Veterans Health Week, which will be held from Saturday, 22 September to Sunday, 30 September.

The Run for Resilience’s charity partners PTSD Resurrected Inc and EDit (Ex-Defence integration team) are currently working to assist young veterans in recovering from the traumas experienced during their service and to re-integrate into life at home with their families and to become respected and valued members of the community.

In September, the community will be encouraged to support the Run for Resilience in any way they can, by either joining the run, join us by the campfire, provide a donation, cheering participants on, or just by joining the conversation.

Run For Resilience’s Charity Partners

PTSD Resurrected Inc was established in 2017 to restore hope, healing, and purpose to individuals suffering from PTSD as a result of trauma experienced during their service. The charity recognises trauma does not only impact an individual, but the entire family and as a result helps those individuals and their families to address trauma from a holistic perspective. Visit for more information.

EDit (Ex-Defence integration team) is a veteran-owned, Australian not-for-profit entity providing employment, transition and integration solutions for former defence members and their families as part of a veterans employment program. Their vision is to see more veterans in meaningful civilian employment and to break down the workplace cultural barriers to the commercial world through a quality transition course and in educating organisations on how best to integrate a veteran into a non-military workforce. Visit for more information.

More Information, Donate & Volunteer

For more information to donate, or to volunteer go to


Continuing on this distance and the military theme (please note it started as distance only, the military bit just happened ?) the Light Horse Ultra is coming up in Perth towards the end of next month. ( ). Shaun, the RD, has offered free entries to serving or ex-military personnel. This will make it one tough race for all. Three options a 3hr, 6hr or 12hr around a 2.5k loop, if that isn’t a mentally challenging race then what is ? Perfect for the strong minded.

Some serious WA talent in this photo ! (and Jon’s infamous bubble bee triathlon top, that rises up his chest the more he eats !!)

This race is one of the many challenging courses created by Shaun Kaesler and his WA Ultra Series. ( ) Of course the mother of all marathons is on this weekend, the Barkley Marathon, a marathon where the norm is no one finishes. !! There’s no website and the entry is a non refundable $1.60 ? If you want to find out more google it or watch the documentaries on Netflix, they are amazing. (Where dreams go to die)

A Shaun Kaesler wanna-be?


To prove my point here’s a list of the Barkley finishers, not winners, finishers… !!!


List of Barkley Finishers…it’s a small list ! No one finished last year !


The Barkley Marathons is one the hardest races in the ultrarunning world. Created by founder Gary “Lazarus Lake” Cantrell, the race provides one of the most grueling ultramarathons ever created. Here is what you need to know about the mysterious race that takes place in the hills of Tennessee.


In 1977, James Earl Ray, who assassinated Martin Luther King Jr., escaped from Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary in the town of Petros in Morgan County, Tennessee. A massive manhunt took place over more than two days, but Ray only made it roughly eight miles through the hills and backwoods surrounding the prison before being caught.

Uninspired by the low mileage of the criminal, Cantrell believed he could make it 100 miles in the mountains around the penitentiary. Thus, Barkley was born.

The name is said to come from Cantrell’s neighbor, Barry Barkley. The reason for this is unclear. The first official running of the Barkley was in 1986.

Field Size and Composition

Though the race has grown in popularity over the past few years, the race caps participants to around 40 people every year. The field consists of runners of all abilities, from elite runners to people Cantrell says have no business being there. This is especially true for whoever receives bib No. 1. That is known as the human sacrifice—a.k.a. the one person Cantrell thinks has the least chance of finishing. Each year, the official participant list is usually kept hush-hush until the race begins.

The race is popular, but the application process is a secret. The information that exists says that mailing in an application, which is subject to changing each year, and a non-refundable registration fee of $1.60 is all it takes to enter. However, when and how is a well-kept secret. There is no official race website.

If you are accepted into the race, you receive a letter of condolences. Racers are also expected to pay another fee, which often takes the form of an article of clothing such as a white, button-up shirt or socks. Cantrell picks the item to bring to the race each year.

First timers—or “Barkley virgins” as Cantrell calls them—are also asked to bring a license plate from their state or country.

A Brief Look at the Course

The course is not well-known outside of those who have attempted a loop of the fabled race, but for your main reference you should know it takes place in Frozen Head State Park, which is in Wartburg, Tennessee. From there, all you need to know is it takes you through the park, by the closed Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary, and up and over wicked terrain and switchbacks.



Consistency is the key to success.

Darlington half, 2k from the finish and it’s all downhill. One happy runner.


Consistency in running is paramount to success and historical data is a good way to predict the future.

Running success is very rarely an overnight thing. As I have said on many occasions ‘running is an honest sport’ and the more time you run the better you will eventually become. (barring long term injuries ofcourse) This is why the 80/20 method championed by Fitzgerald, Lydiard and Maffetone works so well. 80% of the time at a relaxed pace putting little strain on the body as you aren’t pushing the envelope, so
to speak. The faster you run the more pounding you give your joints and muscles, physics as my Dad use to say. Also running off road on trails is another way to avoid injuries (barring a twisted ankle etc) and also helps with the core as you engage the core and fire muscles you wouldn’t use on a flat, even, straight concrete road/path. With a good trail you need to be mentally on the ball and watch every step, compensating for gradient and surface changes. Trail running is also great fun and you get to meet a more ‘running friendly’ lot than the show pony’s of the asphalt racing world. Although as a show pony myself both communities are friendly and open but the trail runners are extra friendly and open; if that is possible.

Right back to consistency. Darlington half last weekend was my 9th in the last 11 years. I missed one through injury and one when they had a road cycling race and cut off the freeway leaving me and Mike on the wrong side of the road unable to get to the start line, very frustrating! (damn pesky cyclists! ) My times for Darlington have been consistent as detailed below.

2009 1:25
2010 1:24
2011 1:21:12 (9th)
2012 Injured
2013 1:19:45 (9th)
2014 1:17:22 (5th)
2015 1:21:46 (10th)
2016 DNS (due to pesky cyclists)
2017 1:19:16 (6th)
2018 1:19:02 (4th)
2019 1:22:55 (9th)

What does this show me? Unfortunately, I’m slowing down but, after coming back from injury and the race being held on a particularly humid day, by how much is open to debate. Will I ever break 80 minutes again? Probably not but if I can run sub 90 minutes for a few more years I’ll be happy enough. Six top 10 finishes in the last seven years is something I am very proud of but more importantly I’ve had some great running battles with good friends and managed to do so much better than I ever thought possible back in 2009. To be running quicker 10 years late is a sign of consistent training, day in, day out and even today I thought to myself how much I still love running.

So, as you can see,  I can gleam so much from historical results, what you can’t see of course is the memories and Darlington holds some great memories. 2009 I ran with my good friend Brett Coombes after we had run Comrades the year before and were training for Comrades 2010. We ran a controlled race and finished together, albeit I remember Brett left me a 100m’s from the line. I’m still smarting!

In 2010 I ran the whole race with Jon and we crossed the line hand in hand. Sounded like a good idea at the time but luckily no one took a photo! It was also the first time we bumped into my now good friend Mark Lee as he weaved in and out of the bush answering natures calls. Something he still does ten years later! How he was a professional football played in a previous life is beyond me?

2011 and me and Steve ‘Twinkle’ Mckean had a great battle and it was here he got his ‘twinkle’ nickname as he would sneak up behind you when you least expected him to. We pushed each other all the way and I just managed to edge past him and grab my first top 10 finish. Highlight was me swiping the last few drinks at one of the drinks stops leaving him with nothing, all is fair in love and racing twinkle.

Eight years ago.. Geoffa, The Duck, Twinkle (hidden) , myself and Wonderboy….

Funnily enough I can remember much about 2013 but another top 10 was the end result. 2014 was the year and a big PB for the course. I look at my splits for this run and now can’t comprehend how I ever went that fast. My last 10k is still the fastest I have ever ran that distance. I remember I was closing down on 4 th place and this was a runner who was always so far ahead of me. I think this really was a break out race for me coming after 2013, which was a breakout year of racing. Probably my running peak looking back now.

Unfortunately, after the high of 2013 I had a shocker in 2014 after Darlington. I blew up in the Bunbury marathon, as defending champion, and this put me in a running slump for well over a year. In the early stages of 2015 I started to work with Raf and Darlington ( ) was the first race under his tutorage. It didn’t end well, and I went over 80 minutes and ran a shocker. With Raf’s help I rediscovered my love of running by adding distance and pace and this is something I take with me to this day.

2017 and 2018 were both sub 80 minutes and good top 10 finishes and I enjoyed good races with great completion on both occasions. Not at the dizzy heights of 2014 but I was now in my fifties so happy to win my age group and stay competitive.

This year though was slower, and I certainly felt the long lay off with Plantar Fasciitis. It was also humid, so the top 10 finish and a reasonable time was a big tick in the ‘comeback’ box. The only fly in the ointment is the continual increase in the ‘pain’ associated with running these times. The increase in time, albeit minimal, is not exponentially reflected in the increase in the pain of achieving these times. Basically, it hurts a lot more now than it did 10 years ago! I feel this is the reason you start to slow as a runner, age and your mind,  conspire against you and the bearable pain threshold begins to come into play at a pace a lot slower than previous years and races. The pain is the same but the pace is a lot slower. Is it possible to raise the pain threshold? Possibly but it is probably a temporary situation at best. Let’s face it as you get older you eventually have to slow down, it’s just a case of when this happens and how much you slow?

This weekend I have another race, this time a 10k which I won last year ( a very rare occurance and probably my last 10k victory …) running sub 35 minutes. I’ll be happy to run 36.xx minutes on Sunday and if I achieve that it will be mainly down to the Nike Vaporflys 4% flyknits (I’ve mentioned these a few times right? ) Do I think I can go sub 37 minutes ? Not sure, I’d hope so as I’ve not run over 36 minutes for many years, actually 2010 at the WAMC run for gold 10k where I ran a 39:25 coming back from injury. (it felt a lot quicker i remember thinking when I crossed the line that day ! )  I remember that day doing my best impression of a scolded cat and basically hanging on for dear life in the last few kilometres, story of my racing life. This weekend I’m going to make an effort to start slower and finish stronger, maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks?

The table below highlights the effort I have needed to put in to keep reaching my your goals. Is that a problem ? No way, training is fun, racing is fun and writing about running is fun. I lead a charmed life really….


Running really is all about number and Strava of course..



So the point of this post. Keep a track of all your running in either a spreadsheet or Strava (you have got Strava right ? ) and use this to predict the future as well as setting realistic goals. Also remember it’s better to be consistent over a long period rather than having peaks and troughs  in your training. Another valuable tip is to cross train as much as possible if you get injured. Swimming, cycling (on an Elliptigo of course or even gym work is better than nothing at all. If you can’t run do anything to get the heart rate pumping, it all helps long term and may make the comeback easier.


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It’s official Nic Harman is faster than Robert De Castella.

As I predicted in my post last week Nic Harman did break Robert De Castella’s (Deeks)  Darlington half record today. Deek’s had ran 1:06:50 the day of his wedding and that record had stood for over 20 years. Today Nic ran a 1:06 dead to become the fastest runner to conquer the Darlington hills on the 50th anniversary of the event. In Deek’s defence Nic has no plans to get married today so he was probably a little more focused than Deek’s when he ran today.

So how good is Nic ? He has a PB for the half of 1:03:46 set in Cardiff this year as a member of the Australian Commonwealth team and he is at that stage in his career when every run is a personal best. (How I miss those days but unfortunately Father Time seems to have caught up with me , finally! ) If he was to find four minutes for the half he’s running sub one hour and all of a sudden he’s playing with the Kenyans and setting Australian best times. Of course finding four minutes is a big task but he is up for it and has the right team behind him to achieve this and more beside.

Speaking to Nic after the Darlington half this morning it’s clear his new goal is the marathon and specifically his first in July this year, the Gold Coast Marathon, on the 7th.  To me the marathon is the perfect distance for Nic , he is the ideal weight,  has the mental toughness required to compete at the highest level, the boy is focused , motivated and has Raf in his corner. Put all that together and you have the possibility of greatness.


Winners are Grinners.. can Nic become Australia’s greatest ever marathon runner?


Right enough about Nic , a talented runner with his whole glittering career ahead of him and more hair than is fair ! Let’s talk about a runner hanging on for dear life before being dragged, kicking and screaming,  back to the pack with very little hair, which is unfair. After such a long lay off I always knew Darlington was going to be mentally and physically tough. I was not let down on either count. At 5k I was ready to pull the pin and started to think about all the posts I could write on failure and taking the positives from the negatives. It was only my good mate the T-train ( ) catching me at around the 5k mark that kept me honest. I slotted in behind Tony for a few kilometres and left the group I was running with and continued up the hill.

As you can see from the elevation below Darlington is about 12k up hill and 9k downhill (I’m never sure how that works but there is a loop you don’t run on the way back?) Anyhow I convinced myself things would be better on the final 9k and if I could get to this point I could ‘stumble’ home for a semi-reasonable time. So between 6k and 12k I got my head down and just kept Tony in sight as he gradually moved away from me.

As with all racing it’s easy to think you could have gone faster when you’re sitting at your computer screen, freshly showered and fed and watered. All of a sudden you think you could have gone a few seconds faster here, pushed a bit harder there but truth be told people you ran your heart out and there probably was nothing left in the tank to give. Well that’s racing for me and today was no different. I was not a pretty sight at the end of this little adventure but I’m blaming the humidity which was brutal.

Right we left with me watching the T-train disappear into the distance hanging on to a top 10 position with the downhill section of the race ahead of me. Not much to report on this part really , got my head down and knew if I could maintain some resemblance of pace I’d be a shoe in for a top 10 , which before the start was the main goal. I’ve raced Darlington seven time before and on a few occasions I’ve ‘exploded ‘down the hill hitting times I have never repeated on the flat, today was not going to be one of those days. My splits were best described as consistent and my last 5k was the quickest but really this is a given at Darlington. That’s not to say it’s easy , you just go faster for the same amount of pain ! The Nike Vaporfly 4%’s flyknit’s got their first hit out and I am happy to report they are even better than the original versions. Lighter and more ‘bounce‘  and they fitted perfectly. Thankyou Nike, we really are not worthy.

Finished in 1:22:55 which of course will be rounded down to 1:22 at work tomorrow, sounds so much better and no need to bother non-runners with seconds, it confuses them. I think I was 9th ( mainly due to runners ahead of me deciding to reinvent the course and getting lost within spitting distance of the finish. ) which will be great is that is confirmed and pretty sure I was the ‘first old bugger‘ as Tony puts it. (50-55 age group) All in all a very successfully day but not for all.

Jon had decided to sacrifice a good time at Darlington by watching Kylie Minogue last night and taking on board 6 beers and a bottle of wine. Let’s just say he was not firing on all cylinders and looked like death warmed up at the finish. Certainly proves the well held theory that alcohol and racing really do not mix, like beer and wine eh Jon ? H made up for his slow running by driving like ‘Michael Schumacher on meth‘ to and from the event, blaming his BMW , apparently that’s the way you have to drive it? He also wore the oldest and most worn racing flats I have ever seen. Jon is famous for running the Rottnest marathon in 2017 and then attempting the 5k straight after, with his kids, when the soles of his racing shoes came away from the rest of the shoe, the show literally broke in half !  Jon likes to get his money’s worth from his trainers!


One of the few half marathons where a negative split is just about a dead cert.

So the lesson learned from today is trust in your training and although it would be easy to pull the pin early that initial feeling of despair , and ‘total abject pain‘ will normally subside over time. Your training will eventually kick in and some sort of bearable pain threshold achieved, this is racing. Nothing beats a bib on your chest and the feeling your heart is about to explode through your ribcage, nothing. The benefits far out weight the pain that you need to put yourself in during the event, you come out the other end a better runner.(or in Jon’s case ….sober!)

I’ve always maintained the fastest way to improve is to race, as much as humanly possible, after your initial “building” training block of course. (and maybe a speed block and some resting ?, check out anything by Arthur Lydiard.) I’m hoping today will be the springboard to a reasonable 10k next Sunday and then maybe, just maybe, the Bunbury Marathon in April. I won this event in 2013 and went back in 2014 fitter and more focused than ever but totally blew up at 10k, made for a very painful lesson. Haven’t been back so it’s about time I returned to right a few wrongs….

Apart from the start line this is the closest I got to Nic all day ! The boy is quick….

Mike, myself, Nic (1st) and Liam (3rd)

The Delirious West 200miler, what a resounding success.

200 miles, how hard can that be, you have 104 hours to finish ?


Last week I spent most of my time watching 40 or so dots move along a map from Northcliffe to Great Southern Distillery Company, Albany, on the Bibbulmum track, a distance of nearly 350km’s.  ( ) The race started at Wednesday 7am and there was a 104 hour cut-off, yep you read that right, 104 hours !! There was a sweeper but it looked like he was more a pacer than a sweeper and the few people that did drop out where not ‘swept up‘ but chose to bail on their own terms for a number of very valid reasons. The scenery was stunning running along the West Australian coastline and the elevation was brutal, chuck in some serious heat and you have all the ingredients for a life changing experience. I was so close to entering so many times pre-event and in the end decided discretion was the better part of valour , at least for 2018 anyway. Watching the dots move along my screen (there was live tracking via a competitor and their ‘spot’ which was compulsory) I was very envious and regretted my decision but consoled myself with the knowledge that 2020 would be even bigger and maybe the 100 cap could be nudged, which meant more competitors and better racing.

Ultra running in WA is going through a bit of a boom at the moment with the Shaun Kaesler inspired Ultra Series WA ( ) , the Perth Trail Series ( ) as well as Ron McGlinns Australia Day Ultra ( ) and Dave Kennedy’s various events including the 6 inch ultra ( ) ; there would probably be an ultra a month available if you were mad enough to take them all on. Of course the Delirious West is a step up from all of these events being over double the distance of the longest alternative but the stepping stone races are now available and you can work yourself up from 25k (from the Perth Trail Series) through the distances to the 335k (335k is an estimate; the final distance of the Delirious West will probably change annually on Shaun Kaesler’s whim; with the number probably always going up !) ) Delirious West main course.

Ultra running has some benefits as I have mentioned before in a post below, the main one being people are impressed by the longer you take and the distance. This means if you were to finish last you get more kudos than the eventual winner. Ultra’s really are the events that just keep giving…

Running has become more and more popular , not seen since the days of the Sony Walkman revolution of the early eighties when for the first time you could run with music. (To the young generation amongst us we used a  thing called a ‘tape’, analog not digital music. ) People new to running inevitably join a running club or run with more experienced friends and before they know it they’ve signed up for their first race. This is a good thing as I believe you never push yourself as much as when the competitive juices start to flow with a racing bib on your chest. One thing leads to another and before too long you’ve entered your first half or full marathon.

Invariably this distance is conquered and you’ve informed all your friends via Facebook and normally your work colleagues via daily updates on your progress. The problem arises though when the marathon doesn’t seem to cut it for kudos like it use to. In the office there seems to be quite a few marathoners and worse most are faster than you. You start to get compared to John in accounts who ran sub3 or even Sheila in Purchasing who ran has ran 10 marathons while juggling family commitments and a busy career. So these days to get some real kudos it’s time to take this running to the next level, the ultra-marathon.

The ultra has the added benefit of the slower you run the more kudos you get,  where as the marathon is, these days, about not only completing it but also setting a good time. Non runners are getting use to people telling them they’ve ran a marathon and have responded asking how long they took. Again they are wise to what they consider a good time and if you reply ‘4 hours’ they look at you with pity and  ask ‘what went wrong’? Not so with the ultra-marathon. Because it is still not mainstream a non runner has no idea what a good or bad time is for an ultra and even if they did the distance can be varied to confuse them. Remember an ultra is anything longer than a marathon distance, it can be 42.3k upwards.

The ultra gets even better, they tend to be in far flung locations and have pretty serious titles, again earning kudos points. How good does an ‘ultra-marathon in Death Valley‘ sound. Death valley, c’mon, if that doesn’t get serious kudos around the drink fountain nothing will. Ok, Sheila from Purchasing has ran 10 marathons but she’s never ran an ultra-marathon in Death Valley. They have no idea where Death Valley is or even what an ultra-marathon is but who cares, you are now the running god in the office, someone who wouldn’t waste their time with silly ‘girl distance’ like marathons. The universe is realigned and you can ‘strut’ around the office yet gain.

The only downside to this new running adventure is the office folk then look to you for more and more longer distances and/or exotic locations. After your first ultra you can never repeat that distance as non-runners , although initially impressed , soon become impervious to distance running unless there is a serious upgrade or the location adds some spice. e.g. The Marathon Des Sable (, the toughest footrace on Earth. ! ( ..On Earth? are they saying there’s a tougher footrace not on earth, the Moon 100k maybe? Now that would be worth talking about !??)

A word of warning of course,  you may come across the non runner who knows a thing or two about ultra-running and while you strut around the office sprouting off about a 100k race on the local trails,  basking in the adulation of the finance department,  they walk past and grunt it was ‘no Marathon Des Sables’. Instantly your credibility is destroyed and you sneak off back to your desk plotting your next adventure.

So to sum up,  an ultra marathon may fill the void in the office kudos states. It has the benefit of still being relatively hardcore, in the view of the uneducated, allows you to focus on distance and not time (to counter that nasty sub3 runner in Accounts) and even allows you to slow down and take your time as the longer you take will actually earn more brownie points.  I won’t even start to mention the extra equipment you get to buy and use on ultra-marathons. The wardrobe options are endless and include camelbacks, gators, water belts and my mate Mark’s favourite,  a cappuccino machine. ! (He doesn’t actually bring along a cappuccino machine but he wore a water belt once that had so many accessories he might as well have!)  This can become more of a hindrance than a help as I always remember feeling my mate TB’s camelback at the end of the 6 inch ultra-marathon ( ) and it must have weighted 10k; and that was at the END of the race not the beginning !!

The 6 inch is a good example of the small step up needed from the marathon distance. Remember anything longer than a marathon is classed an ultra. The 6 inch is 46k (assuming you don’t get lost, which I have on a number of occasions!), so for that extra 4k you get to shoot down Sheila in Purchasing as you’ve ran an ultra-marathon and ,as everybody knows , so much harder than the silly marathon…

So lookout Sheila,  we’re coming for you ?


Am I mad enough to tackle the Delirious West in 2020 ? Hell yeah, I’m gutted I missed the inaugural running but I’m certainly looking to get to the start line next year. As soon as entries open I’m in, the only fly in the possible Delirious West ointment is the possibility that it will the same weekend as Daughter No2’s  ball, I’m sure she’ll understand, eventually and the best bit is I have Daughter no3’s ball to go to assuming I don’t run the Delirious in 2025 ? (I am a creature of habit as I missed Daughter No1’s graduation meal when I was running the Rottnest Marathon!)




A runners’ life, embrace recovery.

The last couple of years have been a testing time for the BK running career. Struck down by a calf tear in 2017 and Plantar Fasciitis in 2018 I have been unable to string together a full racing season. I never really have a ‘down time’ and the last 10 years have been a continual circle of train, race, train repeat, always a race to get ready for and then a small recovery period before of we go again. This has served me well over the years and I was probably a few months short of a good 10 year of unbroken injury free running. Of course as I always say on this blog eventually the piper comes calling and he needs to be paid. I consider the last two years my payment, in full !

2018 started well with an Australian Ultra Association (  ) Age Group 100k record and 8 gold medals at the Australian Masters ( four state and four national) but it all went downhill pretty rapidly when Plantar Fasciitis came calling. As soon as I knew I had PF I just about wrote the year off. PF is an injury that just takes time to heal due to affected area having little blood flow and the fasciitis itself. This combination just makes the whole healing process a slow one. Personally I think I was quite lucky to return to full training after 7 months of trail running on sand. Speaking to my fellow runners there was stories of 1-2 years recovery and at my age that isn’t an option.

So after my return in December at the 6 inch ultra I was ready for another crack at the AURA Age Group record for 100k at the Australian Day Ultra. Unfortunately I got ‘man-flu’ a week out and just couldn’t recover in time, truth be told I’m still recovering now a month later. This leads me to the point of this post. Recovery is all part of a runners journey and if it is approached with the right attitude can be just as stimulating as full on training. The knack is to take it slow and just try and get a bit better every day/run. Don’t worry about pace or even distance, every recovery run is judged on its own merits and how you feel on the day. Want to cut it short, fine, or go a bit longer , ok . The point is for recovery you can free yourself from the tight reins of a training plan or daily run expectations. It can actually be quiet liberating.

As you can see from the graphic below I was building up nicely from the 6 inch before ‘man-flu‘ struck, I’d say on January 11th ! With hindsight doing a double-double day the day before (A Yelo progressive, commute to work on the Elliptigo, a 10k lunch time run and then a commute home; three hours of exercising) was probably the straw that broke the camels back. Of course that is easy to say now but I must admit to feeling weary after the Thursday morning progressive run at Yelo and promising myself I’d have the lunch time off but of course when midday comes all is forgotten and off you go. Even when I retired to my bed on Friday I was confident I could make the ADU the following Friday, it was a taper week anyhow so a few days in bed would probably do me good. Not to be this time I was still weak as a kitten a week later and as you can see from my training log was out of action for over two weeks.  So back to recovery I stumbled starting with a long run with the NSRG ( ) , 18k that probably should have been 10k but mission accomplished I was back. I even stumbled out for a second run but this proved to be my undoing and I had to have Monday off before building up again, putting in the time on legs without worrying about pace or distance. So far I’m on track and starting to enjoy my running, although I never really don’t enjoy my running but running with a post man-flu glow can be testing.


Build up, get sick, build up…repeat…

As you can see from my Strava extract above ( you are on Strava aren’t you? ( I have also been loving my time on the Elliptigo and the Bionic Gen1 . These extra hours spent commuting I’m sure will pay dividends when I eventually get myself back to full fitness and race ready. The Bionic especially is a hard stand up bike to master and I only managed a week before I scuttled off back to the Elliptigo. I’m blaming my recent illness but the Bionic really is just plain old fashioned hard work and I feel I need to be better prepared for the beating you take. Of course when I say ‘beating’ it is in the best way possible. I’m stoked that I’m now getting 6-8 hours a week extra aerobic/cardio fitness time compared to sitting on a train of commuters glued to their phones. Commuting to work on the Go or Bionic is hard work , yes, but so enjoyable and its doing me so much good it really is the ultimate win-win situation. Hell I even save money daily, albeit the running costs of the bikes probably cost as much as the train fare but that’s not the point is it.

Living in Perth I am so lucky with the climate which is either ‘perfect for running,  anytime ‘ or ‘prefect for running but you need to run early mornings (summer)‘ ; it also has hundreds of kilometres of bike paths so you can ride all day and never enter the territory of those nasty ‘bike hating’ cars! I understand a lot of you don’t live in such a hospitable environment and commuting on a bike is out of the question but if you can even drop the car a few kilometres from the office and run in that would help; anything is better than nothing. As I said in previous posts I was inspired by Tim ‘the man in the Halo‘  Don who still averaged 15 hours a week exercising with a broken neck wearing a halo. ! ( ) For me to average 15 hours a week running would be injury suicide, thus my commuting on the stand up bikes , running without the pounding and thus no chance of injury. So fast this has worked well and the 6th place finish at the 6 inch ultra marathon in December showed my lack of running mileage could be supplemented by the cardio benefits of the Elliptigo. ( )



Bionic Gen1 , this thing is a monster !

Back to recovery , which was the reason behind this post I think, I sometimes just ramble on and never know where these posts take me. After an injury or illness treat recovery as a ‘gift not a hinderance’. Embrace the feeling of just running for the pure love of running and slowly increase the distance/pace of each recovery run but if for any reason you ‘aren’t feeling it’ , pull the pin. Arthur Lydiard was a big believer is this and that man knew a thing or three about running ! ( ) Don’t be forced back into racing too early, a sure fire way to regress and also demotivate yourself when you run a slower than expected finish time. Nothing demotivates a runner more than slowing down but you can slow the process with a good recovery plan. I’ll be putting this to the test over the next few months and I’ll keep you informed of progress, right, I’m off for a run albeit a slow one.



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What’s better than one ‘stand up bike’, obvious, two stand up bikes.

Yesterday I managed to run for the first time in nearly three weeks after successfully surviving the near death experience that is ‘man-flu‘. Please note this is something only men can understand because for some reason women, and especially my current Wife, do not understand this potentially fatal condition. I had six days off work which culminated in a 4am call to the mobile doctors and a request from them to go to hospital. They were thinking heart attack,  I was thinking pneumonia, my Wife was thinking ‘it’s a bloody cold , get over it!’ (I told you , they don’t understand?) In the end I decided I didn’t want to bother anybody and there was probably really sick people at hospital and if I was going to check out I wanted to do it surrounded by my loved ones and also make it as hard as possible on No1 Wife to teach her a lesson. Luckily I managed to survive to run another day and so the rehabilitation began in earnest.

By rehabilitation I mean wandering about with a ‘woe is me‘ look on my face for a week and letting all interested parties , of which there was one, Mum!, know how I was lucky to be alive , no thanks to my current Wife. (I never did find my bell I used to summon her the first few days when I needed a cup of tea (as all men know a cup of tea cures all known ailments, and doubly quick if you make it sweet.)  I had my suspicions to its whereabouts as I can hear it every time I ‘twerk’… ?) Anyhow I digress….

For my return to running I selected a run with the Northern Suburb Running Group (NSRG  ) a social running group that has been going for longer than I can remember and is always welcoming to new runners, old runners or even runners who have survived ‘man-flu‘ and need some company. (and also someone to talk to about the experience in great detail.) I took Jon along because he always loves company and is still seeking his new Wife after jettisoning the old one. (For any runners who are looking for love Jon is available on tinder and would make a great mate.   For any of my readers (and my Mum!) under 18 please do not click on the tinder link.)

For the NSRG Sunday long run there was about ten of us and we all thoroughly enjoyed the company and the route taking in a local bushland loop and a lake before retreating from the heat to the local Dome Cafe for waffles and coffee; a runners post long run treat. Actually the conversation post run was probably as long as the run itself, I take this as a positive personally. For all runners looking to either start running or just wanting some great company the NSRG is the place to go, you won’t find a better bunch of runners in Perth. They also spend time in the company of the T-train and a few have jumped on board his coaching programs which seem to be going great guns. (  )


It was about the company , not the pace or distance.


Feeling excited about running again I did manage a 8k second run that evening which started slowly, sped up in the middle and ended as it started. No problem, it was about getting out twice which I believe is a massive benefit and improves running quicker than a new pair of Nike Vaporfly 4%’s… (You all have a pair of these now don’t you ? ) probably.  Funnily enough at the end I thought I had a 5:18 average, turned out to be 5:38; ouch. Looking at previous runs on that route (thanks Strava) I was informed this was the slowest, ever, but quite a margin. Was I upset? No, it was never about pace , all about just getting out there on tired legs and putting some time in. I really enjoyed the run, bar the enforced Mark Lee toilet stop in the middle and it served the purpose it was meant to. Remember people Matt Fitzgerald 80/20, Arthur Lydiard and Phil Maffetone. The three wise men of running.

Not pretty but second run box ticked.


More news in the runbkrun assault on a potential marathon PB this year. I have added a new stand up bike to the stable. (Is two bikes a stable or a garage?) I managed to find a brand new (virtually) Bionic Gen1 from a friend on Strava and I pick it up tonight. I am more than excited as the Bionic (Gen1 and 2) and the Predator were stand up bike invented by an Australian Company (run4) which has since gone out of business due to dubious Chinese suppliers . It’s a pity because these bikes were well built and also built for runners specifically. I managed to get a test ride on a Bionic after I brought the Elliptigo ( ) and was really impressed with the product. Unfortunately the company then went out of business so finding one virtually brand new is a real find. (I have also sourced a brand new Predator and aim to add that to my stable soon but the Wife is still not overly excited about me purchasing another bike so maybe purchasing another two bikes would push her over the edge? …maybe ? Women really are from different planets, maybe even different solar systems!!!)


All the fun of running with no impact.


Is there alternatives still available on the inter web ?  hell yeah.  This bad boy looks the business but is hand built to specific orders rather tham mass produced, that means it very expensive. It looks very, very good but the price is a show stopper for me. For any runners out there with some serious coin to throw about this bike looks very, very good. Unfortunately (I say that a lot when my  current Wife is then also mentioned in the same sentence?)  my current Wife would divorce me if I paid the $10k Australian needed to bring one of these into the country. I’ll get in touch them and see if they fancy sponsoring an old, balding runner with a beard and a blog supported mainly by his mother ? (Actually if you google ‘stand up bikes‘ and check out the images there are some really ‘out there‘ versions; and I mean out there!)

The point of this post is twofold. First, I am recovering from time out from running and when you do this you need to think of recovery as a day by day activity with small progress, be it in pace or distance, the target not reaching the dizzy heights of where you were pre-injury (illness). Matt Fitzgerald summed it up when he stated he actually enjoyed recovery as the pressure of obtaining certain goals was not there. You can get back to the pure joy of running without the need to ‘improve bu hitting targets’. I always think of this when I return from injury and this is why yesterdays second run, with an average pace of 5:38min/k, is still seen as a positive and a small step forward. I loved the feeling of getting out there for a second time and just ‘running’ for the pure love of running, admittedly i could have down without the ‘Mark Lee‘ toilet stop.

Second I am again talking up the benefit of stand-up bikes. Trust me people these are the Nike Vaproflys 4%’s of bikes, forget the usual version, for a runner you need a bike built for improving your running not improving your cycling. (Unless of course you are a triathlete reading this post by mistake; remember its runbkrun not !) These bikes really do work and I cannot wait to get on my bionic and see what benefit I can gain from this compared to the Ellipitgo. Does this mean I’m selling the Elliptigo? Well I may have mentioned to my Wife I was going to sell the Elliptigo to pay for the Bionic but I suspect this may not happen and I may keep both, funnier things have happened.

Mines the cheaper Australian version, but then we are ‘battlers’…


First commute this, it hurt !

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Another DNS makes for a very depressed runner.

2018 was probably not my best year with seven months wasted due to Plantar Fasciitis. The year did start and end well but injury made for a very sad BK for most of the year. There was a slight glimmer of hope  after a top 10 finish at the 6 inch trail ultra marathon ( ) and I started to believe that maybe 2019 was going to be a better year.

After 22 weeks of Elliptigo commuting to work and some good quality training towards the back end of 2018 I was ready to defend my ADU title. ( ) Last year I probably had the run of my life to win the 100k event and set a sub 8 hour time. I had certainly left a few minutes on the course and reckoned with a new pair of Fly 4%’er’s I would be able to collect these and maybe even nudge a sub 7:45 finish. Unfortunately (I seem to be typing that a lot lately?) this was not to be as a week out I came down with ‘man-cold’, this then morphed into ‘man-flu’ (which can kill !) and finally a throat infection and onto the antibiotics.  Needless to say after over a week off work I was in no condition to run 100k. So the ADU 2019 was added to my ever growing list of races I had entered and not started, the dreaded DNS. (Did Not Start). In my defence there was no way I was going to make the start line , even with the best Goggin’s motivational lines; and there are many !! ( )

So how many DNS races have there been in my career ? The first one , and the most expensive by far, was the 2015 Disney Goofy challenge. I think the entry was over $500US and unfortunately the Oil price put paid to that trip to sunny Florida when Chevron decided they’d had enough of me and I had to move to Schlumberger, for a massive pay cut ! Current Wife and many Daughters were not happy with that decision. In Disney’s defence they did refund me a few hundred dollars gift card which I never used. (Their retail site really is very, very sad; sorry Disney.)

Next in line was the Darlington half 2016 when due to a bike race shutting down the freeway we couldn’t actually get to the start line in time. I blame the guys at TRC for putting out a route that was flawed and left me and Mike the wrong side of the Reid highway unable to cross. on the bright side it was stinking hot and humid and they probably done us a favour ! Mike had actually worked out a route to the start which would have worked but for once the ‘trust in TRC‘ mantra backfired; sorry Mike.

Next was the Bunbury Marathon of 2017 when I picked up a nasty 5cm calf tear there week before after racing the WAMC Bridges 10k. With hindsight I probably should have given that race a miss so close to a marathon and this was a lesson learned. This calf tear cost me three months and was my biggest injury at that time. I blame hanging around at the finish for the age group medal I had won and then jogging back to the car. That jog back , while dehydrated and tired after running a 10k, was the reason behind the tear. Preventable for sure and a real rookie error. Funnily enough I had risked the run back and made a big effort to take it as easy as possible. The tear happened as I exited the shower somehow ? Still I could have probably avoided the injury with some forethought.

The good old fashioned calf tear, the curse of the older runner !

Finally the City to Surf in 2018 was another race I had entered early but due to injury couldn’t make the start line. This was to be a big race as it was the 10th in a row and also I was part of a small group of runners who had all previous nine. 25 of us had made this elusive club after running the inaugural marathon in 2009. This one hurt and it was very emotional on the morning of the race as I walked the dogs rather than compete. With hindsight I could have probably completed the course but was worried about breaking my 27 in a row sub3 streak I was (am) on. If I had my time again….

The Spartan group now has one less member. Made the photo shoot but not the race !

That’s it, five races all in the last 4 years, and at least I got my annual DNS out the way early this year? Overall I suppose I got to be happy with that and I’m still to experience the dreaded DNF (Did Not Finish). The quandary I am now in of course is is the fear of either DNF’ing or finishing a marathon slower than sub three hours going to start to eat away at the reason why I run in the first place, , my love of running ? Is the fear of failure going to eventually outweigh the pursuit of running goals that keep you coming back to the sport. Will I start to avoid events that may result in me not performing as well as I would have liked. ? I remember once somebody said to me why do you train so hard and my response was fear, fear of slowing down; was that the wrong reason ? Surely it should be for the love of running and pace and time should be secondary. ? Probably, but on the other hand I am a competitive runner and every time I put on a race bib it really is on for young and old. there is no grey area here people, just a switch, on and off. This is why I am able to replicate times I have achieved ten years previous, even in my early fifties, good old fashioned hard work and the fear of failure. Of course there is also the love of competing and, as I have said many times , the pack may be calling but I’m still not ready to go back to it. A few more years in the sun I reckon , keeping a few young guns honest, albeit for less and less distance after the start of a race but it’s still nice to be at the pointy end, albeit briefly, and feel alive doing what I love to do with like minded people.

This was what made missing the ADU yesterday so painful, the camaraderie of the event and general atmosphere. I have a whole year to wait before I can experience that again and I’m not the most patient person in the world, that is why a DNS sucks. On the bright side I feel a lot better today and may even start running again next week so the year isn’t a right off just yet. This extended break has also given my PF time to finally fully heal and I’m confident I can start to add some pace work to my endless Kings Park trail running rehabilitation program. This is much needed with the WAMC racing catalogue about to start for 2019 and I need to get back my age group win after losing it last year due to not completing the required number of races to qualify. Will miss the February presentations for the first time in many years , got to love getting old. ( I seem to have typed that a lot lately as well?)  Not much of a positive post this one but unfortunately (there’s that word again.) sometimes running is a cruel mistress and once in a while the piper needs paying. Personally I think I’m paid in full for a few years so lets get back to writing about what I love writing about, racing and training with the BK posse…. yours in running… BK

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