General day to day ramblings

How mental is an ultra marathon ?

How far do you want to push yourself?

With Herdy’s backyard ultra 2025 kicking off in a few days I thought it would be a good time to post on how mental is ultra running compared to shorter distance running.  Of course I understand all running is a mix of mental toughness and physical conditioning. No one has ever said ‘I ran a marathon with no training and it was easy’ unfortunately.  You need the right mix of cardio fitness , through training, and mental toughness to put yourself in the ‘pain box’ and push your limits.

A fit runner with a weak mental approach will probably perform worse than someone with less cardio fitness but mentally stronger.  I recall a conversation with Steve Moneghetti  who maintained the difference between a professional runner and a ‘normal‘ runner was the ability of the professional to put themselves in the pain box deeper, i.e. they could take more pain than the average runner.  Of course natural ability and training play a part but to take it to the next level you need to be mentally stronger and be able to take more suffering, simple really.  This then explains why drugs can play a part in running with masking drugs dulling the pain, giving the runner a big advantage, they can basically stay in the red zone longer.

Separated at birth ? Steve Monaghetti and I.

So to the point of the post. How much more important is mental toughness in ultra running. ? I would say ultra running is far more mental than physical albeit you need to have a bare minimum of cardio fitness, I’m not saying mental toughness is all you need of course but it is more important the longer the event.  I always equate ultra running to driving a car in second or third gear , where as a marathon or shorter would have you in the top gear and heading towards the red zone, i.e. high revs. The fitter you are the longer you can maintain this high gear,   whereas for an ultra you can maintain the lower gears longer with less fitness.

I wonder if Goggins would ever stop..ever ?

As the great David Goggin’s teaches when you are totally spend , or think you are, you are only at 40%, there is 60% left in the tank which the mind does not allow the body to use, it is protecting you.  If you can tap into that 60% imagine the outcome.   ( would highly recommend spending time on his website, getting hard.  In every ultra I have ran I have had good times , highs , mixed with bad times, lows, throughout the event. With experience I recognise when this happens and just keep on keeping on,  knowing there is a good chance the low will eventually move to a high, it’s just a matter of time.  You are also affected by nutrition, hydration and if either are not on point you will start to suffer, I always go back to the saying that ‘a Porsche with no fuel does not move forward’, fuel is so important and becomes more and more important as the ultra event moves on.  The time of day will also play with you mind. I call the time between midnight and 4am the witching hours, this is when you are at your weakest and I see so many DNF’s around this time.  If you can get to sunrise the whole world changes, you are no longer cocooned in your small circle of light Infront of you, very few people DNF at sunrise.  Again this is purely mental , your mind convincing you to stop, turning up fatigue to 11 and giving you so many reasons to finish.

I have attached my Strava output from the True Blue Ultra 2025 , a 100km ultra that starts at midnight. As you can see from the image below I started well enough and then gradually started a death slide though the early hours , the witching hours, and then when the sun rose I was reinvigorated.  (Read the post here )  I remember at one point just thinking to myself “get to sunrise and then see how you feel, do not pull the pin in the witching hours, this is a low and it will pass, just keep moving forward. ”  The sun came up and I was a new runner,  running a good negative split and finishing strong.

Saved by sunshine. Guess when the sunrose ?

Experience gives you the knowledge to see and understand the highs and lows of ultra running but it doesn’t make it any easier.  In fact I would say the difference between a high and low increases as you age, unfortunately.  Each time it takes a little bit more to pull yourself out of a low and over time eventually the amount of effort (pain cave time) will just become too much and you will stop. I have found this to be true in the last few years, albeit I’m still finishing but it does get harder and mentally I’m digging deeper and deeper but that’s the point I suppose. Eventually I will get to a point where maybe I do decide to give in but I’m hoping I’ve got a few years left in me. On the bright side I’m always way ahead of the sweeper and currently do not chase cut offs, still chasing the leaders at the moment.

Funnily enough Shaun Kaesler, he off Ultra Series fame, ( ) posted this week that there was less than a dozen entries for the Feral Pig 100 miler in November this year , ( ) of course I had to enter even after swearing blind I wouldn’t.. ( see this post on the subject  )  I have ran this event four times, finishing three times but only really running well on one occasion.  The Feral Pig tests you like no other event and mentally I have come so close to pulling the pin,  in the last three years, on so many occasions.  I remember last year starting the ‘death loop‘ ( a thirty eight kilometre loop at the end of the event, and the hardest part of the course) totally goosed with nothing left in the tank knowing this loop would take probably six to seven hours, of which I’d enjoy very little.  It would have been easy to just stop as the loop is after the start finish village, you can stop at 130km into the event, or run past the start finish, and your car that could take you home,  into the death loop. It really plays with your mind, trust me.  The last three years I have mentally been strong enough to power through the test but it is harder year on year. Luckily I always have good mates to share the pain with and suffering together is actually easier than alone, a big difference actually. Company really can make the unbearable bearable. especially with the usual suspects pictured below.

The Feral Pig 2024 was a mission. What will 2025 offer?


This article from from Uphill Athlete Alexa Hasman is brilliant.. ( ) Enjoy. 

The sun barely starts to set as I climb up a muddy and well-worn trail in the coastal mountains of Oregon. I am 40 miles into my 100-mile race and have a long night ahead of me. I check in on myself: “Feeling good, Alexa. Keep grinding. You know these trails better than anyone.”

The moment I finish this thought, I feel a sudden, sharp pain in my right knee. I stumble to the ground in pain. Trying to stand, I realize in horror that I can barely weight that leg. I was 5 miles out from the next aid station, where my crew is waiting to assist me. I sit on the wet branches and bushes lining the trail and take a deep breath. Breath. Plan. Act. This is where I am, and nothing can change the circumstances. Instead, I have to figure out how to deal with the situation. Remaining calm, I try to stand up but immediately fall. I realize in frustration that I have no choice but to complete the next five miles on a leg that can’t function properly and that my race is over. Tears stream down my face with the knowledge of all the hours of training I put into this, and all my goals are being crushed by small ligaments in my knee.

I defeat this thought by reminding myself of my strength and perseverance. Heck, I trained for 100s of hours on these trails through snow, sleet, and rushing rivers. I can absolutely make it the next 5 miles. It may be slow and painful, but I must do it. Taking a deep breath, I pull myself up and start to limp my way down the trail slowly. I take deep breaths along the way and remember that today was another beautiful day in the woods. This wasn’t going to be my last race.

Ultrarunners receive odd looks when they discuss the 50, 100, or even more miles they run – on purpose. Typical responses include “Like….all at once?” or “Why would you do that? That sounds awful,” or the all-time favorite, “I don’t even like driving that far!”. It begs a good question, why would someone desire to run such painfully long distances? Fortunately, scientists are also curious about it, and studies show that ultrarunners are a little psychologically different from other types of athletes. We can take plenty of lessons from ultrarunners and apply their ultrarunning mindset to our daily life. So, let’s journey through an ultrarunner’s way of dealing with demanding situations through Alexa’s anecdotes and range of experiences as an elite ultrarunning athlete.

Ultrarunners endure extreme athletic fatigue, boredom, gastrointestinal distress, pain, and injury. They run through the day, through the night, through snow, wind, rain, fog, and extreme temperatures and altitudes. What type of brain chemistry allows them to reach these athletic extremes and enjoy it enough to keep doing it?

“Tears stream down my face with the knowledge of all the hours of training I put into this, and all my goals are being crushed by small ligaments in my knee.”


“Every time I sign up for an ultra, I look forward to the struggle. I love the intense feeling of working through tough physical moments. I love being in the woods, alone, and figuring out how to continue when I don’t want to. When I speak to my ultrarunning friends, they often describe that same desire. That need for the struggle and challenge. That is what drives us.”

Scientific studies comparing non-athletes to ultrarunners show some interesting findings. Ultrarunners are more resilient and adaptive and have a lower response rate to negative stimuli (1). They are also lower in affiliative extroversion (not as socially warm and friendly). This may be an essential factor in the long, lonely miles running through the forest alone, but it seems at odds with the close-knit ultrarunning community.

What we can take away from this is that ultrarunning is like a social club for people who don’t enjoy being all that social. A community where people can talk and connect about the lonely sport they love while eating soggy potato chips out of a bowl in the woods. This is our way of connecting when conventional forms of social interaction may be out of our comfort zone.

“Every time I sign up for an ultra, I look forward to the struggle. I love the intense feeling of working through tough physical moments. I love being in the woods, alone, and figuring out how to continue when I don’t want to. When I speak to my ultrarunning friends, they often describe that same desire. That need for the struggle and challenge. That is what drives us.”

Jeff Browning focusing on the podium
Jeff Browning from Patagonia Ultrarunning Team. Image credit: Fred Marmsater

One study finds that ultra-endurance athletes score higher than an average person on openness to risk and experience-seeking (2). One glance into the inner world of the ultrarunning athlete and these traits track pretty well. The study proves that participants in an ultra-event tend to choose activities with danger and risk.

Surprisingly, the same study also shows ultra-athletes score lower than the average person on disinhibition. They tend to avoid drugs, alcohol, and other agents they perceive may negatively impact their performance.

“I start to place the delicious-looking aid station pancake in my mouth. It’s 5 am, and the sun is starting to rise. I should be crossing the finish line in an hour or so. Instead, I am 20 miles out and about to start puking uncontrollably. This is not the day I wish for. I have to pull off the trail to rest. I am not feeling good, and I am moving slowly. As I start biting down on the pancake, I vomit all over the high desert trail of Oregon. I question myself about continuing in these circumstances. I would finish much later, if at all than I planned for. I can’t keep food in, and I saw safari animals and ghosts on every tree. But then again, I am here and 80 miles in. Why stop now? Why not see if I can finish and conquer this race despite the grueling circumstances.”

Ultrarunners score low on the boredom susceptibility scale (3). This makes sense, considering hours spent running alone in the forest takes a certain amount of ability to self-entertain. Still, another fascinating study in the Journal of Pain tests the pain tolerance of ultra-endurance athletes. It found that ultrarunners score 40% lower on the Pain Anxiety Symptom Scale than the average population. The author hypothesizes that ultrarunners using pain interventions and avoidance techniques means that they are better equipped to deal with pain due to how they handle it mentally, not that they physically have a higher pain tolerance (4).

Working with these characteristics, we can hone our skills to improve our craft. This means spending time honing our pain tolerance skills with breathing techniques and reminding ourselves that we are ok (in situations where the pain isn’t harmful or dangerous). Understanding these traits also helps us recognize why we, as ultrarunners, might be different and why our hobbies seem odd to the average person.

Ultrarunner in the valley
Ultrarunners score low on the boredom susceptibility scale, according to a study. Image credit: Fred Marmsater


It’s worth asking how ultrarunners compare to non-athletes and fellow athletes of other sports. Here, we see vital differences as well. When comparing them to short-distance runners, ultrarunners are more neurotic, the study assesses. However, they also experience more flow in their running due to the time spent running in nature (5).

“Most often, when speaking to anyone that doesn’t run ultras, they reply with, “That sounds terrible. I would never do that. Why do you want to run that far?” My thoughts are, “Why wouldn’t you?” Why wouldn’t you want to work towards a goal that seems maddeningly impossible? A goal that scares you and makes people’s jaws drop. Why wouldn’t you want to explore the depths of your abilities and see the incredible beauty of our planet in such a vulnerable and unique way.”

Many studies find that ultra-endurance athletes have more drive to explore their mental and physical limits than athletes in other sports (6). They also have more persistence, drive, and motivation (7). The most significant factor is the difference in motivation levels between endurance athletes and ultra-endurance athletes, highlighting that the latter scores higher on this trait.

This helps us understand why we look for the next hard event and how and why we can push ourselves out of our comfort zone. We can also conceptualize our ability to persist and continue when most would not. Finally, we can see that our motivation is what inevitably drives us, so it is important to examine and contemplate what our motivations are.


“I always tell my athletes that many of their training runs aren’t going to be rainbows and butterflies. They are hard, relentless, and unforgiving. You will question why you are doing this and consider giving up. That’s when you remind yourself WHY you are doing what you are doing. How will it feel when you cross the finish line, get to the top of that big climb, and taste that pancake at the aid station at mile 80? How will the hugs feel at the end of the race? How will the world feel? Will you feel different? Yes, you will! And you will earn that feeling through these relentless and unglamorous training miles,” explains coach Alexa.

The science of motivation is intriguing. When it comes to ultrarunners, studies show achieving personal goals motivates them (8). Motivation for these goals is intrinsic rather than impressing other people with their athletic feats. They try to show themselves that they can do it. This significantly differs from other endurance sports participants, such as marathoners, whose motivation is driven by health and self-esteem. A study that directly compares what motivates ultrarunners versus full and half marathoners shows that health and weight are of lesser concern to ultrarunners, but life meaning and affiliation propel them (9). Shockingly, 74.1% of ultrarunners reported that they would not stop running ultras if they found out it was bad for their health (10). They rationalize this by saying that running fulfills their sense of achievement and psychological needs.

Ultrarunners often look for their next goal race or more challenging terrain. It is what keeps them going. It is not about proving to others (although it makes for a good story over a coffee). Having a clear goal and realistic expectations of yourself helps in your preparations. Ultrarunners are aware that it will be difficult, but it will also change them as a person and their outlook toward situation handling.

74.1% of ultrarunners reported that they would not stop running ultras if they found out it was bad for their health.

A runner at dawn
74.1% of ultrarunners reported that they would not stop running ultras if they found out it was bad for their health. Image credit: Fred Marmsater


The topic of mental toughness is unavoidable when discussing ultrarunning. Undoubtedly, ultrarunning demands extreme mental toughness, but what is that? And do ultrarunners have more of it?

“At 6 am on a dusty trail in Arizona, I watch the racers pull away. Slowly they disappear into the distance, and as I look around, I find myself all alone. It is my first 100-mile race, and I suddenly question everything. Why am I so far behind? Am I THAT bad? How is this possible? My mind races as I figure out what I am doing wrong. I look down at my watch and realize I am moving just fine. I discern that I need to get my mind under control. I take a deep breath and remember to run my race. I should not worry about anyone else. I have no control over any runners, so why worry about them? All I can do is remain calm, breathe, and focus on myself and how I feel. Eventually, those runners would come back to me. By mile 60, I move up to the first place female and 8th overall. By working on my race and mentality, I overcome the demons of self-doubt and fear. I would not be in the place I am, at mile 60, if I worry about other racers. It leads to me burning out and likely a DNF.”

In one study, researchers glean from ultrarunners’ interviews that “mental toughness in ultramarathon running is the ability to persist and utilize mental skills to overcome the perception of physical, psychological, emotional, and environmental obstacles in the relentless pursuit of a goal (11).” The study further determines that mental toughness helps athletes overcome physical and psychological distress, allowing them to maintain emotional control and stay positive in adverse situations.


  1. Work through the tough spots in training. There will always be a training day that is more difficult than others. Instead of throwing in the towel, sit with that discomfort and continue past it.
  2. Assess what is hard now and take a second to breathe to ask yourself how you can overcome this situation.
  3.  Consciously observe your feelings. Change negative thoughts into positive ones. Instead of saying, “I can’t do this,” take a moment and rephrase it. “This is hard, and I am struggling. I am going to walk for a bit and see if I feel better. I know that usually, I feel better doing this”. Remember not to show weakness to your mind.
  4. Remind yourself of your training and when you last completed something hard or something you didn’t think you could accomplish. It’s motivating and instills confidence in you.

It also just so happens that the number one predictor of success in life is grit. Watch this incredible TED talk from Angela Duckworth – Grit: The power of passion and perseverance.

“As we taper, we start to doubt ourselves. Did I run enough? Did I climb enough? Do I even know how to use my poles? Wait, am I sure I like Tailwind? Your palms get sweaty as you look at the elevation map of your race, remembering that you have a lot of verticals across many miles. Is it even possible? Fear and self-doubt are normal and will be beneficial as you line up on race day. Without that emotional response, we wouldn’t have the drive and purpose behind our actions.”

Joyful runners during a training run
Ultra-endurance athletes score higher on openness to risk and experience-seeking, a study suggests. Image credit: Martina Valmassoi


“Ultrarunning teaches us a lot. It teaches us patience, grit, determination, and how to handle situations when they don’t go as planned. We can apply these lessons to life. Everyday life doesn’t go as per plan; how we choose to handle it matters. What we do on the trail influences how we deal with stuff in the real world, with patience, grit, determination, and adaptability.”

Ultrarunners are persistent, committed, and motivated, which helps them keep running even after the point of zombie hallucinations and conversations with trees. The sense of achievement of something rare and incredible pushes them, and running a distance, most people don’t even like to drive. All these characteristics make incredible, determined, and massively impressive athletes that are psychologically just a little different than the average person, but in all the best ways.


One can take many of the lessons of ultrarunning and apply them to pressing situations in their life. Every problem can be dealt with when broken into smaller pieces, and emotional stability provides a clear vision, etc. It teaches us patience, grit, determination, and how to handle situations when they don’t go as planned. Breath-Plan-Act is always a good plan. We can apply these and many other lessons to life. Everyday life doesn’t go as planned; how we choose to handle it matters, and what we do on the trail influences how we deal with stuff in the real world – with patience, grit, determination, and adaptability.

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Big shout out to fisiocrem , this product is just incredible for tired and aching legs. I use it daily and have noticed a vast improvement in recovery.

Bix hydration is just ace, a product brought to life by Vlad Ixel a professional ultra runner who knows a thing or two about hydration. ( )  The best thing about Bix is it tastes good with many different flavours and you never get sick of drinking it, this is a big plus as Maurten and Tailwind (both great products)  can be difficult to digest later in the event.  From the website :-

As an Australian elite multiple trail running champion, with wins in over 40 ultra-marathon races across Asia, recovery from training and races has always been my top priority. 

In searching for a solid recovery and hydration supplement, I recognized that critical vitamins and minerals – both in diversity and quantity – were missing from almost all supplements on the market. I had the feeling that in an effort to maximize their bottom-lines, companies in the hydration space, failed to deliver a product that could meaningfully assist athlete performance. 

In order to address this, I began the development of a hydration product. After two and a half years of development alongside a leading German sports scientist, BIX Recovery, an advanced, high-quality recovery drink was born. 

BIX boosts 12 active ingredients scientifically balanced to replace lost electrolytes and assist in immune function. It’s designed with quality vitamins and minerals, in quantities that work! 

BIX is a recovery solution for everyone, that will get you to the top of your game!

Great hydration.

What can I say about HumanTecar,  ( ) it looks great, smells great and is awesome for recovery or even pre-run/workout. Read about the science behind it first and then try the products. The compression bandages are just magical after a long event. Put these on and the next day you are recovered, I have used them on a number of occasions and they never fail to astound me albeit the family poke fun at me as I look like a ‘mummy and smell funny’ !

Fractel ) have your performance headgear covered. I love the colours and the functionality of these hats, I guarantee there is one model you’ll fall in love with.

Fractel headgear, just ace.

Shokz headphones, let you keep in touch with the world around while losing yourself in quality tunes or podcasts. ( )

Best running headphones EVER !

T8 running apparel is the best you can get, second to none. Designed for the ultra humid Hong Kong conditions the owners live in.  It is light and does away with any chaffing worries. T8 is the name given to the highest typhoon warning in Honk Kong,  storms and typhoons with gusts exceeding 180kph, which explains the branding. (

Altra supply the best trail shoes on the planet, in my opinion, and none better than the Olympus five. Do yourself a favour and buy a pair. ( ) Osprey Australia have come onboard and are supplying me with two running backpacks and travelling luggage for the Run Britannia adventure. I particularly like their running backpacks and am excited to test them over the event. I’ll be using the Duro 6 and the Duro 1.5 backpacks.
Excited to have Coros onboard who have supplied me with the new Apex 2 Pro GPS watch. I already owned the Apex 2 and was stoked when Coros reached out and offered me an upgrade. Even more battery life, can you believe 75 hours using GPS, wow! The watch itself is awesome, so light and well made. The watch is paired with a incredible application to keep track of all your stats, and runners love stats ! .  ( )
Feel free to follow me on Strava.

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Herdy’s backyard ultra , number 5 in a row for Herdy’s and BYU number 12 … why wouldn’t you ?

In 2021 I ran 47 laps at the inaugural Herdy’s (Frontyard, as it’s held in a major city, Shaun Kaesler’s idea? ) Backyard Ultra held around Herdsman Lake in Perth, WA.  It was my second BYU after an initial 24 hours at Birdy’s BYU in August of the previous year.  At the time this was an Australian record and while Phil Gore has gone on to break World Records in BYU running and represented Australia all over the world I have stagnated at 47 laps and never really challenged that total.  In my defense I did go pretty deep into the pain cave to reach 47 laps as the video below shows but can I get that one more lap I have been chasing for four years, and ten BYU’s since, next week?

For all runners new to a BYU the concept is simple. It’s a 6.7km loop (which means at 24 hours you get 100 miles, 48 hours 200 miles etc.) which you have to complete on the hour every hour, until there is only one runner left. He , or she, then does one more lap to take out the event. I’ve been assist to Phil Gore twice (the assist is the second to last finisher) and even won the Adelaide No time to die BYU in 2022, as well as numerous top 10 finishes but no lap 48.

The concept suits me as it’s not about outright speed , it’s more endurance turned up to 11 ( you watch Spinal Tap right?)  . Mental strength is more important in a BYU compared to running cardio fitness , the normal limiting factor when racing.  To complete a lap you could run/walk at an average of just over 8min/k , which equates to a lot of   walking.  Thus lap pacing strategies can make a massive difference, get it right,  with the right amount of nutrition and hydration, add in a ‘can of hard’ and ‘some suck it up pills’ (Thanks David Goggin’s) and you can go on forever… maybe.

My post on 2021 is attached here, worth a read, you get the picture..

2022, COVID hit me hard during the event, not pretty albeit still managed to sneak into the thirties before timing out, exhausted.  Tested positive the next day funnily enough.

2023, 28 laps. and finally last year , 24 laps and out.

So how do I reverse this downward spiral ? I feel I need to adjust my mental preparation and lap pacing . I know I can run 48 laps but how bad do I want to run 48 laps , that is the question ? The last few years I’ve convinced myself that I don’t really need to run 48 laps and have given myself various ‘out’s’ which I have grabbed with both hands. This year will be different. Also I have learnt during the last few BYU events that slow and steady can take you a lot further in a backyard ultra. Finishing in over fifty minutes can get you many more laps , compared to finishing in the forty minute’s and eventually breaking down physically. A BYU is the one event when finishing last,  but making the start line continually , can keep you in the event for many hours.   I know Harvey Lewis has used this tactic to run over 100 laps, just coming in with a few minutes to spare, sitting down in the corral and grabbing his nutrition and hydration to take out onto the lap.  I tried this in my last backyard ultra and managed another eight hours where as previously I would have timed out by trying to maintain forty minutes laps.

To aid in my quest I’ve enlisted my good mate Simon Bennet who I’ve persuaded to join me. We then race Delirious West 200 miler together a few weeks post Herdy’s. We are two peas in a pod and both are very excited about Herdy’s and Delirious, we both just ‘get it’.  The image below is from the True Blue 100k Ultra in January where we both managed top five finishes. Si went deep last year and finished one lap after me on 25 laps for a top ten finish. He is confident he can go deeper, a lot deeper, we are both ready.

With a starting field of over 500 runners, which I’m sure is another World Record,  I’m sure we’ll have company which is important late in the event as this race is all about helping your fellow competitor go further to keep the event alive. It’s a whole different approach to racing , a ‘more the merrier ‘ approach to ultra running, and remember the runner who finished last wins, simple.

My partner in crime on the 48 lap crusade.
Herdy’s is ran around Herdsman Lake in the outer suburbs of Perth. A totally flat 6.7km loop with a few kilometres of single track just before the event village. I break the loop down into three sections, the first from the start to second bridge, about three kilometres in, there is then a two kilometre section of concrete path before the final few kilometres of single track.  Last  year the council put in a water fountain around three kilometres in which is a life saver in the heat of the midday sun.  Surprisingly there has never been a massive winning total in  the four previous years, ( winning totals 48, 50, 57 and 53 with Phil Gore winning the first three years) probably because it hasn’t drawn the big guns from over East , the field is large but not many ‘players’ do Herdy’s apparently. I feel this year it may be a different story with over fifteen  countries represented. A big total is possible as Phil Gore ran nearly 100 laps last year on a similar loop around the lake for the BYU World Team Event, when Australia finished second behind America.
I’ve attached a You Tube video with Harvy Lewis giving advice on how to run a backyard ultra..  worth a listen. (please note Harvey is vegan and I do not condone this type of behavior at all, bacon and steak are life and are not worth sacrificing for running goals. ! )

So what happens next. I have 8 days till kick off so will start a small taper probably aiming for 60-80k between now and the start, with a few pilates classes added to work on core and strength training.  I’ll then spend hundreds of dollars the day before the event on food I won’t eat, this is an ultra tradition, and then end up surviving on icy poles for a day!  I have enough drugs (legal , mostly)  and fisocrem as well as two massage guns (just in case one fails, again I’ll probably not use these in anger?)  I’ll start a list of things I need and miss off the most important items, again an ultra runners traditional thing to do, albeit I live about four kilometres from Herdsman Lake so my Wife will be waiting for the many phone calls calling for all sorts of random items.  As this is BYU number twelve there shouldn’t be that many surprises, it’s all about me ‘hardening up‘ and getting it done, one lap at a time. Simples.

One more lap.. playing the crowd with Simone and Shaun watching on.
Feel free to follow me on Strava.

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Big shout out to fisiocrem , this product is just incredible for tired and aching legs. I use it daily and have noticed a vast improvement in recovery.

Bix hydration is just ace, a product brought to life by Vlad Ixel a professional ultra runner who knows a thing or two about hydration. ( )  The best thing about Bix is it tastes good with many different flavours and you never get sick of drinking it, this is a big plus as Maurten and Tailwind (both great products)  can be difficult to digest later in the event.  From the website :-

As an Australian elite multiple trail running champion, with wins in over 40 ultra-marathon races across Asia, recovery from training and races has always been my top priority. 

In searching for a solid recovery and hydration supplement, I recognized that critical vitamins and minerals – both in diversity and quantity – were missing from almost all supplements on the market. I had the feeling that in an effort to maximize their bottom-lines, companies in the hydration space, failed to deliver a product that could meaningfully assist athlete performance. 

In order to address this, I began the development of a hydration product. After two and a half years of development alongside a leading German sports scientist, BIX Recovery, an advanced, high-quality recovery drink was born. 

BIX boosts 12 active ingredients scientifically balanced to replace lost electrolytes and assist in immune function. It’s designed with quality vitamins and minerals, in quantities that work! 

BIX is a recovery solution for everyone, that will get you to the top of your game!

Great hydration.

What can I say about HumanTecar,  ( ) it looks great, smells great and is awesome for recovery or even pre-run/workout. Read about the science behind it first and then try the products. The compression bandages are just magical after a long event. Put these on and the next day you are recovered, I have used them on a number of occasions and they never fail to astound me albeit the family poke fun at me as I look like a ‘mummy and smell funny’ !

Fractel ) have your performance headgear covered. I love the colours and the functionality of these hats, I guarantee there is one model you’ll fall in love with.

Fractel headgear, just ace.

Shokz headphones, let you keep in touch with the world around while losing yourself in quality tunes or podcasts. ( )

Best running headphones EVER !

T8 running apparel is the best you can get, second to none. Designed for the ultra humid Hong Kong conditions the owners live in.  It is light and does away with any chaffing worries. T8 is the name given to the highest typhoon warning in Honk Kong,  storms and typhoons with gusts exceeding 180kph, which explains the branding. (

Altra supply the best trail shoes on the planet, in my opinion, and none better than the Olympus five. Do yourself a favour and buy a pair. ( ) Osprey Australia have come onboard and are supplying me with two running backpacks and travelling luggage for the Run Britannia adventure. I particularly like their running backpacks and am excited to test them over the event. I’ll be using the Duro 6 and the Duro 1.5 backpacks.
Excited to have Coros onboard who have supplied me with the new Apex 2 Pro GPS watch. I already owned the Apex 2 and was stoked when Coros reached out and offered me an upgrade. Even more battery life, can you believe 75 hours using GPS, wow! The watch itself is awesome, so light and well made. The watch is paired with a incredible application to keep track of all your stats, and runners love stats ! .  ( )
Feel free to follow me on Strava.

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or facebook  RUNBKRUNOZ

Running with faster runners makes you run faster.

The last few months I’ve been tagging along on the BTRC (Ben Tay Running Club)  Sunday (pain) train and holding on for dear life most of the time. Myself and Michael are the elder statesman of the group and do our best to hold things back but normally end up failing, so much so Michael went off with Graeme today in protest at the faster pace and ran by themselves, flat and slow , while we destroyed ourselves in the hills. I’ve combined this love of faster long runs with another new addition to my running arsenal , a gym membership. Being the wrong side of fifty I finally gave in and realised strength training was now no longer an option, it was a necessity if I wanted to continue my passion for running, particularly long distance running.  To this end I joined a local gym which also has the Pilates reformer ,exercise machines with self paced training programs on screens to follow.

Unfortunately my new found obsession, reformer Pilates,  has consequences in the form of weight gain as I have also started to enjoy throwing weights around. ( I think that’s a weight lifters term?) Since I joined the gym a few months ago I’ve put on three kilos of muscle , which Mr’s Matthews is very happy about  but I’m beginning to feel the extra mass may be affecting my training. The last few Sunday long runs I’ve noticed my average pace has slowed and my effort seems to have increased.  I’ve justified this by concentrating on my next two events, Herdy’s Backyard ultra in two weeks and Delirious West 200 miler three weeks after that. For both of these events the extra ‘ padding’ won’t be an issue as both events are more mentally challenging , compared to a physical challenge of say a half marathon or marathon.  The only issue is I’m enjoying having a few more kilos of muscle, a look I haven’t seen for many decades  but can I do both and still run a sub three hour marathon later in the year. ?

The BTRC crew, Liam, Graeme, Ali, Michael, Scotty, Shaf, Ben, Adam, Dee, Andre, John, Jackie, myself  and Sam. Funnily enough no Ben Tay in this photo?

As well as my Thursday Yelo run where I tend to move through the gears and my Sunday long run with the BTRC crew I have lately been trying to add a Saturday tempo or threshold run, with that elusive sub 3 number 33 in mind later in the year (?)   This Saturday it was meant to be a 10k in less than forty minutes but I was feeling flat from the start so moved the goal posts to five times two kilometres at quicker than four minutes a kilometre, with a minutes standing recovery between each set.  Even this proved too much and I eventually gave up on the third set after stopping a couple of times in the last kilometre.  As you can see from the Strava output below I ended up with a 3:54min/k average for the session.


The reason this resonated with me was because a few days ago I managed an achievement in Strava which pointed me back to a run I did in September, 2013 with my good friend Steve ‘twinkle toes’ McKean.   Steve and I battled it out at the Bunbury marathon that year , my only marathon win, I came in a few minutes ahead of Steve.  It was another Sunday long run but in 2013 I was in the form of my life . I ran my marathon PB that year, a 2:41:14 at the Perth City to Surf marathon, a hilly course.  I remember this particular Sunday morning, it was just me and Steve and we both just went for it over the course of the run, we were both in the form of our lives . Jon commented that is we had ran another 10k at four minutes average pace we would have ran a sub 2hour 45 minute marathon, and at the time we could have easily done that.  So how did my long run average pace  in 2013 become a tempo pace in 2025?

A 2013 long run was quicker than my current tempo run, in 2025 ?

So what happened in the twelve years between these runs ? A few bad injuries including a 5cm calf tear in 2017 and a bad case of plantar fasciitis  in 2018 robbed me of my PB pace. In 2019 I came down with a couple of bad doses of man-flu (life threatening !) and then COVID hit.  I kept my top end speed through all of this (albeit no more PB’s of course)  and managed a 1:20:14 half in 2020 but that was it for the shorter distances and from 2021 onwards I concentrated on ultra trail marathons and gave away road racing completely.  Did I move to the dark side (ultra running) too early ? I don’t think so , I had accomplished most of my road running goals and could see I was slowing down. I maybe could have held on for a few more years but post COVID I was after new challenges and trails and ultra marathons gave me that fire in my belly that I was missing running road races. I also loved the Ultra Series WA community set up by Shaun Kaesler and his band of reprobates ( ) but the most important event was the Delirious West 200 miler. ). This was the main reason for the move to trails and the world of ultra marathons, 200 miles of running heaven with like minded people, running for days not hours and minutes.

So back to the title of this post, ‘Running with faster runners makes you run faster’, running with the Sunday BTRC has reignited my love for running on the road and running fast on the road. Most of the runners on Sunday are chasing far quicker times than I can run these days buts that’s the point , I’m the slower runner of the group,  trying to keep them in my sights. This has made me a faster runner and also made me think about chasing times I thought beyond me.  Hell, I haven’t been on the trials in the Perth hills since I finished the Feral Pig 100 miler in November last year, distracted by my Sunday long runs on the coast. I’ve justified this with Herdy’s backyard ultra,  my next event, being a more mental challenge than physical, so no need for long runs in the hills.  By adding strength training to my running arsenal can I go further in an ultra?

Either way the most important thing is I’m really enjoying my running and I hope I can keep my road running and trail running in parallel, taking on events in both camps and chasing down goals,  be that a sub three marathon or a sub sixty eight hour Delirious West finish. I look forward to running sub four minute kilometres with the BTRC crew as much as running ten to twelve minute kilometres up rock faces in the Perth hills with the Ultra Series runners.   I am a runner for all seasons it seems.

Glen, Andy, Tristan, myself and Felix after the Feral Pig 100 miler, the last time I was in the Perth Hills. November 2024.

With Delirious West 200 miler coming up in April I will need to hot foot it to the hills sooner rather than later. Time in the hills is normally spent alone, I find its better to run with your thoughts (and Shokz headphones) and at your own pace. I love company but sometimes, especially in the hills,  you don’t really need anything else but your surroundings, there is enough going on around you to make up for the lack of company.  That’s one of my main reasons for running ultras on the trails, you will get some ‘you time’, in the world we live in with social media and a mini-computer in your hand at most times (your iphone) its nice to be totally disconnected, it is cleansing.  (I say totally disconnected albeit I’ll have my trusty iphone in my back pocket with Gaia GPS application  loaded so I can’t get lost.  ( )  For the next few weeks though it’s all aboard the BTRC Sunday long run train , coastal views and great company with good coffee and banter post run, life really is that simple sometimes.

Myself, Scotty, Jules, Ben Tay (at the back) Ben, Ali, Shaf, Dav ,Adam, Jackie, Matt and Liam… another photo opportunity at a drink stop.
Feel free to follow me on Strava.

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or facebook  RUNBKRUNOZ



Big shout out to fisiocrem , this product is just incredible for tired and aching legs. I use it daily and have noticed a vast improvement in recovery.

Bix hydration is just ace, a product brought to life by Vlad Ixel a professional ultra runner who knows a thing or two about hydration. ( )  The best thing about Bix is it tastes good with many different flavours and you never get sick of drinking it, this is a big plus as Maurten and Tailwind (both great products)  can be difficult to digest later in the event.  From the website :-

As an Australian elite multiple trail running champion, with wins in over 40 ultra-marathon races across Asia, recovery from training and races has always been my top priority. 

In searching for a solid recovery and hydration supplement, I recognized that critical vitamins and minerals – both in diversity and quantity – were missing from almost all supplements on the market. I had the feeling that in an effort to maximize their bottom-lines, companies in the hydration space, failed to deliver a product that could meaningfully assist athlete performance. 

In order to address this, I began the development of a hydration product. After two and a half years of development alongside a leading German sports scientist, BIX Recovery, an advanced, high-quality recovery drink was born. 

BIX boosts 12 active ingredients scientifically balanced to replace lost electrolytes and assist in immune function. It’s designed with quality vitamins and minerals, in quantities that work! 

BIX is a recovery solution for everyone, that will get you to the top of your game!

Great hydration.

What can I say about HumanTecar,  ( ) it looks great, smells great and is awesome for recovery or even pre-run/workout. Read about the science behind it first and then try the products. The compression bandages are just magical after a long event. Put these on and the next day you are recovered, I have used them on a number of occasions and they never fail to astound me albeit the family poke fun at me as I look like a ‘mummy and smell funny’ !

Fractel ) have your performance headgear covered. I love the colours and the functionality of these hats, I guarantee there is one model you’ll fall in love with.

Fractel headgear, just ace.

Shokz headphones, let you keep in touch with the world around while losing yourself in quality tunes or podcasts. ( )

Best running headphones EVER !

T8 running apparel is the best you can get, second to none. Designed for the ultra humid Hong Kong conditions the owners live in.  It is light and does away with any chaffing worries. T8 is the name given to the highest typhoon warning in Honk Kong,  storms and typhoons with gusts exceeding 180kph, which explains the branding. (

Altra supply the best trail shoes on the planet, in my opinion, and none better than the Olympus five. Do yourself a favour and buy a pair. ( ) Osprey Australia have come onboard and are supplying me with two running backpacks and travelling luggage for the Run Britannia adventure. I particularly like their running backpacks and am excited to test them over the event. I’ll be using the Duro 6 and the Duro 1.5 backpacks.
Excited to have Coros onboard who have supplied me with the new Apex 2 Pro GPS watch. I already owned the Apex 2 and was stoked when Coros reached out and offered me an upgrade. Even more battery life, can you believe 75 hours using GPS, wow! The watch itself is awesome, so light and well made. The watch is paired with a incredible application to keep track of all your stats, and runners love stats ! .  ( )
Feel free to follow me on Strava.

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or follow me on Instagram

or facebook  RUNBKRUNOZ

Consistency, good friends and good coffee.

Every Thursday morning, come rain or shine (living in Perth it’s mainly shine truth be told) I get up before 5am and make my way to the Yelo Cafe in North Beach for a 5:30am kick off, sharp.  I say sharp because Bartsy, the school teacher amongst us, always insists of leaving on time which normally corresponds with Michael Kowal arriving, late as usual. (Funny thing is Mike lives the closest to the starting point and is an Engineer, so is particular about everything
bar time obviously ?)  Must admit the group as a whole does enjoy seeing Mike’s car come careering around the bend as we all trot off in the opposite direction.  This Thursday morning run started in December 2016 and just about every Thursday since we’ve been rocking up to Yelo for a 10, 12 or 14k progressive or casual run.
The usual suspects, Scotty, Adam, Rob, Nancy, Andy, Jules, Dav, Jon, Sarah, Vici, Bartsy, Mark, Jeff and Aaron.

In the photo above you have Scotty, the cool car salesman, ( he sells McLaren’s !) who is often the voice of reason. When he talks we listen. Next to Scotty is Rob ‘make mine a half’ Collins, famous for choosing the shortest option when racing and not racing often , also picking up injuries while racing and then running through them days later.

Adam is behind me and he is an all-round nice guy and a Qantas Pilot . Normally he would be the main man giving his profession but we have a younger, faster and prettier one in the group so he is always a poor second, bless. Desperate to run sub 3 he’ll go close at Gold Coast in July, but how close ?  Behind Rob is Super Nance our very own version of Wonder Woman, Nance is just an incredible athlete and one of the nicest women you will ever meet , also she’s Welsh. Attacks every race and training block with gusto and loves running in the middle of the night , alone on trails , swatting spiders. Swims a bit too apparently.

Behind Nance is another super calm and chilled guy Andy, who ran his first sub 3 at Bibra Lake with no aplomb just went about his business and got the job done. He’s like a diesel van with pace and consistency. Jules is next and she is one of the hardest trainers I know, week in , week out getting the job done while balancing two kids and all that entails. Incredibly focused juggling so many balls in the air and dropping none. Unlucky with injuries lately but big things on the horizon. Davin is next, the cool pilot in the group. Another runner who is just starting their journey towards faster times and new PB’s. He went sub-Bartsy last year (sub 2:52?) and will go quicker this year. Incredibly talented, pretty (apparently) nice guy and a pilot.

Jon is next and he is the conspiracy theorist of the group, every group needs one. He is anti-vax and anti-believing in anything, always good for a wind up but his heart is in the right place. He’d do anything for you and has ran over 100 marathons including over sixty sub 3 marathons. He has run more than any of us and continues to run 100 mile weeks,  week in and week out, albeit he was a lot taller when I first met him in 2008 at the Bunbury marathon (which Jon and I have both won by the way)  Behind Jon is Sarah, another consistent and big mileage runner. She has a few injury worries but will overcome these and become a very accomplished trail runner or marathon runner, she is motivated and will achieve what she sets out to achieve, just at the moment not sure what that is.  Sarah paced me at the Delirious West in 2023 and we had a ball.  Sarah is also currently the only female to finish the 24 park runs in 24 hours from WA.  Now that was a fun 24 hours, charging around in 40 degree plus heat. The post is worth a read .  ( ) Another new comer to the group next , Vici, who has fitted right in. Another voice of reason in the group , similar to Scotty, very sensible but as motivated as the rest of us to improve. Actually I think Jeffrey is just motivated to wake up each morning ?

Bartsy is next and he is one of the founding members and most stories usually involve him together with his partner in crime , Jeffrey, (the Batman and Robin of the group?) there is much laughter listening to their adventures and there are many, many adventures.  He is the school teacher of the group and attempts to keep us inline but fails abysmally most  of the time, a real Aussi icon.  Between Bartsy and Jeffrey in the picture  is another founding father of the group , Mark Lommers.  Mark has crewed for me three times for the  Delirious West , a voice of calm in the chaos of a 200 miler.  Similar to Scotty, if we need advice we turn to Mark and avoid Bartsy and Jeffrey at all costs.  Jeffrey is the older statesman of the group , we’re not sure how old he is but I’m pretty sure it’s triple figures?

Finally Aaron has recently joined the group as we needed some young, cool blood and he fits the bill perfectly. Another motivated runner with a big future and a heap of cool tattoos, street kudos by the bucket load and another genuine guy. As you can probably gather from my comments I love sending time with these guys and my Thursday morning Yelo run is the highlight of my week.

Lately I have been supplementing my Yelo run with a BTRC  (Ben Tay Running Club) Sunday morning long run.  These guys are mostly young than the Yelo crew and aiming for fast marathon times with their best days ahead of them. The pace is quicker and distance longer so it is a challenge hanging on for the most part, albeit I always try and find a fast finish to remind them I use to be a reasonable runner , once?  What the Yelo crew lose in pace they make up for banter post run so it’s a swings and roundabouts situation.  What I like about the BTRC crew is they are motivated towards the same marathon goals I was  ten years ago. Listening to their conversations I am taken back ten years and this is infectious and probably one of the reasons I’m chasing one more sub three marathon finish, the two hours forty finish I missed in my prime is now a three hour finish at 58 years old.

The BTRC crew, generally quicker and younger then the Yelo crew, notice Dav fits right in, told you he was cool.

Back in the day it was a 14k progressive , on for young and old.  The start started quickly and progressively ramped up to suicide pace at the end.  There were epic tussles over the years involving Myself, Mark Lee, Ross Langford and Phil Mosley with guest appearances from Zac  to stir the pot. The times we use to post back then are now way outside my capabilities, not even in the same ballpark or even car park ! In December 2016 I was coming to the end of a stella year which included a 2:41 marathon and a 1:14;59 half, my PB. Throw in three WAMC victories and many PB’s , it was a great year. Unfortunately I wouldn’t repeat those times and I started the slow decline to where I am now.  The point is the coffee still tastes as good and the conversation and banter has improved with age and more historical events to call upon, and there are many.

First Yelo post run photo, December 2016, Michael, Myself, Gareth, Bartsy and Mark. Back in the days of wallets !

Ok so the average pace may have slowed but the post run banter is as quick as it was in 2016 and the coffee is always good albeit the muffins may have taken a nosedive lately. Trust me the Yelo muffin was so good that it made any other muffins look so inferior I gave up on them for a while. (other muffins. , not the Yelo version!) These days it seems to have turned into a ‘cake‘ rather than a muffin which is a pity because the Yelo muffin was special, really special.

Over the years the Yelo crew has grown and we even have a smattering of ladies who help keep us in tow, most of the time. You’d need to be pretty open minded to spend time in our company.  The point is I suppose there is a lot of laughter , post run anyway , and sometimes during the run. We all know each other so well after many years together that the banter just flows and it just works.

Vici and Sarah keeping us in check.

Recently we even has some cool Yelo tops made up so if you’re in the North Beach, Perth area around 5:30am on Thursday you’ll recognise us.  So consistency and coffee are good bed fellas, just keep showing up, keep drinking coffee with good mates and you’ll enjoy the process. Will you keep improving, not guaranteed, will you have fun trying, definitely.  Growing older with good friends over good coffee and conversation, sometimes this is enough.

Next to Jon in the photo above is the blond bullet Charles. A very religious runner but we don’t hold that against him, like all of the Yelo crew he will do anything for you and another  nice guy.  This does seem to be the theme for the Yelo runners ? Charles and his brother Trevor  are very competitive and the three of us will be going hard at Delirious West 200 miler  this April putting our friendships to the test as we become competitor’s. I’m not sure Trev’s forgiven me for pipping him at the post a few years ago so this year could be a quick time by all of us, but who will run the quickest ?

All looking resplendent in our Team Yelo tops.
In the photo above we have two more Yelo regulars and two high achievers. Behind Super Nance, I mentioned her earlier, remember she’s Welsh, is Jackie who is a current Australia ultra runner and Comrades front runner. Jackie destroys ultra’s for breakfast and has a rapid marathon time as well. She has represented Australia at many 100km ultra events including the World Championships in India last  year as well as a silver medal at Comrades (sub 7hours 30minutes finish time).  If you run marathons you need to step up and run Comrades one day. It is the biggest ultra marathon in the world and so, so good. When you know, you know.   ( ) Jackie goes about her business with a constant smile on her face, unlike the grimace on ours most of the time.
Next to Jackie is Veronika who is probably one of the strongest runners I know mentally, and I say that as a massive compliment. A dual Delirious West 200 miler podium placer amongst her many race successes she will only stop when she is physically restrained if a DNF is looming . (Feral Pig 2023, At one point she was pulled from the race at an aid station and then continued when the volunteer was looking the other way. Eventually Rob Donkersloot forced Veronika to stop, much to her disgust. ) or unable to stay vertical (Delirious West 2021, a back injury forced her to run in a more horizontal stance than vertical. Eventually , again, pulled of the course by marshals.  )  Veronika is also a talented songstress, guitar and piano player and has written a few songs about the exploits of the group that we will male available to the public, our very own Taylor Swift. Veronika is currently injured, another theme for Yelo runners lately, but is motivated on returning to Delirious next year to beat Adam to the finish, again.  It seems two Qantas pilots together (Dav is his crew) spend far too much time sleeping rather than running and Veronika was able to take advantage of this and sneak past Adam,  while he was sleeping. A true tortoise and hare situation
Feel free to follow me on Strava.

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Big shout out to fisiocrem , this product is just incredible for tired and aching legs. I use it daily and have noticed a vast improvement in recovery.

Bix hydration is just ace, a product brought to life by Vlad Ixel a professional ultra runner who knows a thing or two about hydration. ( )  The best thing about Bix is it tastes good with many different flavours and you never get sick of drinking it, this is a big plus as Maurten and Tailwind (both great products)  can be difficult to digest later in the event.  From the website :-

As an Australian elite multiple trail running champion, with wins in over 40 ultra-marathon races across Asia, recovery from training and races has always been my top priority. 

In searching for a solid recovery and hydration supplement, I recognized that critical vitamins and minerals – both in diversity and quantity – were missing from almost all supplements on the market. I had the feeling that in an effort to maximize their bottom-lines, companies in the hydration space, failed to deliver a product that could meaningfully assist athlete performance. 

In order to address this, I began the development of a hydration product. After two and a half years of development alongside a leading German sports scientist, BIX Recovery, an advanced, high-quality recovery drink was born. 

BIX boosts 12 active ingredients scientifically balanced to replace lost electrolytes and assist in immune function. It’s designed with quality vitamins and minerals, in quantities that work! 

BIX is a recovery solution for everyone, that will get you to the top of your game!

Great hydration.

What can I say about HumanTecar,  ( ) it looks great, smells great and is awesome for recovery or even pre-run/workout. Read about the science behind it first and then try the products. The compression bandages are just magical after a long event. Put these on and the next day you are recovered, I have used them on a number of occasions and they never fail to astound me albeit the family poke fun at me as I look like a ‘mummy and smell funny’ !

Fractel ) have your performance headgear covered. I love the colours and the functionality of these hats, I guarantee there is one model you’ll fall in love with.

Fractel headgear, just ace.

Shokz headphones, let you keep in touch with the world around while losing yourself in quality tunes or podcasts. ( )

Best running headphones EVER !

T8 running apparel is the best you can get, second to none. Designed for the ultra humid Hong Kong conditions the owners live in.  It is light and does away with any chaffing worries. T8 is the name given to the highest typhoon warning in Honk Kong,  storms and typhoons with gusts exceeding 180kph, which explains the branding. (

Altra supply the best trail shoes on the planet, in my opinion, and none better than the Olympus five. Do yourself a favour and buy a pair. ( ) Osprey Australia have come onboard and are supplying me with two running backpacks and travelling luggage for the Run Britannia adventure. I particularly like their running backpacks and am excited to test them over the event. I’ll be using the Duro 6 and the Duro 1.5 backpacks.
Excited to have Coros onboard who have supplied me with the new Apex 2 Pro GPS watch. I already owned the Apex 2 and was stoked when Coros reached out and offered me an upgrade. Even more battery life, can you believe 75 hours using GPS, wow! The watch itself is awesome, so light and well made. The watch is paired with a incredible application to keep track of all your stats, and runners love stats ! .  ( )
Feel free to follow me on Strava.

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or facebook  RUNBKRUNOZ

Distance is key and a YouTuber, runtojapan, has just proved it.

I’ve written many posts on what I believe is the most important factor in improving your running times, distance.

Have a look at one of my previous posts ,  or one of my favourites posts from Raf Baugh, owner of the Running Centre   ( )

but a YouTuber in Japan is proving beyond any doubt that distance is the key to unlocking your running dreams (assuming you locked them up n the first place of course ? )

Jake Barraclough decided to give up his job in the UK and travel to Japan to ‘train harder, not smarter’  after reading ‘The way of the runner ‘ by Adharanand Finn, among other things. Watch this video it is EPIC !!

Jake was a talented runner, sub 2:30 for the marathon , but was continually injured. On one of his many injury layoffs he was on the stationary bike for three hours a day working his way through Netflix and then podcasts where he came across the Japanese Ediken races.

Ekiden (駅伝) is a long-distance running multi-stage relay race, mostly held on roads.[1]: 812 [2]

The original Japanese term had nothing to do with a sport or a competition, but it simply referred to the age old post-horse or stagecoach courier system which transmitted communication by stages, instead of one horse or a man covering the entire long distance. Eki means “station” and den translates as “to communicate, to convey”, therefore Ekiden could be roughly translated as ”Station to station”. The original meaning of the word is reflected in its rule where each runner at the end of his or her run has to pass down his sash to the next runner.

The first ever ekiden as a sport was held in Japan in 1917 as a 3-day, 23-stage run from Kyoto to Tokyo over 507 kilometres (315 mi), to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Tokyo’s establishment as the nation’s capital (previously Kyoto was the imperial seat).

Today ekiden is a national sport in Japan, especially popular as inter-varsity competitions between schools or universities, and its popularity has since become widespread and worldwide.

The IAAF staged four editions of a World Road Relay Championship from 1992 (at Hiroshima, Japan) to 1998 as a stage race over the marathon distance with alternate stages of 5 km (3.1 mi) and 10 km (6.2 mi) before a final leg of 7.195 km (4.471 mi). The IAAF now recognizes world records for men for five stages (with a final leg of 12.195 km (7.578 mi)) and for women for six stages over the marathon distance.[3]

So on a whim he applied for  a Japanese scholarship and got it, quit his job and off he went. He then decided to run 30k a day , massive mileage, race often and chase a quicker marathon time.

If you follow him on Strava (You do use Strava right ? ) you can see he is averaging around 230km a week and then running a PB in training , with no taper ! Incredible stuff. Jake is seeing massive improvements and although he is on the verge of being an elite professional runner he started like us , albeit a tad quicker. I really believe is you listen to his YouTube channel you will learn things that will improve your running , without having to learn Japanese and move to Japan.

I had a similar experience to Jake when I was at my peak in 2013. I had increased my training from the previous year and also raced often, as you can see in the Excel extract below I would PB in just about every race (a PB is highlighted in red and a win in yellow)

In 2016 I went one better and really added distance as you can see below. This culminated in a 10k PB and a massive half PB. This was three years past my ‘golden year’ of 2013. Also remember I was fifty at this point.  2016 showed me that distance and racing often were the key to improving your running, the evidence is in the numbers.

So there you go, as I have always maintained running is a simple process, run more, race often and don’t get injured and you will improve until father time comes calling , unfortunately no one outruns father time.

Feel free to follow me on Strava.

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or follow me on Instagram

or facebook  RUNBKRUNOZ



Big shout out to fisiocrem , this product is just incredible for tired and aching legs. I use it daily and have noticed a vast improvement in recovery.

Bix hydration is just ace, a product brought to life by Vlad Ixel a professional ultra runner who knows a thing or two about hydration. ( )  The best thing about Bix is it tastes good with many different flavours and you never get sick of drinking it, this is a big plus as Maurten and Tailwind (both great products)  can be difficult to digest later in the event.  From the website :-

As an Australian elite multiple trail running champion, with wins in over 40 ultra-marathon races across Asia, recovery from training and races has always been my top priority. 

In searching for a solid recovery and hydration supplement, I recognized that critical vitamins and minerals – both in diversity and quantity – were missing from almost all supplements on the market. I had the feeling that in an effort to maximize their bottom-lines, companies in the hydration space, failed to deliver a product that could meaningfully assist athlete performance. 

In order to address this, I began the development of a hydration product. After two and a half years of development alongside a leading German sports scientist, BIX Recovery, an advanced, high-quality recovery drink was born. 

BIX boosts 12 active ingredients scientifically balanced to replace lost electrolytes and assist in immune function. It’s designed with quality vitamins and minerals, in quantities that work! 

BIX is a recovery solution for everyone, that will get you to the top of your game!

Great hydration.

What can I say about HumanTecar,  ( ) it looks great, smells great and is awesome for recovery or even pre-run/workout. Read about the science behind it first and then try the products. The compression bandages are just magical after a long event. Put these on and the next day you are recovered, I have used them on a number of occasions and they never fail to astound me albeit the family poke fun at me as I look like a ‘mummy and smell funny’ !

Fractel ) have your performance headgear covered. I love the colours and the functionality of these hats, I guarantee there is one model you’ll fall in love with.

Fractel headgear, just ace.

Shokz headphones, let you keep in touch with the world around while losing yourself in quality tunes or podcasts. ( )

Best running headphones EVER !

T8 running apparel is the best you can get, second to none. Designed for the ultra humid Hong Kong conditions the owners live in.  It is light and does away with any chaffing worries. T8 is the name given to the highest typhoon warning in Honk Kong,  storms and typhoons with gusts exceeding 180kph, which explains the branding. (

Altra supply the best trail shoes on the planet, in my opinion, and none better than the Olympus five. Do yourself a favour and buy a pair. ( ) Osprey Australia have come onboard and are supplying me with two running backpacks and travelling luggage for the Run Britannia adventure. I particularly like their running backpacks and am excited to test them over the event. I’ll be using the Duro 6 and the Duro 1.5 backpacks.
Excited to have Coros onboard who have supplied me with the new Apex 2 Pro GPS watch. I already owned the Apex 2 and was stoked when Coros reached out and offered me an upgrade. Even more battery life, can you believe 75 hours using GPS, wow! The watch itself is awesome, so light and well made. The watch is paired with a incredible application to keep track of all your stats, and runners love stats ! .  ( )
Feel free to follow me on Strava.

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or facebook  RUNBKRUNOZ



24 Park Runs in 24 hours , 2025 edition.

Running 24 park runs in 24 hours was a concept thought up by the infamous Shaun Kaesler, him of the Ultra Series event juggernaut.  ( ) He ran it in 2018 with the great Phil Gore and also attempted to run each park run sub-24 minutes and drink a beer after each one. He got to 17 I think before the wheels started to fall off and the beer was sacrificed for sanity.  ( )

The onmyfeet charity joined soon after and became the benefactor of this event with participants encouraged to donate. ( ) I ran this event last year with good friends on the Team Gore fun bus and it was such a laugh I had to sign up again in 2025. Helping a great cause and also having so much fun while doing it , how can you not sign up ?


Team Gore at PR 1, 2024 …Aaron, Myself, Gemma, Tom, Bradley, Phil and Sarah.

The concept is simple , run a park run , get in the van and then drive to the next one and repeat 24 times in 24 hours. There’s a few hours for eating, driving (over 240km total) and even a buffer ; planned to the minute as the spreadsheet shows below.  Last year it was over 40 degrees most of the day so traffic wasn’t a problem, most sane people were either at the beach or cocooned at home under their air conditioning units. You can read how that went in this post :-

I do remember retiring after the brutal conditions nearly got the better off me at around three in the morning last year but all that has been forgotten over time, which is a great healer apparently.  It certainly works for ultra runners who finish the race swearing never to rock up at the start line ever again and then 24 hours later,  when entries open,  they’re first in the queue to sign up again. Ultra runners, stubborn , mental tough , resilient but not the brightest people in the world , luckily for event organisers I suppose.

Meticulous planning, down to the last minute..
Simple, as long as you know where you are going ?

One of the major differences in this event compared to most , actually all other ultra’s, is the amount of driving involved. As you can see in the agenda there is nearly six hours set aside for driving and this year it seemed we needed every minute. As I said earlier last year was a lot hotter resulting in less traffic on the roads but for some reason this year we always seem to leave on time but arrive with literally a few minutes to spare. I’m not blaming Gemma’s driving either because bar one small hiccup , where we arrived at Mundy park run nowhere near Mundy park run, her driving was exemplary ? Can only put this down to a new route with new park runs maybe further apart than the previous year.  I know of a couple of runners who missed out because of tension between the runner and the driver, forcing the runner to put their marriage before the event,  and also a forced called of nature meaning the runner reappeared and everybody had left and he missed the next start.  I was very happy with Gemma who maintained an air of calmness in the chaos that is a 24 in 24 event, and also had to listen to a lot of trash talk about all things non-running related, which will stay within the ‘Gore Fun Van‘ members. This is another reason this event is so special, the travel time and all that entails.

If you are contemplating this event make sure you have a competent driver  whose good under pressure , a calming influence and with a bad sense of smell.

Garvey Park Run , number 1 of 24. Let's go !
Garvey Park Run , number 1 of 24. Let’s go ! ( a record turn out, over 200 runners)

So 2025 off we go. As is tradition (and as you know runners love tradition) we start at Garvey Park run.  This is at Shaun’s insistence and he was the creator of this beast so it’s cool to start here. This year we had two hundred recorded finishers at the only official park run of the whole event, and many more, myself included , who ran through.  This was a new record for Garvey so a great way to star the event off in 2025.  We even had Channel 9 come along and do s small segment for the evening news albeit they must have missed me as I wasn’t asked for an interview ? Once Mel, the RD,  did her bit we were let loose and the event officially started, 8am Saturday morning. We had until 8am Sunday morning to finish all 24 park runs.

Kadina Trail, PR4, with my good friend Conor. image Andrew Yeatman

One of the major changes this year was adding Mundy Park Run , at one time the hardest park run , using elevation as a guide, in Australia. I think now it’s still top three. This is a beast of a park run tucked away in the hills. There’s two monster climbs that are just about walkable and with road shoes I felt like Bambi on ice.  (The weather variety not the hard drug!) Luckily we got this event thrown at us as the third one and were given a generous forty minutes to finish. It was actually cool to run a trail five kilometres as the other twenty three were mainly road or part trail at best.  I got some video if you want to have a look on my Strava profile.  (link at the bottom of this post)

Selfie with the volunteers at Kadina Trail. Image Andrew Yeatman.

I was maintaining close to 5 min/k average for the first few park runs , bar Mundy of course where I was happy with a 6:21 min/k average, when you know, you know ! Andrew Yeatman got some great photos at park run four, Kadina Trail before Woodbridge which is totally exposed to the sun and things were starting to heat up quickly. Averly was next and it was into the singlet after a thirty minute break for a donut and some down time.  Wanneroo and Joondalup were next and at this point I thought I was two or three runs ahead of where we were, must to the delight of my fellow runners in the van.

Early afternoon , post lunch, it started to hear up but, thankfully, at least ten degrees cooler than last year. Still a good excuse to get the top off.

At Carine park run, number ten, I was joined by a few running friends who skipped along at what they would consider a jog  but after over nine hours it was threshold pace for me. I did appreciate the company but I kept the conversation to a minimum, and if you know me you know that’s rare. Yokine was next before an hour break for dinner. A decent chicken burger and salty chips hit the nail on the head and we were off to Lake Monger for the first run with a head torch.

I was joined by running friends for Monger,  Perry Lakes, Applecross, Lake Claremont and Bibra Lake and this got me well into the night and early morning, where it was back to the core group of runners attempting the full 24 park runs. Running with these guys certainly helped as it’s incredible how far a five kilometre run can start to feel like when you run a few, as your pace slows the total time running increases of course. Each one starts to feel like a mini-marathon, I could start to understand how the uninformed would talk about running a 5k marathon. 

The boys came out to support me at Perry Lakes. Mark, Champ, Jeffrey, Rob and Bartsy.

We had another break after Champion Lakes at 2am and it was into a Macdonald’s restaurant. It was open and I was very nervous about ordering food as last year a dodgy Macca’s nearly derailed me. I don’t eat junk food normally so my stomach had no idea what to do and ejected it very quickly ! This year I opted for a hash brown, small portion of chips and apple pie. So normal food with extra salt and an apple pie for the sweet sugar hit. It turned out great and I ran Homestead park run with no toilet stories or upset stomach, winning.

Back to the core group at Homestead park run. No stomach issues this year post Macca’s.

After Homestead, number 19, I knew it was only two more hours until sunrise. Once you see sunrise you will complete this event unless something breaks. I got my head down and just did enough to get through Canning River and Shelley and then it was park run twenty two, tu-tu run, at Edinburgh Oval and the job was almost done.

Sunday morning , very early. Calleya Park run.
Shelly PR and the sun is rising. If you get to daylight you will finish. Three more to go after this one.

Seeing the sunrise in ultra marathons is just a surreal moment and your whole demeanor changes , you suddenly find all that extra energy you never knew was these, the struggle seems easier , life is good and suddenly all those negative thoughts disappear with the night.  To add to the good vibes we get to put on a tu-tu for park run twenty two, even if I put mine on inside out apparently ?

The final members of the Team Gore Fun Bus, PR22 , Tu-Tu PR. Cameron, Gemma Phil and I
All the tu-tu’s at Edinburgh park run. We can smell the finish…

Post Edinburgh it was Burswood park run which is one of my least favourite and I struggled big time but knew the end was near so did enough to get through it before the last trip in the Gore fun van to the final destination, Clairesbrook Oval. After a great speech by the organisers we were off and , as with last year, I was reinvigorated for the final five kilometres, coming home with the wind in my sails.

The crowd for the final PR start at Clairsebrook Cove. Hallelujah.

So that was 2025, in the end seven of us finished , just shy of the nine the previous year in more testing conditions. The Gore fun bus got another two of us over the line and is still 100% when it comes to participants in this event, you get on the fun bus you finish, simple. Of course I retired from this event in similar style to last year but typing this post I can’t wait to go again, remember what I said about ultra runners earlier, not the most intelligent breed.

Done and dusted and instantly retired from this format, at least until next year.
The magnificent seven, James, Dane, Shane, Cameron, mick and Daniel.
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Big shout out to fisiocrem , this product is just incredible for tired and aching legs. I use it daily and have noticed a vast improvement in recovery.

Bix hydration is just ace, a product brought to life by Vlad Ixel a professional ultra runner who knows a thing or two about hydration. ( )  The best thing about Bix is it tastes good with many different flavours and you never get sick of drinking it, this is a big plus as Maurten and Tailwind (both great products)  can be difficult to digest later in the event.  From the website :-

As an Australian elite multiple trail running champion, with wins in over 40 ultra-marathon races across Asia, recovery from training and races has always been my top priority. 

In searching for a solid recovery and hydration supplement, I recognized that critical vitamins and minerals – both in diversity and quantity – were missing from almost all supplements on the market. I had the feeling that in an effort to maximize their bottom-lines, companies in the hydration space, failed to deliver a product that could meaningfully assist athlete performance. 

In order to address this, I began the development of a hydration product. After two and a half years of development alongside a leading German sports scientist, BIX Recovery, an advanced, high-quality recovery drink was born. 

BIX boosts 12 active ingredients scientifically balanced to replace lost electrolytes and assist in immune function. It’s designed with quality vitamins and minerals, in quantities that work! 

BIX is a recovery solution for everyone, that will get you to the top of your game!

Great hydration.

What can I say about HumanTecar,  ( ) it looks great, smells great and is awesome for recovery or even pre-run/workout. Read about the science behind it first and then try the products. The compression bandages are just magical after a long event. Put these on and the next day you are recovered, I have used them on a number of occasions and they never fail to astound me albeit the family poke fun at me as I look like a ‘mummy and smell funny’ !

Fractel ) have your performance headgear covered. I love the colours and the functionality of these hats, I guarantee there is one model you’ll fall in love with.

Fractel headgear, just ace.

Shokz headphones, let you keep in touch with the world around while losing yourself in quality tunes or podcasts. ( )

Best running headphones EVER !

T8 running apparel is the best you can get, second to none. Designed for the ultra humid Hong Kong conditions the owners live in.  It is light and does away with any chaffing worries. T8 is the name given to the highest typhoon warning in Honk Kong,  storms and typhoons with gusts exceeding 180kph, which explains the branding. (

Altra supply the best trail shoes on the planet, in my opinion, and none better than the Olympus five. Do yourself a favour and buy a pair. ( ) Osprey Australia have come onboard and are supplying me with two running backpacks and travelling luggage for the Run Britannia adventure. I particularly like their running backpacks and am excited to test them over the event. I’ll be using the Duro 6 and the Duro 1.5 backpacks.
Excited to have Coros onboard who have supplied me with the new Apex 2 Pro GPS watch. I already owned the Apex 2 and was stoked when Coros reached out and offered me an upgrade. Even more battery life, can you believe 75 hours using GPS, wow! The watch itself is awesome, so light and well made. The watch is paired with a incredible application to keep track of all your stats, and runners love stats ! .  ( )
Feel free to follow me on Strava.

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or facebook  RUNBKRUNOZ


24 Park runs in 24 hours 2025

This Saturday at 8am it’s the start of the 24 Park Runs in 24 Hours in Perth. I ran this event last year and had the best time albeit the 40c temperatures, and humidity,  made the event challenging. At a few points I questioned my life decisions (I say that a lot when I talk about my ultra races funnily enough ? ) I’ve attached the post on the event below for your amusement. It was such a great event last year but that had a lot to do with the company in the Phil and Gemma Gore ‘fun van’. Aaron, Tom, Bradley, Phil , Sarah and I just had such a laugh in between park runs with Gemma keeping us on the straight on narrow, literally.  Unfortunately it looks like all of my partners in crime are not doing the whole 24 park runs this year and , as last year, I haven’t found transport yet, albeit I haven’t really looked, nothing like last minute planning.

The main reason for this post is the event is for the homeless so if you have some spare coin  for a good cause feel free to click on the link in the post below and donate a few dollars, each dollar makes a huge difference. For anybody living in Perth I have attached the schedule of events below and a map of the park runs. There’s little time for mucking-about albeit there is time for lunch (30 minutes) and dinner (an hour)  and even a small break at two in the morning for a snooze ?

There is also events kicking off in Bunbury and Bussleton (same time 8am this Saturday) albeit both of these events are running the same park run on the hour , 24 times. Missing out on the best bit, the driving and banter between runs, but still better than not running at all of course, and it is for charity.  As well as Western Australia it seems NSW, SA and Tasmania have also jumped onboard the 24 in 24 bandwagon.  Check out the website

Four states have jumped onboard now.
The start of the chaos that is a 24 in 24 event.
The Park Run route for 2025.
The list of the 24 Park Runs for 2025

Here is my post from last year on the event….with a link to the charity website for donations.

Running in a furnace for a great cause. 24 Park Runs in 24 hours.

On Saturday I ran the 24 Park Runs in 24 hours in Perth for the On My Feet charity, helping homelessness. ( ) The concept is simple, run a park run, drive to the next one, run that park run and repeat 24 times over the course of the 24 hour period. This gives you around thirty minutes for each park run with a small break for lunch, dinner and an early breakfast. Sounds easy right ? Wrong as Perth decided to present us with the hottest day of the summer so far with temperatures hitting 42c ( over 107F) and staying around the 40c for most of the early afternoon into the evening, chuck in brutal humidity and it became a challenge.

The donation page for the 2023 24 park runs event has now closed so the best way to donate, if you so choose, is to log on to the charities website ( ) and donate there. They also sell cool socks which would be a nice gift for any runner, donating and giving , a win – win situation.

Right , off we go. I had decided to run this event while training in the Perth hills the day before. It had been on my radar since last year but I had made no effort to prepare for it and in the end just ignored it. It wasn’t until the chat started to build and FMO (Fear of Missing Out) started to kick in that I eventually caved in and put in my charity donation to the On My Feet fund. (link above , just in case you missed it) I was in but had no food and only a few hours to get ready the morning of the event.  I had managed to snag a seat on the best ride in town, that of the famous Gore family van with Gemma and Phil driving, ably supported by Bradley.  All I needed to do was turn up to each park run , cruise around in less than thirty minutes and eat and drink in the van while being chauffeured to the next run, simples. Well as with all best laid plans, and in this case there wasn’t even a plan , things started to go awry when the temperature began to heat up.

The plan for the next 24 hours.

Even at Park Run number one, Garvey Park, you could feel the heat and by the end of the first park run you knew you were in for a long day. We started at 8am but as soon as you ventured out into the sunshine you were rewarded with a reminder of what was to come, heat and plenty of it. On the plus side I was about to run 22 park runs I had not ran before so it was an going to be a sight seeing tour of Perth , in a heatwave, with some running in between long stints of eating and drinking while a member of the Gore family, or Bradley, drove.  How bad could that be ?

Team Gore at PR 1…Aaron, myself, Gemma, Tom, Bradley, Phil and Sarah.

One of the major surprises of this event was the laughter , in the back of the van there was a lot of it and the six of us just had the best time together. Although we all knew each other spending 24 hours driving around Perth in a heatwave brings you all closer together, literally. Conditions were cramped but I’d managed to snag myself the seat behind Phil with my own door, that doesn’t sound special but trust me it was like being upgraded from cattle class to first class, I was stoked.  We had the right combination of characters and the time in the van was just ace, well it was for the male occupants. Sarah did leave us just before midnight citing space concerns when Gemma joined us but truth be told I think we had worn her down with our ‘special conversations‘ and theories regarding Stephen Hawkins and many other subjects that shall remain between the van crew only.

High jinks early on in the back of the Gore Van. Sarah, Aaron, Tom and Bradley.

The thing with this event is if you have a good bunch of runners sharing a ride it becomes even more epic and I had a great crew sharing a ride.. so much laughter albeit it’s best it stays within the members of the van..

The legend himself Phil Gore.

As well as running every park run in under 24 minutes. (get it, 24 park runs in 24 hours,  all finished in under 24 minutes..) Phil also drove the first three or so allowing me to ride shotgun. Once he stopped and Bradley took over I was moved back to economy class in the back, albeit I had a window seat with my own personal sliding door, luxury.

Things heated up very quickly and it was ‘ suns out, guns out’ ; albeit my guns disappeared years ago.

Over the twenty four hour period there were only a couple of times I really struggled and doubted I’d finish. The first time was Carine Park run at 3pm. The heat was incredible and close to 42c. We had just finished Whitfords park run and assumed the temperature would drop , unfortunately we had not taken into account the sea breeze which had cooled us the park run before Carine, this breeze was well and truly now gone and all we had were Sahara like conditions.   I had arranged for my Wife and Mum to meet me at Carine and hand over a Brownes Mocha Chill ( basically a protein drink with a kick and full of sugar) . They both witnessed me stumbling about sucking up icy poles like my life depended on it, actually at that moment in time it may have. Karen has seen this many times before and knew to leave me to it and not get involved, probably the best thing to do. They both left and I was escorted back to the van, we had a schedule to keep.

The furnace that was Carine at 42c. Save by icy poles at the end. All bravado at the start, not so much at the finish  !

After Carine we ran the Yokine Park Run which was better as there was some shade and I had recovered a tad by the time we were ejected from the air conditioning heaven that was team Gore’s family van. I just had to survive two more park runs before a good break for dinner but better than that if I could survive Maylands, the next one post Yokine, there was a twenty minute drive to Applecross, in that time I could neck the Brownes Mocha chill. This was a risky move as 600ml of milk can go either way on a upset stomach, it really is a kill or cure move. Luckily in this case it was a cure and I ran Applecross better than all previous park runs finishing ahead of Phil, albeit I had started earlier due to worrying about what was going to happen.

Fueled on Brownes Mocha , I was back at Applecross.

Post Applecross we were eleven down with thirteen to go and hopefully better conditions. We had a good break for dinner and managed to find a Pasta Cup outlet which is built for runners doing this kind of event, carbohydrates in a cup and lots of them. I never finished the portion but it gave me the energy I needed for another six or seven hours of running. As I said earlier I had no real nutrition plan , mainly brought on by having no nutrition. I was surviving on Bix products and any sweets available in the van, thanks Tom, Bradley and Aaron.

A runners dream as we started our journey through the night, carbs and lots of them !

As you can see from the image below I was a new man after my pasta meal, a similar story after my Mocha Chill, with ultrarunning it’s all about hydration and nutrition, get these right and you’re halfway there.  Unfortunately getting the mix right is difficult and it takes experience to judge the conditions accordingly and tweak your plan. In this case the humidity was a killer and we were taking onboard at least a litre of electrolytes an hour. I would run the park run , head back to the van and just drink as much as I could stomach before the next one. Alternating between electrolyte tablets and powder, all supplied by Bix. ( ) I made it through the night but for the last few park runs I couldn’t stomachs even water, the end was in sight so I knew I was ok for this one but for longer ultras I use more ‘proper food’ rather than hunting just calories and sugar.

Leading the charge at Edinburgh Oval, fueled on pasta cap meatballs.

The evening park runs became harder and harder with my average pace slowing accordingly. The meatball hit lasted a few hours but eventually the body starts to crave more calories and I knew I wasn’t providing them. My only saving grace was my bix powder which was full of carbs.  I actually felt better when I was running and the journeys to the runs started to become the problem.  As soon as you stopped you started to sweat and then sitting in an air conditioned van made this even more profuse, luckily my towel protected the upholstery (well it was better than nothing?). While in the van you had to prepare yourself for the next run as time was always against us. You had enough time to update Strava, maybe a quick post on facebook and then drink and eat as much as you could stomach before charging your shozk headphones and iphone. Once you arrived at the next location you had a few minutes to prepare whatever hydration you’d need and then off you went. Changes of clothing or applying sudocrem was a luxury you’d rarely have time to think about, it was that tight on time.  I did make sure I used fisocrem ( ) every four hours or so and it helped big time, combined with a couple of nodoze and a few paracetamol, don’t judge me.

Homestead, Champion Lakes, Shipwreck and Calleya came and went and by the time we hit 2am I was ready for a macca’s visit , albeit I don’t eat junk food but was hoping for a bacon and egg sandwich or a hash brown. As it was they hadn’t started the breakfast menu so I was left with a Chicken burger , fries and fanta. This was a mistake and it made the next park run, Bibra Lake at 2:31am, a real test. I started well enough but fell apart in the last few kilometres, I was not in a happy place. It’s amazing how long a 5km can feel , even after running 18 of them previously.

The early night park runs were fun but as the night progressed the fun started to fade.

After Bibra Lake there were five more runs to complete but the next two, South Fremantle and Cottesloe, were particularly testing with beach sections. As we lined up at South Fremantle I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to complete the run in time, it was 3:30am, and we were well into the witching hours. ( between 2am and dawn, the most dangerous time for ultra runners !)  As it was when we started to run I found my rhythm early and actually enjoyed the time on the beach. Andy Baldwin got me through this park run together with Sarah and we ran the last few kilometres together , dare I say enjoying the moment.  This was then duplicated for the Cottesloe run and then the sun rose and all was good. In any ultra make it to sunrise and you’re good for another few hours, guaranteed.

Canning River was a nice Park Run, a fast circuit and only one loop which I prefer.
Bibra Lake was hard, a half eaten Macca’s nearly got the better off me.

Once I spied the sunrise I was never not going to finish. The final three park runs saw other runners join in as we were into early Sunday morning. As the numbers rose so did our energy levels and we could all start to see the finish line a few hours away.  Claremont park run was number 22 so a few of the lads put on their tutu’s and skipped around full of the joys of spring ( or summer in this case)  The morning temperature was a relief from the heat we had endured the previous day albeit we could feel the temperature start to rise by the minute.

As soo n as the sun came up it was game on. Cottlesloe looking resplendent.

Next it was Burswood before the final park run at Claisebrook. To comply with tradition all the nine runners who had completed all 23 park runs had a shot of Fireball Whisky, to warm the stomachs before the final park run, number 24. I’m not a big drinker in fact for 2023 I had two pints of Guinness after running Delirious West 200 miler  in February and maybe a glass of red wine on the plane to Run Britannia in May, that’s it.  That was probably my first spirit since the Tequila shots after finishing the Unreasonable East in 2021 ? I digress, the fireball went down well but must admit to feeling a tad ropey that afternoon although the previous 24 hours may have had something to do with that but I’m blaming the fireball.

A Fireball Whisky chaser before the last park run. Warmed the stomach .

So the image below shows the nine of us that finished all 24 park runs and I had to work very hard to get into it. In the end it was an incredible journey with good friends and so much laughter mixed in with some serious ‘pain cave’ time, mentally testing situations and an opportunity to find out more about yourself; what more could you wish for.

If I can ask if you’ve got this far then you show your appreciation by scrolling back to the top of the post and donating to the cause, anything is better than nothing, it all helps. I would really appreciate it.

Done and dusted, the nine WA finishers.

Finally a massive shout out to Team Gore for letting me hitch a ride in their van , which unfortunately should now be destroyed, six sweaty runners for 24 hours in one van does not end well for anybody. At the end of the event I promised never again but after a few days I can’t wait for 2025. Next year I will insist on an esky full of icy poles, avoid macca’s like the plague and bring my own food. Assuming the temperatures are lower maybe next year it’ll be easier, maybe ? I’ve already asked Phil for my seat on the 24 hour bus and I’m hoping the rest of the 2024 runners do the same, it’s tradition and runner love traditions.

Team Gore at the finish.

fisiocrem ( ) is just bloody brilliant and does exactly what it says it does , it just gets the major muscle groups moving again. I use this extensively towards the end of the race when my quads are hammered.  It really makes a difference and allows me to move back through the gears towards the end of an event when most runners are stumbling home.

Feel free to follow me on Strava.

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or facebook  RUNBKRUNOZ



Big shout out to fisiocrem , this product is just incredible for tired and aching legs. I use it daily and have noticed a vast improvement in recovery.

Bix hydration is just ace, a product brought to life by Vlad Ixel a professional ultra runner who knows a thing or two about hydration. ( )  The best thing about Bix is it tastes good with many different flavours and you never get sick of drinking it, this is a big plus as Maurten and Tailwind (both great products)  can be difficult to digest later in the event.  From the website :-

As an Australian elite multiple trail running champion, with wins in over 40 ultra-marathon races across Asia, recovery from training and races has always been my top priority. 

In searching for a solid recovery and hydration supplement, I recognized that critical vitamins and minerals – both in diversity and quantity – were missing from almost all supplements on the market. I had the feeling that in an effort to maximize their bottom-lines, companies in the hydration space, failed to deliver a product that could meaningfully assist athlete performance. 

In order to address this, I began the development of a hydration product. After two and a half years of development alongside a leading German sports scientist, BIX Recovery, an advanced, high-quality recovery drink was born. 

BIX boosts 12 active ingredients scientifically balanced to replace lost electrolytes and assist in immune function. It’s designed with quality vitamins and minerals, in quantities that work! 

BIX is a recovery solution for everyone, that will get you to the top of your game!

Great hydration.

What can I say about HumanTecar,  ( ) it looks great, smells great and is awesome for recovery or even pre-run/workout. Read about the science behind it first and then try the products. The compression bandages are just magical after a long event. Put these on and the next day you are recovered, I have used them on a number of occasions and they never fail to astound me albeit the family poke fun at me as I look like a ‘mummy and smell funny’ !

Fractel ) have your performance headgear covered. I love the colours and the functionality of these hats, I guarantee there is one model you’ll fall in love with.

Fractel headgear, just ace.

Shokz headphones, let you keep in touch with the world around while losing yourself in quality tunes or podcasts. ( )

Best running headphones EVER !

T8 running apparel is the best you can get, second to none. Designed for the ultra humid Hong Kong conditions the owners live in.  It is light and does away with any chaffing worries. T8 is the name given to the highest typhoon warning in Honk Kong,  storms and typhoons with gusts exceeding 180kph, which explains the branding. (

Altra supply the best trail shoes on the planet, in my opinion, and none better than the Olympus five. Do yourself a favour and buy a pair. ( ) Osprey Australia have come onboard and are supplying me with two running backpacks and travelling luggage for the Run Britannia adventure. I particularly like their running backpacks and am excited to test them over the event. I’ll be using the Duro 6 and the Duro 1.5 backpacks.
Excited to have Coros onboard who have supplied me with the new Apex 2 Pro GPS watch. I already owned the Apex 2 and was stoked when Coros reached out and offered me an upgrade. Even more battery life, can you believe 75 hours using GPS, wow! The watch itself is awesome, so light and well made. The watch is paired with a incredible application to keep track of all your stats, and runners love stats ! .  ( )
Feel free to follow me on Strava.

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or facebook  RUNBKRUNOZ


How do you keep the fire burning ?

The image below is one of my all time favorites capturing me running through halfway in the Six Ince Trail Ultra Marathon. It’s at this point , if you’re fast enough and running around the sub four hour pace, you run past the half marathon starters. It just came up in my Facebook feed from seven years ago and that year I ran a three hours forty-nine minutes, good enough for ninth place. Unfortunately that was one of the three years I got lost and I took Zac Jeps the wrong way with the finish line so close. We had ran with Nera Jareb for the first 37 kilometres , to the top of the Escalator hill, where we left her and stepped up the gears. Nera finished in 3:42, for first female, and I’m very confident I could have gone quicker maybe even putting fourth and fifth under pressure. No worries, now it’s a good story and I’ve not been lost since.

Last week I ran the event for the 15th time consecutively.  (Only missing 2019 when it was cancelled due to extreme weather temperatures and a fire risk)  I reversed the downward trend of finishing times with a run for the ages , again finishing in ninth place albeit this time with a four hour five minutes finishing time. Although the time may have slowed the love for the event and the burning ambition to do well is still there, fifteen years from the first event. Typing this I have that same grin on my face I had in the image below in 2017 and even the images of the first time we ran the event in 2008.

Seven years ago today., December 20th 2017.

I remember the first six inch race I ran in 2009, we had no GPX file of the course and my running mate, Brett Coombes, printed off a map of the Munda Biddi ( ) trail and laminated it. It didn’t help, we missed a left turn due to a large tiger snake sunning itself on the corner , startled, we ran right past it and that was it, our race was run.  Funnily enough at the time I swore off trail running and ultra running and decided to concentrate on the marathon and shorter distances, road racing, which I did for the next ten or so years but always returning to this event at the end of the year, I was hooked


My first 6 inch, 2009. Back in the day when you only wore Asics, there was nothing else ?

In 2009 there was one aid station at halfway albeit the location has not changed over the years but Dave has added another one at the top of the Escalator Hill and also one around the 43km mark, and the volunteers even refill your water bottles for you.  As you can below it’s was a self service offering back in the day.

Self supported aid station, the only one, at halfway.

I have watched the event grow from a fat ass (free entry and self supported)  in the early days to a well oiled machine these days with coaches taking the runners to the start , multiple distances and catering at the finish.  It’s come a long way from two steaks in the ground and some webbing for a fishing corral .  Even before I first grew a beard in 2012 which has never left my chin since, I look like a young child.  Believe me at the time Brett and I were over trail running and both looking forward to Comrades in 2010, but that’s another story.

2009, steaks in the ground and webbing for a finishers chute, old school ..

2024 was a stellar year , nine ultra marathons and two marathons while saving the best till last. Running a top ten at the 6 inch was probably one of my best runs in my career, so far, and I am still smiling like a Cheshire cat.  If you have time feel free to read the post on the event for background . ( ) You’ll understand why it was special

So to the point of this post, finally. How do I keep the fire burning, the drive to continually put myself in the pain box and normally find a way out, be that three or four days into a 200 miler or at the end of a marathon facing the infamous ‘wall’. Why run every day, or even twice a day in all conditions while juggling life, work and other commitments that come with being an adult these days (I say ‘adult’ in the broadest sense of the word of course ?) It’s for runs like last weekend, runs that you thought beyond you, chasing down runners you didn’t think you could chase down and slicing through the pack ahead of you like a hot knife through butter.  The second half of the 6 inch ultra was just incredible, picking up the pace and running down so many competitors was intoxicating, with experience this has happened on only a handful of occasions and when it does you need to push on, dig deep and just enjoy the ride, it doesn’t come often.

I would say my finish this year would be up there in the top three of all my fifteen finishes and even getting to the pace of my PB finish in 2012 (3:38) ; that was twelve years ago. That’s how special that race was. Of course it was still bloody hard work but all the planets aligned , and when that happens it makes all the sacrifices worthwhile. It also stokes the fire and all of a sudden a sub three in July at Bibra Lake is on the cards, a Delirious West PB in April or even another Lighthorse Ultra podium (number 6?) , your goals are readjusted.

So what changed ? Post Sandman 50k I had only ran once a day but also joined the local gym and spent 40-50 minutes a day on a Pilates reformer following instructions on a screen. I have also been taking creatine for about a month religiously. It is well know that older runners should cut back on distance and concentrate more on strength training , maybe with a few additives helping the process. As well as creatine I’ll be looking at HMB and Leucine next and will add these to my daily supplement smorgasbord.  I have been feeling stronger with the Pilates and not as ‘wiped out’ by running less, maybe all those scientific papers were right, as you age doing less is better than doing more.? Who knew.

I’ll report on progress next year when I add the HMB and Leucine to my list of ‘BK little helpers‘ but am expecting more performance enhancing results albeit I assuming these are all racing legal?

2024, a little older but still as excited about a 6 inch finish as I was 16 years ago.

Another way to keep the fire burning is to surround yourself with like minded people, people who get ‘you‘ but also people who feel the same way,  as passionately as you do,  about running.  Every Thursday I get to spend time with the Yelo crew, 5:30am, and the running is secondary to the banter, coffee and just having a good time with like minded people normally laughing a lot. Yelo time is special and all runners need to find a Yelo in their life. Runners are a pack animals and should seek other like minded runners to make that Sunday long run not feel quite so long. Conversation makes miles disappear , even quicker that Taylor Swift serenading me on my shokz headphones. ( ) You haven’t got time to worry about the distance markers when you’re engaged in some quality political or scientific conversations with fellow know-it-all’s albeit these days most arguments can be ended (or started) by google.  (normally over the coffee post run) Every group must have a Dr. Jon Pendse (his Doctorate was from Google apparently) who understands (and encourages)  all conspiracy theories and is convinced 99% of them are true.  (Arguing with Jon can make a Sunday long run either disappear or drag on forever, it’s a fine balancing act. )

Yelo crew 2024.
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Big shout out to fisiocrem , this product is just incredible for tired and aching legs. I use it daily and have noticed a vast improvement in recovery.

Bix hydration is just ace, a product brought to life by Vlad Ixel a professional ultra runner who knows a thing or two about hydration. ( )  The best thing about Bix is it tastes good with many different flavours and you never get sick of drinking it, this is a big plus as Maurten and Tailwind (both great products)  can be difficult to digest later in the event.  From the website :-

As an Australian elite multiple trail running champion, with wins in over 40 ultra-marathon races across Asia, recovery from training and races has always been my top priority. 

In searching for a solid recovery and hydration supplement, I recognized that critical vitamins and minerals – both in diversity and quantity – were missing from almost all supplements on the market. I had the feeling that in an effort to maximize their bottom-lines, companies in the hydration space, failed to deliver a product that could meaningfully assist athlete performance. 

In order to address this, I began the development of a hydration product. After two and a half years of development alongside a leading German sports scientist, BIX Recovery, an advanced, high-quality recovery drink was born. 

BIX boosts 12 active ingredients scientifically balanced to replace lost electrolytes and assist in immune function. It’s designed with quality vitamins and minerals, in quantities that work! 

BIX is a recovery solution for everyone, that will get you to the top of your game!

Great hydration.

What can I say about HumanTecar,  ( ) it looks great, smells great and is awesome for recovery or even pre-run/workout. Read about the science behind it first and then try the products. The compression bandages are just magical after a long event. Put these on and the next day you are recovered, I have used them on a number of occasions and they never fail to astound me albeit the family poke fun at me as I look like a ‘mummy and smell funny’ !

Fractel ) have your performance headgear covered. I love the colours and the functionality of these hats, I guarantee there is one model you’ll fall in love with.

Fractel headgear, just ace.

Shokz headphones, let you keep in touch with the world around while losing yourself in quality tunes or podcasts. ( )

Best running headphones EVER !

T8 running apparel is the best you can get, second to none. Designed for the ultra humid Hong Kong conditions the owners live in.  It is light and does away with any chaffing worries. T8 is the name given to the highest typhoon warning in Honk Kong,  storms and typhoons with gusts exceeding 180kph, which explains the branding. (

Altra supply the best trail shoes on the planet, in my opinion, and none better than the Olympus five. Do yourself a favour and buy a pair. ( ) Osprey Australia have come onboard and are supplying me with two running backpacks and travelling luggage for the Run Britannia adventure. I particularly like their running backpacks and am excited to test them over the event. I’ll be using the Duro 6 and the Duro 1.5 backpacks.
Excited to have Coros onboard who have supplied me with the new Apex 2 Pro GPS watch. I already owned the Apex 2 and was stoked when Coros reached out and offered me an upgrade. Even more battery life, can you believe 75 hours using GPS, wow! The watch itself is awesome, so light and well made. The watch is paired with a incredible application to keep track of all your stats, and runners love stats ! .  ( )
Feel free to follow me on Strava.

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or facebook  RUNBKRUNOZ


runbkrun is on the Australian Running Blogs podium, albeit probably briefly.

I always joke with my Daughter how ‘unfamous’ I am after years of dribbling on about all things running. The yardstick has been the feedspot top Australian blogs table  ( , please note when you click on this link I may be back with the pack but when writing this post I was third!)  where I have languished year on year. Imagine my surprise when my Daughter searched today and found I had snuck onto the podium , just behind TrailRun magazine.
A podium, which is a good effort.

I checked the best 100 worldwide blogs and managed a respectable top half of the table finish, 42nd, which I’m happy enough with, gives me some room to move.

I often reflect on why I started this blog back in 2016 when I was still chasing the elusive sub 2 hour 40 minutes marathon finish. In August of that year I managed a 2:41:44 at the Perth City to Surf marathon but this was my last true shot at that time. I remember at the time I was running with Scott Thomson and Ross Mclean and we got to just past halfway heading into Kings Park running up a particular nasty hill. Both these runners were better than me at that point (and still are!) and I felt the pace was a bit hot so made a conscious effort to drop back and try to run more smartly. Do I regret this ? Now, yes, because I feel if I’d just got through Kings Park with them I would have held on or at least only dropped a minute or two. As it was I ran alone for the rest of the race and finished a credible fifth for my third 2:41:xx. Not my fastest, that was the City to Surf in 2013, 2:41;14, but close enough.

Work harder, not smarter.

That was one of those races when I just ran with the group rather than concentrating on a set goal or pace, and a group of better runners. I did this on two other occasions shortly after the marathon.  The first time was the West Australian Marathon Club Peninsula 10k where I met a very young and athletic Zac Jeps for the first time. Zac would become a good friend but at this point I did not know him at all, he was just a very tall, athletic looking runner who left the start line like he’d been shot from a cannon. Again I decided to hang on and just run with Zac, to hell with the consequences not looking at my watch at all. The plan was to hold his shoulder for as long as I could, be that 5k, 2k or the whole event, I had no idea.  Luckily this time Zac pushed me to a 10k PB, one I have never bettered, cheers buddy.

The following week was the Fremantle half and as you can see from my training spreadsheet below I hadn’t really thought about tapering post Peninsula. Monday through Thursday after the race were double days albeit I gave myself two days rest before the Sunday.  I always remember I drove my mate Mike Kowal to the start and felt so fatigued I was close to becoming a DNS, rather than embarrass myself.  In the end again I decided to run with the lead runners and see what happened, no end goal or looking at my watch, just run. In this case I ended up with Gerry Hill, Ross Langford  and Tom Bakowski, three runners who regularly beat me but for some reason it was me setting the pace.  Ross dropped off early and it was just me, Gerry and Tom with three kilometres to go and I was already thinking of witty antidotes while reciting my winning speech. In the end the boys stepped up and I was dropped to third place but a massive 50 second PB, which again I have never came anywhere near to , 1:15:00.

I continued to reap the rewards of big distance with a second place at the inaugural Rottnest half marathon , a 1:17 on a very hilly course, as I was racing the Masters World Games in Perth two weeks later. I managed a silver medal in my age group at the World Masters Games running a respectable 2:44 in hot and humid conditions, also good enough for 7th overall. This was followed by another win in a 16k event, which I defended the following year, a second place in a 4k  and a great 6 inch ultra trail marathon top 10 finish. 2016 was special.  Working harder, not smarter was working.

Work harder, not smarter.

So that was 2016, a great year with a lot of PB’s at 50 years old. The year started well enough in 2017 but a nasty calf year finished the racing year early and this was compounded by a nasty case of plantar Fasciitis  in 2018. Coming in 2019 I was over fifty and two years of injuries had taken my speed, the days of PB’s were over for the shorter distances. Post COVID I found a passion for Ultra running thanks to Shaun Kaesler and the Ultra Series WA calendar of events. ( ) and to this day this has been my main focus. With 48 marathons and 53 Ultra marathons I’m  through the 100 finishes and still as excited about the next one as I was about the first. 

That’s the point of this blog I suppose. Every day I get up and I think about my next run with the same excitement as my first, chasing PB’s for marathons and shorter races is a distant memory but racing these events is still my objective. In 2024 I ran two marathons , a 3:04 at Bibra and a 3:14 at Perth, and now the sub3 is the new sub 2:40 finish. The challenge is still there and I’m as excited about breaking three hours (for the 33rd time) as I was chasing the elusive 2:40 finish. This is the point, keep the fire burning and enjoy the journey.

As I’ve said many times the best runner in the world is the one having the most fun and I reckon I’m with a shot..

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Big shout out to fisiocrem , this product is just incredible for tired and aching legs. I use it daily and have noticed a vast improvement in recovery.

Bix hydration is just ace, a product brought to life by Vlad Ixel a professional ultra runner who knows a thing or two about hydration. ( )  The best thing about Bix is it tastes good with many different flavours and you never get sick of drinking it, this is a big plus as Maurten and Tailwind (both great products)  can be difficult to digest later in the event.  From the website :-

As an Australian elite multiple trail running champion, with wins in over 40 ultra-marathon races across Asia, recovery from training and races has always been my top priority. 

In searching for a solid recovery and hydration supplement, I recognized that critical vitamins and minerals – both in diversity and quantity – were missing from almost all supplements on the market. I had the feeling that in an effort to maximize their bottom-lines, companies in the hydration space, failed to deliver a product that could meaningfully assist athlete performance. 

In order to address this, I began the development of a hydration product. After two and a half years of development alongside a leading German sports scientist, BIX Recovery, an advanced, high-quality recovery drink was born. 

BIX boosts 12 active ingredients scientifically balanced to replace lost electrolytes and assist in immune function. It’s designed with quality vitamins and minerals, in quantities that work! 

BIX is a recovery solution for everyone, that will get you to the top of your game!

Great hydration.

What can I say about HumanTecar,  ( ) it looks great, smells great and is awesome for recovery or even pre-run/workout. Read about the science behind it first and then try the products. The compression bandages are just magical after a long event. Put these on and the next day you are recovered, I have used them on a number of occasions and they never fail to astound me albeit the family poke fun at me as I look like a ‘mummy and smell funny’ !

Fractel ) have your performance headgear covered. I love the colours and the functionality of these hats, I guarantee there is one model you’ll fall in love with.

Fractel headgear, just ace.

Shokz headphones, let you keep in touch with the world around while losing yourself in quality tunes or podcasts. ( )

Best running headphones EVER !

T8 running apparel is the best you can get, second to none. Designed for the ultra humid Hong Kong conditions the owners live in.  It is light and does away with any chaffing worries. T8 is the name given to the highest typhoon warning in Honk Kong,  storms and typhoons with gusts exceeding 180kph, which explains the branding. (

Altra supply the best trail shoes on the planet, in my opinion, and none better than the Olympus five. Do yourself a favour and buy a pair. ( ) Osprey Australia have come onboard and are supplying me with two running backpacks and travelling luggage for the Run Britannia adventure. I particularly like their running backpacks and am excited to test them over the event. I’ll be using the Duro 6 and the Duro 1.5 backpacks.
Excited to have Coros onboard who have supplied me with the new Apex 2 Pro GPS watch. I already owned the Apex 2 and was stoked when Coros reached out and offered me an upgrade. Even more battery life, can you believe 75 hours using GPS, wow! The watch itself is awesome, so light and well made. The watch is paired with a incredible application to keep track of all your stats, and runners love stats ! .  ( )
Feel free to follow me on Strava.

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or facebook  RUNBKRUNOZ


Is Nedd Brockman the messiah or just a very naughty boy ?

Nedd Brockman does what he does bloody well and that is raise money for charity but is he a good runner ? To the ultra running world the answer is no, he is not. His challenges , although extreme, are not new and when he does attempt to get world records he fails by days, not hours. But that’s not the point is it ?

He is in a catch 22 situation where the public expect , and demand, suffering . If Nedd just skipped around a 400m track all smiles and smashed a world record for the distance who would have donated ? I’m convinced the more the public sees Nedd suffer the deeper they put their hands in their pockets to donate.  This also translates to the longer the event , again, the more donations. He was after an untouchable world record set back in 1988, I’m not sure if he or his team really believed he would get it. I certainly didn’t but that’s not the point. All talk of the world record disappeared from about day three when it was obvious he was already behind his target and beginning to hurt, in a 1000 mile record attempt there is no such thing as a negative split. !

Instead we watched a man break himself on a daily basis and just keep showing up, more and more broken each day.  On Instagram there were all the images you’d expect to bring the situation home to the donating public . The token vomit on the side of the track, the look of agony as blisters are burst, tape around the shoulders and nipples, totally exhausted laying on the grass and then crawling up to continue , bleeding noses, drone images showing Nedd alone in a vast stadium,  and even wheel chairs to the track in the morning.  His team are marketing geniuses.

But is he the super human the public think he is ?

an athlete stands on a blue athletic track, holding a large banner that appears to be in motion

The holder of the 1000 mile record, Yiannis Kourous, set the record nearly forty years ago and was unable to train for months before the attempt and got sick on day eight ( ) In the ultra running world he is a God but outside this community no one will have heard of him ?  An incredible athlete who destroyed all before him but how much good did he do for charity ? It must be noted Kourous was around before the go-fund me , charity specific running became a thing and the ability to reach a global audience didn’t really exist. Nedd isn’t even in the same ballpark as Kourous, not many are, but Kourous must be looking at Nedd’s attempts as amateur at best and wonder what could have been if he had the tools at Nedd’s disposal.

The best ultrarunner in the world, you never heard of., the great Yiannis Kourous,
Let’s put this run into perspective . Recently Sean Bell ran around Australia,  the 25-year-old Victorian became the fastest person to circumnavigate Australia on foot, finishing 13,383km in 158 days, 14 hours and 52 minutes. Put your hand up if you knew this. ?  Also in the time he never had a rest day, ever. ! He ran every single day.  Sort of make Nedd’s 4,000km run from Perth to Sydney look a little tame right ? How much did Sean earn for 174 days off running , just over $162,000. Not quite the $1.4m he was hoping for. If you followed Sean on Instagram he certainly played the suffering card as well as Nedd. It was painful to watch Sean start each day and he did this for hundred of days not ten. Unfortunately Sean is a clean cut runner, bar the ultra beard, who just hasn’t got the persona  needed to pull in big donations. He’s just too normal ,and I say that in a nice way, and when it comes to raising money the public don’t like normal. They want a blond mullet, an old  cap and the good old fashioned digger mentality of getting shit done. If you’re stuck in the trenches you need a Nedd standing next to you as you’re ordered over the top, Nedd would give a whoop of delight as he ran into a hail of bullets , taking a few in the chest and then moving forward encouraging you to do the same, and you would. People would take bullets for Nedd.

In January, 2023, Erchana Murray-Bartlett set the Guinness World record for running the most consecutive marathons. She ran 150 marathons in 150 days and raised money for Australian wildlife along the way. Erchana started at Cape York, which is in the northern tip of Australia and ran along the coast all the way down to Melbourne.  Currently she earned just over $133,000 for her chosen charity with little media coverage.  Seems a poor return when Nedd can raise over $2.6m for 12 days running around a 400m track ? Erchana’s main problem, again similar to Sean just too normal, the girl next door look is not good for raising money.  Clean cut does not cut it with the public and enjoying it is a massive no-no, donation suicide. !

Kiwi runner Shannon-Leigh Litt  is running an ultra a day and started on January 1st 2024, as of now , October 17th, she is still going and has smashed the current world record. As well as running over 50 kilomtres a day she also works full time as a defence lawyer, which is a demanding job on it’s own right. The Whangārei criminal defence lawyer set out on her epic mission on January 1 with the aim of beating previous world record holder Candice Burt, from Colorado, who ran 200 ultra-marathons in 200 days, finishing in May 2023.  She is nearly at 290 days and counting, that’s nearly 15,000 kilometes. Shannon-Leigh’s main problem is the run is just too long, and after a while becomes the norm. Why give money to someone who does the same thing day in, day out and makes it looks like a local park run. ? Again not enough  suffering and continuing to do a demanding day job is just not cool for the donating public.

I have friends who have followed Shannon-Leigh on Strava but eventually gave up as constantly seeing someone smash out an ultra a day demoralises  them.  I’m not sure if Shannon-Leigh is even raising money for charity ?  Imagine if Nedd did this, and every day we were shown images of him breaking down , day by day, the ultimate suffer fest, we’d be selling our kidneys to give more !

Running an Ultra a day while working full time in a demanding job.

World-runner Tim Franklin is poised to become the 8th individual to run around the world and to be inducted into the WRA. Whilst his run records are still under ratification, we are happy to introduce Tim to the WRA family.576 days, 26,245km run: Congratulations to Tim Franklin who might today become the 8th person to conclude a run around the world! Welcome to the WRA whilst we review your full data!  Tim started his run on 3rd December 2022 in Brisbane Australia.  Tim concluded his journey in Brisbane Australia on 30th June 2024, accompanied by thousands of supporters and well wishers. Similar story to Shannon-Leigh, unless you have a marketing team on point with updates that show the mammoth task of running around the world it becomes boring and loses it’s appeal.

Around the world, hard to beat ?

This is what the ultra community are up in arms about. The public sees Nedd as a messiah like figure achieving things that no one else can and this is what they need to believe to dig deep for charity. The running community sees the bigger picture.  Nedd can run for long periods of time and suffer but has he got any running pedigree to race against the best in the sport. Probably not truth be told. He will never win  marathons or ultra marathons of any note but again do we really care. What he can do is to connect to the public at large, pull their heart strings and do incredibly good things for his chosen charity.  Charities around the world must be looking at Nedd and asking themselves how they can persuade him to perform for them because that is what Nedd does, he performs and at the moment he is the best in the world at being Nedd Brockman.

Over $3m donated as they head towards $10m for the homeless.

What do I think ? I love Nedd, he’s making running , and ultra running in particular, part of mainstream conversations. I can’t imagine the number of people who have put on a pair of trainers after watching Nedd do his thing. This is another bonus of his personality , it just makes you want to do ‘hard shit’, and his 10 day uncomfortable challenge campaign kicks off on October 20th around the country, on the back of his 1000 mile run this will be massive as the next generation of little Nedd Brockman’s start their journey. To the moon baby.

Big shout out to fisiocrem , this product is just incredible for tired and aching legs. I use it daily and have noticed a vast improvement in recovery.

Bix hydration is just ace, a product brought to life by Vlad Ixel a professional ultra runner who knows a thing or two about hydration. ( )  The best thing about Bix is it tastes good with many different flavours and you never get sick of drinking it, this is a big plus as Maurten and Tailwind (both great products)  can be difficult to digest later in the event.  From the website :-

As an Australian elite multiple trail running champion, with wins in over 40 ultra-marathon races across Asia, recovery from training and races has always been my top priority. 

In searching for a solid recovery and hydration supplement, I recognized that critical vitamins and minerals – both in diversity and quantity – were missing from almost all supplements on the market. I had the feeling that in an effort to maximize their bottom-lines, companies in the hydration space, failed to deliver a product that could meaningfully assist athlete performance. 

In order to address this, I began the development of a hydration product. After two and a half years of development alongside a leading German sports scientist, BIX Recovery, an advanced, high-quality recovery drink was born. 

BIX boosts 12 active ingredients scientifically balanced to replace lost electrolytes and assist in immune function. It’s designed with quality vitamins and minerals, in quantities that work! 

BIX is a recovery solution for everyone, that will get you to the top of your game!

Great hydration.

What can I say about HumanTecar,  ( ) it looks great, smells great and is awesome for recovery or even pre-run/workout. Read about the science behind it first and then try the products. The compression bandages are just magical after a long event. Put these on and the next day you are recovered, I have used them on a number of occasions and they never fail to astound me albeit the family poke fun at me as I look like a ‘mummy and smell funny’ !

Fractel ) have your performance headgear covered. I love the colours and the functionality of these hats, I guarantee there is one model you’ll fall in love with.

Fractel headgear, just ace.

Shokz headphones, let you keep in touch with the world around while losing yourself in quality tunes or podcasts. ( )

Best running headphones EVER !

T8 running apparel is the best you can get, second to none. Designed for the ultra humid Hong Kong conditions the owners live in.  It is light and does away with any chaffing worries. T8 is the name given to the highest typhoon warning in Honk Kong,  storms and typhoons with gusts exceeding 180kph, which explains the branding. (

Altra supply the best trail shoes on the planet, in my opinion, and none better than the Olympus five. Do yourself a favour and buy a pair. ( ) Osprey Australia have come onboard and are supplying me with two running backpacks and travelling luggage for the Run Britannia adventure. I particularly like their running backpacks and am excited to test them over the event. I’ll be using the Duro 6 and the Duro 1.5 backpacks.
Excited to have Coros onboard who have supplied me with the new Apex 2 Pro GPS watch. I already owned the Apex 2 and was stoked when Coros reached out and offered me an upgrade. Even more battery life, can you believe 75 hours using GPS, wow! The watch itself is awesome, so light and well made. The watch is paired with a incredible application to keep track of all your stats, and runners love stats ! .  ( )
Feel free to follow me on Strava.

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