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Lord Coe is a better man than me.

One of my favourite runners growing up in the UK in the early eighties was Sebastian Coe who , together with Steve Ovett and Steve Cram, dominated middle distance running between 1980 and 1984. Coe and Ovett between them won four gold medals at a time when the UK middle distance scene was in disarray with Brendan Foster the only real athlete of note.  My favourite all time Seb Coe quote is below and I have mentioned this before on my blog.

In the winter of 1979, during the lead-up to the Olympic Games in Moscow, I remember training on Christmas Day.

It was a harsh winter (harsh enough to bring down a government) but I ran 12 miles on Christmas morning. It was a hard session and I got home, showered and felt pretty happy with what I had done.

Later that afternoon, sitting back after Christmas lunch, I began to feel uneasy but was not quite sure why. Suddenly it dawned on me. I thought: “I bet [Steve] Ovett’s out there doing his second training session of the day.” I put the kit back on, faced the snow and ice and did a second training session. I ran several miles, including some hill work.

Not long ago, over supper in Melbourne, I told him the story. He laughed. ‘Did you only go out twice that day?’ he asked.

Well Christmas Day was too good an opportunity not to try and repeat what Seb had ran on that cold day in 1979. Admittedly it was a tad warmer in Perth, mid thirties I think, but it was about getting out there after a ‘monster Christmas dinner with all the trimmings’ cooked so beautifully by my lovely Wife. I did give myself a break after wolfing down the meal by watching ‘the Trolls’ on TV with the family before announcing to my Wife I was off for a second run for the day. (I had sneaked in a 10k earlier after the kids had devoured their presents and it was quiet time as they scurried off to their rooms to do whatever young girls do in the privacy of their bedrooms?)

So I off went on another 10k thinking how much fun this was going to be as I had noted on Strava earlier in the day there was quite a bit of activity earlier in the morning but so far no double runners, to good an opportunity to miss. Initially my bravado was rewarded with a 4k pleasant enough run into Star Swamp and I must admit to feeling quite smug with myself. This feeling was not one that was to continue with me on the rest of the run unfortunately when, around 5k, the wheels fell off big time. Actually thinking about it now it wasn’t just the wheels that were ejected I suspect the head gasket, cylinder head and all accompanying items on the engine decided to seize at the same time. This was not good 5k into a 10k loop. I had nowhere to go but forward and to finish it was a 5k run in either direction.

The next 5k was a regressive run at it’s best (or worst?), each kilometre got progressively slower and more painful and luckily I managed to find some comfort in a toilet break at 8k. I say comfort in the broadest sense of the word by the way, more a place to sit down for 5 minutes and try and regain my faculties. I did eventually get home where I stumbled past the onlooking Wife mumbled something about being ‘ill’ , survived a shower and straight to bed. It wasn’t even 8 O’Clock on Christmas Day but my day was over, big time. ! Luckily I had arranged to meet the BK posse for a 90 minutes easy run at 5am the next morning. As you can imagine this gave me great comfort as I lay in bed replaying the whole sorry affair.

In my defence , as a family, we all suffered a small dose of food poising on Christmas Eve eating some fish and chips while watching the sunset. (Funnily enough we all remarked at the time how good the meal was.?) I’m not sure Lord Coe had this issue before his run, and if he did he never mentioned it? Anyhow the moral of this story is two fold. First never ever attempt to run a second run after a full Christmas dinner with all the trimmings (luckily I was too full for sweet and had planned to eat it after my run ! Yeah right ! It’s still in the fridge). Secondly I now realise why  Sebastian Coe has two gold medals and two silver medals at two Olympics and I haven’t and never will. It takes a Olympian , and a bloody good one at that, to run twice on Christmas day.

Next year I’m goint stay with the family and go for the Trolls and Dr. Seuss’s ‘How the Gringe Stole Christmas ‘ double header…….

Only Seb Coe can run twice a day on Christmas Day. (apparently)



Ketosis and fat adaptation, is it time to say goodbye to Carbs?

Mindful that I haven’t posted much on nutrition lately. Mainly because I do not claim to be a nutritionist and can only really post interesting articles by professionals. This article seems quite relevant as I start to think about the 100k ultra I’m running in a few weeks.

I’m going to skip breakfast tomorrow before my long run with the weekend posse. I’ll let you know how it all goes.

Note: As promised I did skip breakfast and ran 21k with the BK posse on an empty stomach. Felt surprisingly spritely and finished strong. Albeit as we only ran 21k I’m not sure I was going to start burning fat for a few kilometres but small steps.

Of course, being Christmas Eve, we were never not going to have our long run (21k is quite long?) coffee and pancakes.


Christmas Eve City Beach, where else would you rather be?

About the author
Amy Tribolini currently works as both a Registered Dietitian and Nutrition Professor. She lives, trains, and competes as an ultra runner out of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Amy specializes in fueling endurance athletes, athletic performance, and plant-based diets. Amy holds both a Bachelors Degree in Dietetics and a Masters Degree in Human Nutritional Science from the University of Wisconsin.

You might like to read these other articles on the topic of fat burning:
Plant based carbohydrate recipes for fat burning strategies
Nutrition for stripping fat and building lean muscle mass for race readiness
How to lose fat ultra running



Runners – All you need to know about ketosis and fat adaptation

Many runners have been convinced that they need carbohydrates to fuel for their endurance conquests, but a new question has been circulating in the ultra running community: “Can a high fat diet also be a high performance diet?”

More elite runners are emerging with claims that fat burning, ketosis, enables them to run more efficiently than their carb-dependent peers. With all the fad-diet advice flooding the mainstream, it is essential to understand how specific fuels are metabolized in the body and what current research is saying.

When training and competing in ultra marathons, proper fuel can be a huge part of your success.  Whether you are consuming carbohydrates or fat, your body will find a way to convert those fuels into energy so you can endure for long distances.

Carbohydrate is the body’s go-to fuel source. Carbs are quickly and easily converted to glycogen and stored in your cells. When you need energy, your body can rapidly convert glycogen to glucose and release it into your bloodstream to burn. Ketosis occurs when your body is not consuming enough carbohydrates to meet your energy needs, and as an adaptation process, it begins burning fat instead.

There are many proposed benefits of being in ketosis on long runs. Runners state that they don’t experience the dramatic energy spikes and crashes that accompany using high-sugar (high carb) sport supplements, such as gels, bars, and sports drinks. This is due to the fact that fat is a smooth burning fuel, that does not instigate a sugar-insulin cycle. Additionally, even a very lean athlete has around 30,000 calories of fat stored. Compare that to the approximately 2,000 calories of carbohydrate stored in the body. Just by acknowledging the greater storage capacity of fat, you can see why it is a desirable fuel source.

Now, let’s go back to discussing how carbohydrate is more rapidly converted to energy in the body.  This is true, but in part it is true because the body does not have significant practice in converting fat to fuel. For non-athletes, going into ketosis may never occur. Eating carbohydrate-heavy meals, accompanied by low physical activity, keeps the body from ever transitioning to burn fat as a primary fuel source. In this case, if it were ever necessary for the body to burn fat as a primary fuel, it would be an uncomfortable process and the body would likely feel fatigued.

The good news is it doesn’t have to stay this way. An athlete that commonly enters ketosis on long runs has more practice and has thus become more efficient at burning fat. Once athletes become well adapted, they may not feel a significant difference burning fat versus carbohydrate. The main distinction may be that they no longer feel the desperation to replenish their lost sugar stores frequently, during a run.

Attempting to live full-time in ketosis is an extreme lifestyle change and can require cutting out entire food groups, but the lessons learned from ketosis can be applied in a more moderate manner through a method called ‘fat adaptation’. You may not have heard of fat adaptation, but if you’re an ultra runner, your body is likely to be no stranger to it.

If you have ever ran out the door on an empty stomach and decided to do a longer run than planned, your body may have had no choice but to turn fat into fuel.  Since one pound of body fat contains 3,500 calories, the average 150-pound person could run for three hours and burn a mere half a pound of stored fat. Ultra runners can find peace of mind knowing that their bodies already contain the necessary fuel for long runs. I am not advocating for runners to starve themselves for better results, quite the opposite. I am encouraging endurance athletes to fuel with healthy fats and limit sugary, high-carbohydrate supplements as a means to ultimately perform more efficiently on long runs.

What is fat adaptation?

I’ll start by explaining what fat adaptation is not. It is not a low-calorie starvation diet; it is also not like the Atkins diet. Fat adaptation is a ‘state of being’ where the body is comfortable, efficient, and content burning fat as fuel. This method works by understanding food’s macronutrient content: carbohydrate, protein, and fat.

Fat adaptation requires two things: decreased intake of carbohydrate and increased fat consumption.  These dietary changes coupled with the right kind of physical activity can be the magic combination.  Since converting fat to fuel is a slower metabolic process than converting carbohydrate to fuel, especially in the untrained body, practicing this technique with lower-intensity physical activity is where athletes want to start.

How do I become “fat adapted”?

The easiest way to jumpstart fat adaptation is by skipping your morning breakfast and going for a run first thing in the AM. **Gasp** Isn’t this what every nutritionist says not to do? Yes, breakfast is an important meal to fuel your body, especially if you primarily burn carbohydrates as fuel. But, if you are an endurance athlete looking for that edge in long races, this is for you.

When first trying out this technique, your body may hurl hunger cues to your brain, desperately demanding a bagel, orange juice, cereal, or other high carbohydrate foods. If you feel you need to eat before heading out on a run, selecting high fat/low carbohydrate foods can provide satiety without sabotaging your fat adaptation goals.

I like to make coffee in the morning and put a large scoop of coconut oil in it. The bonus with coconut oil is that the fat structure (medium-chain-fatty-acids) increases energy expenditure and ultimately allows your body to burn fat more rapidly. If you are a big breakfast eater, this may seem hard at first because your body is so conditioned to burn carbohydrates as fuel.

Dietary tips to enhance fat adaptation

  • You don’t have to remove all carbohydrates for fat-burning to initiate, what is more beneficial is removing grains.
  • Continue to eat fruits, vegetables, proteins, and a lot of healthy fats such as: avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts and seeds.
  • Exercising on an empty stomach (or a high-fat snack) in the morning can be the most effective way of entering the fat adaptation zone.

How should I train to aid fat adaptation?

Start with moderate intensity running (approximately 70% effort). While your body is adapting to converting fat as fuel, remember, this is a slower process at first. Be prudent, lay off the high intensity running until your body has more time to adjust. For example: my comfortable running pace is a 9-minute/mile. I know this because I can carry on a conversation, run long distances at this pace, and not feel exhausted when I’m finished. If initially I tried to enhance my fat adaptation while doing 7-minute/miles, I would feel exhausted, struggling, and desperate for sugary, high-carbohydrate snacks when my workout was done. This is because the body requires carbohydrate for high intensity workouts. Whatever your comfort zone is for running, utilize that as your pace while adapting to fat burning.

Just weeks into your training phase for fat adaptation, your body has likely adjusted to burning fat more efficiently. You may notice that you feel less hungry during and after runs. This is due to the stability of your blood sugars. Burning fat does not give you the severe highs and lows in blood sugar, it allows your blood sugar to remain steady despite burning significant calories.

If you want to re-introduce high-intensity training, such as hill repeats and speed workouts, you can re-introduce more carbohydrates into your diet. Carbohydrates are not harmful; they simply turn off or decrease your fat burning for the time being. High-intensity exercise benefits from carbohydrate burning because of how rapidly your metabolic process can convert it to energy. Using the naturally rapid metabolism of carbohydrates coupled with your newly acquired fat burning efficiency, you should be more equipped to handle any pace, distance, or course.

What are the benefits of fat adaptation?

Research is showing that fat-adapted athletes are able to race endurance events with just a fraction of the calories typically consumed. They are achieving these goals with stable blood sugars and minimal crashes in energy. Additionally, they are not suffering the typical gastro-intestinal malaise often caused by sugary, high-carbohydrate sports supplements. Consuming fewer calories, while feeling steadier levels of energy, may allow ultra-runners to reach higher levels of performance.

Research also shows that lactic acid, a compound produced when glucose is broken down and burned as fuel, is decreased in athletes burning primarily fat as fuel. Once built up in the body, lactic acid can produce painful, burning sensations. Fat adaptation and a heavier reliance on fat as fuel during a race, can cut back on lactic acid formation and decrease overall discomfort in the body.


Fat-adaptation can come in extremely handy during long endurance efforts such as ultra marathons.  I like to think of it like a ‘get out of jail free’ card.  If my stomach turns sour or I simply don’t want to take as much time eating during a race, I know that my body is well trained to adapt.  This is because my body has become more self-sufficient using itself as a fuel source.  Just like ultra runners count on their physical training to get them through a hard race, I can count on my body to do what it has practiced: to efficiently burn fat as fuel.

Old Faithful brings up the double century.

It was a big night in the Matthews running household tonight. I got to run my go-to 10k for the 200th time (Well 200th time on Strava  ( ) and if it wasn’t on Strava it didn’t happen.) I’ve ran this route so many times it has a name , ‘Old Faithful’. 
200th time running with old faithful.

As you can see from the image above my 10k loop takes in Star Swamp where I get to watch the sunrise in Summer and race the sunset in Winter. There a couple of nice rises which can test you if you’re fatigued, especially the last one after the Kings Straight. (The King of Carine has a 1k segment which he runs ridiculously quick. Nic, The King of Carine, Harman will one day represent Australia at either the Commonwealth or Olympic Games, mark my word.  The only downside in having young Nic in the neighbourhood is you don’t get to keep any Strava segment records because as they appear on Nic’s radar they disappear from mine. ! )

The run itself starts with a nice downhill to ease you into it before a small rise as you register your first 1k. It’s downhill again to the corner of Marmion Avenue as you hit the 2k mark just before you cross the road into the Star Swamp. It’s here you get to watch the sunrise most mornings and it really is like the first time, every time. It certainly inspires me and puts a smile on my face every time as I think of the rest of the population of Perth in the land of Nod missing this spectacular show of nature at her best. As you pop out of Star Swamp, just after the 4k mark,  onto Beach Road and into a kilometre rise on a bike path before a nice downhill section that encourages pace and sets you up for the Carine Park section of the run. You hit 7k as you enter the park and normally you have the park to yourself in the early morning light. If you time it right you get to watch the suns tentacles move through the trees and long lines of sunlight dance around you as you continue on you way.

You hit the top of the King Straight just over 8k and you have a decision to make either taking the Kings bike path and steeping up a gear or slowing it down and cruise on the grass. Must admit lately the cruise has been my route of choice. At the end of the Kings Straight is the third road crossing where you can prepare yourself for the last hill and the final small section back to the house.

So what makes this run so interesting that I’ve ran it 200 times. I believe it has everything you need in a running route, some nice hill sections, some off road trails, a section that encourages speed, the King’s Straight if you are really excited and a park section that reminds you how lucky you are to live in this wonderful country. I’m as excited about running it tomorrow (probably) as I was the first time I ran it and hope to run it another 200 times and more, assuming the status quo is maintained. If I was to move I would find another old faithful and I’m sure I’d start to rack up the mileage but this route will always have a special place in my running heart and sometimes familiarity does not breed contempt.

Did I make a big deal of the 200th running, not really, just me and the old girl doing what we do best, enjoying each others company. As runners we all need an Old Faithful…….



What to eat while you run for over 8 hours ?

It’s now less than 4 weeks to my first 100k race ( ) and I feel I need to start to think about nutrition. I’m a big believer in the saying ‘an ultra is an eating and drinking competition with running between aid stations’. Basically it’s all about keeping the body hydrated and fuelled at all times. The fitness bit will take care of itself as I’m confident I have the foundation to complete the event. So I need to scour the internet  using google as my co-pilot and try and find the magic diet that will get me to the end of the race at a similar pace to what I started. Running an ultra it’s even more important to get the pacing right because unlike in a marathon where you hit the wall at 32k and then stumble home in an ultra you could be hitting the wall and looking at a 30k run to finish, minimum. That has got to hurt.

I posted an article last week about the human body being capable on running on just about anything and ice cream was mentioned as a possible fuel. (You should have seen Jon’s eyes light up when I mentioned this to him. It was like all his Christmas’s had come at once ! I see trouble ahead for Jon next month. He’ll probably end up spilling the ice cream all over his triathlon top, not a good look for the photos me thinks !) not totally convinced on the ice cream diet for my first 100k so have done some more digging.

I’ve attached two articles below on different approaches to the ultra diet by two greats on the ultra scene. Dean Karnazes and Scott Jurek are two of the best ultra runners on the circuit at the moment. Both have won the Badwater Ultra , considered to be the hardest ultra in the world, and both have different approaches to diet.

Myself I’m still an old fashioned carbohydrate junkie so will probably, in the short term, stick to what I know. Not to say in the near future I won’t be adapting my nutrition and when I do it’ll all be on the blog.



A look at the diet of Dean Karnazes, who once ran 50 marathons in 50 days and adheres to a mostly Paleo food intake.

Professional athletes don’t get to the top by accident. It takes superhuman levels of time, dedication, and focus—and that includes paying attention to what they put in their bellies. In this series, GQ takes a look at what pro athletes in different sports eat on a daily basis to perform at their best. Here’s a look at the daily diet of ultramarathon runner Dean Karnazes.

Running is the easiest sport to get into casually, because all you need are shoes and legs. As a result, there’s a lot of lore and common wisdom about the ideal runner’s diet: Everyone knows that the night before a big run—whether you’ve signed up for a 5k or a full-on marathon—you’re supposed to carbo-load on stuff like diavolo pasta, brown rice, or buckwheat pancakes.

Well… supposed to. “That’s so passé,” says Dean Karnazes.

Karnazes, 52, is an ultramarathoner who ran 350 miles—or a little less than the distance between Los Angeles and San Francisco—in 80 hours and 44 minutes; completed 50 regular, 26-mile marathons in 50 days; and wrote Ultramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner. Come September, he’ll be hosting the third annual Navarino Challenge, a marathon in Greece meant to raise awareness of childhood obesity. And in the last 20 years of professionally being someone who runs very, very far, Karnazes has transitioned to a mostly raw diet that upends a lot of conventional wisdom about what runners need to eat to perform.

On a good day I run a marathon before breakfast.

“I used to live on junk food, thinking that since you burn 30- to 40,000 calories on some of these runs, you need to get as many calories as you can no matter how you get them in.” One time, on the solo leg of a 200-mile relay run, in the middle of the night with a cell phone and a credit card, Karnazes ordered a pizza delivered to him and kept running while he ate the whole thing in a big roll.

His running times never suffered from his diet, but his daily energy levels fluctuated wildly, so he started experimenting with different foods to see how they affected his recovery time and how they made him feel. “When you push your body that hard you get a feel for what builds you up and what slows you down.”

That intuitive elimination process led him to a diet that’s pretty close to the Paleo Diet, based on the idea that humans aren’t meant to eat anything they can’t pick from a tree, pull from the ground, or kill themselves. Karnazes’s diet isn’t as bacon-heavy as most Paleo-enthusiasts. Instead it’s heavy on fruits (VERY heavy on fruits), vegetables, cold-water fish, and yogurt. If he has any meat, it’s organic, free-range bison, usually so lightly cooked that it’s practically tartare.

The absence of oatmeal and pre-run waffles may cause skepticism, but the fact that Karnazes’s diet is enough fuel to just get him through his workouts, let alone his monster runs, is a pretty strong argument for its effectiveness. When gearing up for a big run he eats 8,000 to 10,000 calories a day. He starts with a base of 3,200 calories, and then adds 300-500 calories per hour of running.

His only real meals are yogurt at breakfast, sometimes flavored with oregano, often with fruit and nuts, and a very large dinner of salad, vegetables, and fish or bison. Most of his carbohydrates come from fruit, which Karnazes eats throughout the day whenever he’s hungry (“I think the notion of three meals a day is rubbish”). And—surprise!—he’s hungry often.

“On a good day I run a marathon before breakfast,” he says, starting off with nothing more than coffee and flax milk. After the three-and-a-half to four-hour run, he waits over half an hour to eat anything else, letting his body adjust to powering itself just on fat reserves.

The rest of the day is constant motion. Not only are there several modified high intensity Navy SEAL workouts (push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, dips, and burpees) and eight to 12 miles of sprinting up hills and jogging back down, but Karnazes rarely sits. His office space is designed to work at standing-level and he’s rocking on the balls of his feet all the time, never letting his legs rest. He is almost physically incapable of staying still.

Like a hummingbird? I wonder aloud.

“Kind of like a shark,” he says.

Pre-morning run
Coffee with flax milk

Post-morning run
Greek-style yogurt (full fat, no sugar added) with cashews, banana and blackberries

Eaten over the course of the day

Food and hydration for long runs
Nut butter
Unflavored coconut water

Large mixed green salad with avocado, olive oil, ground ginger and turmeric
Raw beets
Cooked sweet potato (the one vegetable eaten cooked)
Wild-caught sashimi grade salmon

Greek-style yogurt (full fat, no sugar added), topped with olive oil and Himalayan blue sea salt



This Man Ran the Entire Appalachian Trail in 46 Days. Here’s What He Ate Along the Way


Can feeling this bad be good for you ?

This morning I have the classic onset of DOMS after my 6 inch ultra adventure on Sunday. DOMS (Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness) is your bodies way of reminding you you just did something very silly. (This is of course different to your mind which is still stoked after the previous weekends exploits and looking forward to the next beating.) I find DOMS comes on strongest on my second or third run after a marathon and today was my third recovery run after a double up yesterday and a day off Monday.

As I hobbled into my morning run, and it was a hobble, I realised I was certainly walking a tight rope where the benefit of the morning run was more for my sanity than my running fitness well being. I could have just as easily hit the snooze button on my alarm , rolled over and went back to sleep. Of course I would have missed running my favourite 10k for the 199th time ( thanks Strava.) and a biblical sunrise over Star Swamp but as for doing me good I would probably argue the snooze option was the better one.

There has been numerous studies showing after a marathon doing nothing for a week is probably as good as recovery runs. The snooze option is also safer as you avoid the risk of injury as you roll over and get some more sleep, which is another benefit as more sleep helps your body recover. Typing this I wonder what the hell I was doing running this morning ! The answer is of course because we are runners we like to run, even when we know the right thing to do is rest and recover. We kid ourselves these slow runs are doing us some good even when the legs are screaming in protest. It’s the same when we have to taper and of course hits us worst when we are injured.

I have been working hard on adding distance since June this year and even pre 6inch gave away the normal easy week pre-race and ran eight times for 82k before the race on Sunday. I justified this as the ADU (Australia Day Ultra ) is my goal race at the moment and the 6 inch was to be a long run with friends. Of course when the gun went off it was on for young and old and I ended up running a 4min PB and racing the event. (As if that was never gong to happen!) On the bright side it did get me another good week of distance (130k) and some serious ‘pain box’ time , which is all good. Downside, my legs are complaining more than Hilary Clintons supporters after the American election at the moment with a huge case of DOMS.

Anyhow after searching the internet I actually found an article that advocates DOMS as a good thing rather than just a side effect of a good beating a few days previous. Google was very generous on this subject and offered another good article from ( ) which also was worth a read, so go get yourself a cuppa and a chocolate digestive, settle down and digest these articles.


An article from Runners World on Why Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness is a Good Thing. By MacKenzie Loddy.
Whether it’s caused by mile repeats at 7,000 feet, a brutal long run before the upcoming Houston Marathon, or digging out from under 16 feet of snow in Mammoth, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) has yet to evade anyone who engages in physical activity. The discomfort associated with DOMS usually materializes 24 hours post-exercise and lasts anywhere between two and four days. When your legs hurt immediately after a marathon, it’s not DOMS. However, when you roll out of bed the next morning and find yourself unable to descend the front steps to retrieve the morning paper, you’re experiencing DOMS.

As a result of the fact that nearly every athlete has experienced this type of soreness, much research has been devoted to the prevention and treatment of this side effect. Massage, microtherapy, icing, hyperbaric oxygen treatment, fish oil and i.Tonic whole body vibration are just a few methods that have been tried with varying degrees of success.

While the silver bullet to avoiding DOMS has yet to be identified, several methods have been shown to be more effective in lessening soreness and encouraging optimal recovery. Probably to the surprise of no one, it all relies on smart training.

Where does DOMS originate?

According to Dr. David J. Szymanski, assistant professor and the director of the Applied Physiology Laboratory at Louisiana Tech University, there is currently a lot of misinformation floating around about DOMS — namely, the assertion that the accumulation of lactic acid causes it. While DOMS results from new, higher intensity workouts and an increase in lactate comes along with such activity, the soreness felt the next morning is not related. “That lactate concentration will go back down to resting levels within 20–40 minutes after exercise,” says Dr. Szymanski, who has studied the subject extensively. “Because of that, the pain that somebody associates with delayed onset muscle soreness 24–72 hours later cannot be because of that lactate that was built up while they were running.”

He contends that lactate does cause soreness during or immediately after exercise, and can end up decreasing performance if the athlete can’t clear it. However, the deferred discomfort has nothing to do with that process. Higher intensity workouts that you are not accustomed to, like hill repeats or intervals on the track, are often the culprits of DOMS. The eccentric component of exercise, in particular, can damage the integrity of the muscle cell membrane. This micro trauma creates tiny micro tears in the muscle fibers, which leads to inflammation, and thus soreness, fatigue, stiffness and reduced range of motion

Treating and preventing DOMS

Although the cool-down has long been touted as the main tool in a runner’s arsenal to combat muscle soreness by flushing out lactic acid (which is still important), research suggests that the warm-up is more important to reducing DOMS. One of the world’s leading researchers on the subject, Dr. Priscilla Clarkson of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, has demonstrated how important it is to get out and warm up before competition. By increasing the muscle temperature by 1 degree Celsius before eccentric training, the amount of muscle soreness experienced by athletes is noticeably reduced.

“If you already have the muscle warmed up and prepared, it is better able to handle the activity,” explains Dr. Szymanski. “Before a race, you need to lubricate the joints, ligaments and tendons so your body is better prepared for what’s coming next.”

He also identifies the “repeated bout effect” as a method by which DOMS symptoms can be ameliorated. While the term may be foreign, the concept is far from rocket science. For instance, the Boston Marathon is known to be brutal on the quads as a result of its many downhills. To prepare for this, a runner should train on downhills the few months leading up to the race. “The more times you repeat the activity, the less pain you’ll feel because your body will continually adapt to it,” explains Dr. Szymanski. “Keep doing this multiple times and your body will say, ‘No big deal. What else you got for me?’” Physiologically speaking, the body recovers and rebuilds, and with each passing week, is less fazed by the hills.

While this is a good way to avoid continued DOMS from the same types of workouts, it doesn’t mean you should simply train your body to withstand one form of training. It’s about building on your workouts week after week and training your body to withstand more. Dr. Szymanski explains: “We have what are called chronic adaptations. Once you do a specific amount of training for a certain length of time, your body will be able to handle it. That’s why training plans help you gradually progress.”

Perhaps the best news is the fact that delayed onset muscle soreness isn’t all bad. “Although DOMS is associated with something negative, it’s actually a physiologically positive reaction,” says Dr. Szymanski. “Once your body is exposed to whatever made you sore, the next time your body will say, ‘I got it, I’ll protect you.’ It’s actually a beautiful thing.”

An article from by Roy Stevenson, MS, Exercise Physiologist

Muscle soreness and inflammation are some of the biggest nuisances for distance runners and unfortunately, many of the dubious treatments of these symptoms are based on all sorts of witchery and myth. Some of the treatments even exacerbate the soreness and prolong recovery. Runners can be a superstitious lot, and many continue to swear by certain ineffective treatments.

Since 1902, over 2,000 research studies have been conducted on various aspects of muscle damage, muscle soreness, inflammation and potential recovery treatments for these afflictions. You’d think that with this impressive pile of studies we’d be closer to figuring out some sort of effective therapy for the symptoms, or better yet, some sort of preventative measures that would minimize or eliminate them. Well, take heart, sore runners, because we are getting closer to answering these important questions. First, let’s look at what causes delayed onset muscle soreness (known as DOMS), what the symptoms of muscle soreness and inflammation are, and the recommended treatments for reducing the pain from this affliction. I’ll finish with some recommendations on how to prevent or minimize your chances of being reduced to hobbling around like a stiff-legged duck, based on some promising recent research.

Causes of DOMS

It is very common for out-of-condition or beginning runners to experience DOMS. Its severity depends on how much and how intensely we exercise, and whether we have performed that exercise before. But it’s not just beginning runners who are susceptible to DOMS – even well-conditioned runners who’ve been training consistently for several years can experience DOMS after a race or vigorous training session, especially a lengthy downhill-running workout.

What specifically triggers muscle soreness are the high force eccentric contractions we experience when we take up unaccustomed exercise, run harder than usual, or downhill. Our leg muscles lengthen under high load or impact, while trying to contract or shorten – a lethal combination! Recent research shows that some people are high responders to eccentric exercise, meaning that their muscle damage and inflammatory markers remain excessively high for several days after running.

The effects of DOMS on muscle tissue look formidable when seen through an electron microscope. Traumatized muscle is a war zone! Your leg muscles are under siege after repeated eccentric contractions and the descriptions of the damage sound horrifying. Here are some of the main protagonists: disruption to the muscle sarcomere; breaching of cell membranes; swollen muscle fibers; wear and tear on connective tissues (ligaments and tendons); calcium spillage from muscle tubules; cell inflammation and increased production of superoxide free radicals;

We’ve all experienced the nasty symptoms of DOMS: dull, aching pain, soreness, tenderness, stiffness of muscles and joints, swelling, loss of strength, and reduced range of motion. Typically, symptoms appear 24 – 48 hours after we run, and peak between 24 and 72 hours. After five to seven days, DOMS has usually abated.

Over the years many treatments and interventions for muscle damage repair have been proposed and tried. Some “work” and some don’t, and you’ll be surprised at what the research shows.

What Doesn’t Reduce DOMS Symptoms

Stretching Surprisingly, the majority of studies that looked at the effects of stretching on DOMS have found that stretching before or after exercise does not alleviate DOMS, or that its effect is so small that it is not worth the time. My recommendation here would be that if you try stretching, make the stretches mild, and hold them for only a few seconds. If they aggravate your soreness, discontinue them.

Massage therapy Research suggests that massage is either ineffective or has only limited influence on DOMS, muscle repair and swelling. Its effects are minor or transitory.

Ultrasound Using ultrasound in physical therapy was found ineffective in reducing DOMS (Tiidus et al 1999).

Heat Above all, resist the temptation to apply heat in any form immediately after an ultramarathon or intense training session. Heat vasodilates (widens) the capillaries and arterioles, hastening the release of inflammatory substances into the muscle, thereby increasing swelling and inflammation. Sitting in a hot tub after a long run, no matter how tempting, exacerbates muscle damage.

What Might Reduce DOMS Symptoms

Much research into the hot topics of antioxidants and natural supplements is underway. Some substances being looked at are alpha-Tocopherol (vitamin E), Beta-Carotene, Ubiquinone, flavanoids, bromelain, Genistein, alpha-Lipoleic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Glutathione, and Cysteine. In addition, there are enough kitchen ingredients thought to decrease inflammation to make a good curry: sage, black cumin, cinnamon, capsaicin, quercetin, turmeric, and ginger.

Most of these substances have no effect on DOMS, but a glimmer of hope shines through for vitamin C, D and E. Before you rush off to buy these supplements, consider the modest findings first. Although vitamin E has shown a reduction in cell leakage, thus far it shows no alleviation of DOMS symptoms. A Vitamin D supplement of 2,000 IU, twice daily, has been shown to alleviate muscle soreness, but only if Vitamin D levels are lower than 75 nmol/L. The Vitamin D Council has some interesting anecdotal evidence of its effectiveness, although this source is hardly likely to be objective.

Several promising research papers support the practice of ingesting a solution of mixed carbohydrate and protein immediately after our training and racing efforts to rebuild our muscle tissue.

What about homeopathic remedies? A natural anti-inflammatory preparation comprised of plant and mineral substances including St. John’s Wort, echinacea, belladonna, arnica, and chamomile, under the brand name Traumeel ©, was found in one study by Peter et al (2009) to reduce certain anti-inflammatory markers after running downhill on a treadmill for 90 minutes on a -6% gradient, but no mention in this study was made of perceived pain relief.

What Does Reduce DOMS Symptoms

Warm-up One study found that a ten-minute warm-up reduced DOMS a small amount 48 hours post-exercise, while a cool-down performed after strenuous eccentric exercise, surprisingly had no effect at all.

NSAIDs and other drug therapies Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have the benefit of relieving DOMS pain by blocking the production of prostaglandins, a compound that activates the inflammatory response in damaged muscle. However, bear in mind that several studies show that by doing this, NSAIDs actually delay the recovery process by impairing protein synthesis and muscle cell regeneration.

Currently, we think it is necessary for inflammatory cells to invade the injured muscle to control the tissue damage, so the muscle tissue can then be repaired. This needs to take place for the muscle to bounce back stronger and be more resistant to future encounters with DOMS.

However, if you are in extreme pain and hobbling around like the walking wounded, NSAIDs may be just what the doctor ordered. Thus, short-term use of NSAIDs or painkillers when the pain and soreness is unbearable may well be recommended, but the prudent runner will discuss this therapy with a sports medicine physician before popping NSAID pills like candy, especially in light of what I’m about to say about their side effects.

There is strong evidence that long-term use of NSAIDs can cause gastro-intestinal bleeding, stomach upset, ulcers, kidney problems, impaired blood clotting, and possible death with long term (greater than 90 days) use of NSAIDs. So if you must use them, take them with meals and monitor yourself for sharp stomach pain and distress that could indicate ulceration. And never, ever take NSAIDs before competition or training! They can mask pain signals and reduce blood flow to the kidneys, which is definitely not what you need during a race.

RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)

Rest, then light mobilization Temporary rest during the most acute phase of inflammation is indicated if the athlete is in severe pain. However, this is not an invitation for complete bed rest until the soreness has dissipated. Mobilization, or light exercise using the affected area, has been shown to reduce soreness to some extent. Some physical therapists recommend that when the pain has subsided to a manageable level, light exercise – such as walking on a soft surface (sawdust, dirt trails, or grass) will help disperse residual waste products. Then you can progress to several days of slow, easy running on soft surfaces. Use your own subjective pain and soreness to help decide when to resume normal training intensity and duration, somewhere around two to four weeks.

Ice. Cryotherapy (application of ice) has been found effective in pain reduction and limiting inflammation, presumably by limiting swelling through vasoconstriction of the capillaries and arterioles in the affected area. Ice also temporarily deadens the nerve endings, bringing temporary pain relief. Ice is most effective when the ice pack or “cold cup” is gently rubbed back and forth over the affected area for no longer than ten minutes; cold-water baths or showers can also be helpful.

Compression One study found that compression bandaging of the legs was more effective than massage. Moderate pressure bandaging of the calf and quadriceps muscle groups, with frequent bandage release to encourage blood to circulate, may help prevent swelling and pain.

How to Prevent DOMS in Distance Running Training Apart from using the modalities recommended above as preventative methods (warm-up, ice, compression, some antioxidants, and post-training carbohydrate/protein mixtures), stimulating DOMS to a minor degree in training will prepare the runner better for DOMS muscle trauma.

The Repeated Bout Effect This effect occurs when a bout of unaccustomed exercise (such as running downhill) gives a protective effect in subsequent running sessions of the same nature. This explains why, after recovering from muscle damage and soreness from a race or hard session, you recover faster, and experience less soreness and pain in subsequent workouts.

What can we learn from this to implement in our training programs? Start slowly and gradually allow your muscles time to adapt.

When beginning running, or coming back from a layoff, avoid strenuous eccentric muscle movements such as downhill running, until your muscles are ready for it.

After a month or two of steady running, while slowly increasing your distance and pace, include an occasional faster, more intense effort. Then hit it hard again after allowing yourself time to recover and adapt. Every two to four weeks, do a strenuous high-intensity or downhill workout again.

Studies indicate that higher intensity eccentric workouts designated for the repeated-bout effect do not even need to be maximal in quantity or quality, and can progress in small increments over more than two weeks. The repeated bout effect lasts from two weeks to ten weeks, so runners should include hard, long or downhill running sessions at least once or twice every month to retain the effects of this training phenomenon. By gradually increasing the intensity and duration of higher intensity workouts, you should avoid that painful zombie walk that accompanies severe DOMS.

Incorporate resistance training into your program. Using a different mode of eccentric exercise (such as weight-training) confers the repeated-bout effect. Thus runners, especially beginners, benefit greatly from a basic resistance-training program that starts several weeks before beginning a running program. The resistance-training program should involve the major muscle groups used in running: quadriceps group, calf muscle complex, and hamstring group.

Recovery after repeated-bout workouts You will need to determine how easily you run after these intense workouts by how you feel. It is unwise to set a prescribed workout schedule and stick rigidly to it because your body may need extra time for the inflammation and repair process to take place. The days following repeated bout workouts, either take the day off, or run very slowly, for a short period of time.

Warm up Perform five – ten minutes of general aerobic activity, such as jogging or cycling.

Run on soft surfaces as much as possible. Harder surfaces impart a higher impact, causing more muscle damage than running on soft surfaces.

Consider some form of cross-training at least once a week to give your leg muscles a break from impact. Cycling, swimming, deep-water running, elliptical trainer, Stairmaster or similar modes are ideal.

Roy Stevenson has a master’s degree in exercise physiology and coaching from Ohio University. He teaches exercise science at Seattle University in Washington State and has coached hundreds of serious and recreational runners and triathletes in the Seattle area. As a freelance writer, Roy has over 200 articles on running, triathlons, sports, fitness and health published in over fifty regional, national and international magazines in the U.S.A, Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.


Started running with friends as this photo proves. Photo by Ninja Photography..


Sometimes 6 inches is enough.


Today I ran the 6 inch ultra marathon ( ) for the 8th time in perfect conditions , or about as perfect as you can get for Perth in December. Rather than drive down from Perth on the morning of the race, which means a 1am alarm call as the race starts at 4:30am, we stayed locally so had a lie in until 2:50am, luxury. (I may have been woken a tad earlier thanks to Felix Meister as he was volunteering this year after setting a new course record of 62k last year, the course is officially measured at around 47.5k. I think it’s safer if Felix volunteers rather than runs. )  Dave Kennedy, the Race Director,  organises a finely tuned race which includes a bus from the check in point to the start and three aid stations crammed with goodies before a final smorgasbord of sandwiches and drink at the finish. (including alcohol, naughty Dave.) Even an esky to cool down with, but that’s a different story for another time.

The 6 inch is more about the comradery of running than a race itself.  Truth be told it seems all ultra-marathons and trail runs are similar. There is a togetherness that you will not find in marathons because I feel a marathon is more about personal time and goals where-as an ultra, or trail run, is about a community together trying to achieve the same goal, which is usually to finish. Time, although not totally irrelevant, is something just to measure how long you took on the course and not as a mark of achievement. The achievement was finishing and this is shared by all. At the end of an ultra all you hear is tales of the journey and not the time taken to complete the journey. Of course the front of the field pays some attention to position and time but on the whole it is all about the journey from the start to finish and the experiences embraced along the way.

Even now tying this post my mind is wandering back to some of the scenes on the trail yesterday. Running with good friends discussing all sorts of topics while moving forward towards an end goal, combined with some wonderful scenery and you start to see why some many runners move away from the sterile concrete world. It reminds me of the opening scene of the Wizard of Oz with Dorothy in Texas filmed in black and white before being taken, by a tornado, to the Land of Oz where the world is all of a sudden in Technicolor Colour. Maybe that was a tad over the top but yesterday I feel this analogy was justified. The morning sunrise through the trees really was that inspiring. Maybe I better look into buying some more trail shoes on sale this Christmas, the old Brooks ‘Pure Grit’, after 4 successful 6 inch runs are looking a tad worse for wear. Soon time to join my other 60 pairs of trainers in the garage in semi-retirement. That again is another story.

So back to the race. The start of the 6 inch is a 2k hill with some serious steep sections. You’ll be lucky to make 6min/k average for the first 2k, and that will put you at the front of the 330 runner field.  You seriously question whether you can make the full 47k distance after this 2k introduction. It does get easier, briefly. Overall the race is testing, and that’s putting it mildly. Being a trail race there are some serious rises together with some encouraging descents. The race itself takes about an hour longer that a ‘normal’ marathon distance, albeit the race is only 5k’s longer.  This shows how challenging the terrain is and what it can do to the unprepared runner. I was lucky enough to finish high up the field this year, a 7th place finish with a 4min course PB of 3hrs44mins. Other runners weren’t so ‘lucky’  with an 8 hour cutoff they cut if very fine. Running can be a cruel sport with the quickest (and thus normally fittest)  runners finishing first , the less ‘fit‘ runners (this is in italics because there could be a number of reasons for taking a little longer to finish)  are forced to spend more time running in conditions which can be really testing. Today I stayed at the finish line to cheer in the slower runners who had been ‘out on the course’ for anything between 4 hours to 8 hours. There is an 8 hours cutoff for the 6 inch but I think all the runners who were past the last aid point finished within this cut off, though I’m talking a few minutes for the last runners. Serious kudos to these guys.

I attached the Strava race report to highlight the start I described earlier in previous paragraph. Goldmine Hill is highlighted within the first 3k, thanks for that Dave. The escalator or elevator as it is called is at 37k and that, although very short, is a monster of a hill which is just about unrunable in both directions. (photo attached below) Admittedly it looks very minimal on the chart above but trust me it can break you if you are unprepared as you still have 10k to go if the legs give way and the last 10k, although not overally testing elevation wise, is slightly uphill for the most the way, and as it’s the last 10k it soon becomes a big deal !  On the 6 inch ultra it really is the person who slows down the least who wins or at least , in the last 10k, cuts through the field like a hot knife through butter. ( On a side note Jon fell into one of the ruts on this hill last year and never made it out until June, he never speaks of what went on in the dark recesses of that rutted hill but  as you will note later in this post he now drinks with both hands. )


6 inch race analysis, by Strava.




The Escalator or the Elevator or Meat Grinder. When a hill has three names you know it’s steep!


Todays race was, as I already mentioned,  ran in perfect conditions but it was more than the conditions which were memorable. The trails today shone in the natural first light as the sun rose for another summers morning. Running into the sunrise, at times, lit up the trail infront of you and it was a pleasure to be out there running with friends. The bib on your chest was a secondary afterthought at times as you turned another corner and marvelled at the wonders that presented themselves to you.


Turning the corner into another perfect scene framed by the morning sunlight.


Highlights of the day was most of the BK running posse running the event and all having a great run. Jon managed a sub 4 hour run for the second year on the trot and instantly started drinking in preparation for the Australia Day Ultra in a months time. I tried to convince him I had read on the internet that beer has been proved not to be any good for carboloading but he ignored me and just said he’d start drinking twice as much just to be on the safe side. I’m not sure his logic is sound myself, we’ll find out in a month I suppose.

Jon carboloading hard !

Another highlight was ‘Barts’ get his ‘red spike’ for completing six 6 inch ultramarathons, in the picture below shown with the Race Director Dave Kennedy, a three times winner of the event. That’s over 24 hours and nearly 300km’s of trail running for one red spike, that people is a good deal.  There is some contention about this award and Barts has an asterix next to this name in the all time excel finishers sheet but that is something only Jon knows about.

Barts and his red spike…

Finally no 6 inch finish is complete without the head in the esky shot. Unfortunately this year I left my head in the esky too long and ended up burning my forehead. Lesson learnt for next year, maybe , and there will be a next year I promise you that as I’m missing my trail fix already, somebody get me to a tree quickly I need a hug.

6 inch esky shot…don’t leave your head in there too long or you get burnt.




You need friends to run further, even unplanned.

This morning it was meant to be an easy 10k as the last run pre-6 inch ultra marathon on Sunday. As Thursday is normally a progressive run day and we normally run 14k, starting at 5:30am outside Yelo thus finishing at 6:30am when Yelo opens,  it was decided to start 10 minutes later and slow the pace and shorten the distance. If all went to plan we would run for 50 minutes at 5min/k pace and be back ay Yelo for the 6:30am opening, as per usual.

Off we went,  myself and ‘Marky’ Mark Lommers meeting with with Mike Kowal after the first kilometre before being joined by Mark Lee who had been running a Fartlek but decided to slow down the pace for company. The four of us headed south for the planned 5k before turning to complete the morning 10k. As always with our group the banter was fast, relentless and amusing. That’s the good thing about company the time just disappears and before we knew it we were 6k into our run, unfortunately with all the banter I had lost track of distance and 6k into the run would have been fine if we had turned a kilometre ago, we hadn’t.

Thus my 50 minute, 10k run was now going to be at least a 12k run and nowhere near the 50 minute time allowed to get back to Yelo for opening. I blame Mark Lee myself but I’m sure he’d say the same thing about me. That is the point, the four of us were having such a laugh we forgot all about distance and time, just ran with good friends having a great time, well I was anyway. This is the point of the post, friends really do make running seem easier and actually a more enjoyable experience all round. It gets even better as you get to sit down with them afterwards , over a muffin/pancakes and good coffee and ‘chew the fat’ for an hour. How good is that ? I can never understand how people say running is ‘boring’, they obviously haven’t spent anytime with my group of runners, we are many things but boring ain’t one of them.

It gets even better on the Sunday long runs as we have 2 hours to kill and the banter is again normally continuous, like a tsunami of useless facts (and fiction) or putting the world to right. The topics can be humorous or thought provoking but never dull. Lately the state of American politics has been a constant source of amusement and on a couple of occasions the run itself has vanished in a blink of an eye as we discuss the merits of a Donald Trump led superpower (How did that ever happen, it’s a joke right ?)  Admittedly towards the end of the run, when you have the normal last 5k pace pick up as you smell the coffee (literally),   conversation can temporarily stop as all energy is reserved for keeping up with your fellow runners and not coming in last for fear of verbal retribution over the obligatory pancakes, or maybe banished to the table of shame.

Friends will also keep you honest. Apparently some people find it hard to get out of bed in the morning and go for a run. (go figure?)  Meeting a friend will give the extra impudence to make an effort and actually get out of bed and go meet them. (There is the Mark Lee card of course, though give Mark his due there’s always a valid excuse for not turning up, normally involving alien abduction, Lord Lucan, bears or the like…) Also if you are going to run fast go alone but if you want distance I highly recommend friends. I love my running (you may have gathered that already.) but a long run alone can test even me. As I mentioned earlier in the post a good conversation can last for miles.

Working towards a common goal is another benefit of finding like minded people. Every year my group and I train for the same marathons and ultra’s. The ADU in January ( Bunbury in April (for Jon,, Perth in June (  , City to Surf in August,( ), Rottnest in October  ( ) and finally the 6 inch ultra in December. ( ) Add in a smattering of half marathons and shorter distance and you’ve always got a lift to the race and a partner to warm up with and then normally discuss the race with afterwards. Joined together by a common goal and bond. Wow, this post is getting deep.

Finally if you are really keen you can all get together and form your own club and then buy tops so you all look the same. Now that is living….

The St. Georges Terrace Running club.





12 Expert Trail Running Tips.

In keeping with my trail running theme this week as I prepare for the 6 inch ultra in a few days. ( ) I’ve attached this great article on 12 Expert Trail Running Tips from Lesley Paterson ( ), in an interview by Brian Metzler first published on 2013 but great advice is great advice no matter when it was given, enjoy.

Trail Racing 101

When you’re racing on trails, there’s a real feeling about battling against terrain and the environment, versus battling against each other. So there’s a mutual support in that endeavor. It’s still a race, and we’re all out there trying to do the best we can. But, on trails, I think there’s just a sense of being out there in nature—there is a happiness about it. There’s a fulfilling feeling about it that’s less neurotic than some of the races on roads, where time and pace and all of those details are a big deal. You can’t really measure yourself at a certain minute-per-mile pace, and even power meters on a bike are somewhat obsolete when it comes to off-road racing. There’s a bit of creativity involved out on the trails and with that comes a very relaxed nature and you really have to go with the flow, even though you still might be running hard.

Running Fast on Trails

Running fast on trails is completely different than running on roads or any flat surface. When you’re training and racing on trails, your movement and your gait are varied all the time. You have to have strong ankles, a strong pivot point, a strong core, and strong hips to be able to navigate rocks and bound off of them and dance around obstacles so you don’t get injured, but also not to take too much energy from your body.

Fartlek Training

Fartlek training is really good. I do a workout called “over-unders,” where you’re running just above your anaerobic threshold and then just below it. You’re constantly pushing those boundaries and continually going over the red line and coming back. I also do a lot of strength-based workouts and cross-training in the gym to build functional strength with the muscles you use while you’re running on the trails. It’s not only the eccentric strength you need for uphill running, but also the concentric muscle movements for running fast downhill and then immediately attacking another hill.

Hill Repeats

Hill repeats are a great drill for building strength and you can do them on road or you can do them off-road. You can do them all different times of the year with a different emphasis. In the offseason, I’ll do them with a lower heart-rate and focus on high-knee drive and engage all of those muscles as a strength component rather than a cardio component. I’ll also do bounding up a hill, which is almost like a plyometric drill up a very steep hill. They’re a controlled effort that really works the calves and feet. During the race season, I’ll pick up the pace and do sprints uphills and threshold workouts up hills. Strength is the basis for all of those kinds of workouts, but you can vary the intensity depending on the time of the season.

Tempo Run

Try to find a trail that will mimic your race course and do a long run of about 90 minutes and do a 30-minute tempo effort on that trail after that so you’re teaching your body how to deal with the fatigue of being on a trail and still being able to maneuver around that trail. That creates strength if you’re doing at the end of a long run.


I think one of the hardest things in trail races is that you run an uphill and your legs are smashed, but then you hit a downhill hard and your legs are like jelly. Then you do another uphill and you’re like, “What the heck?” But you can train to improve on the same kind of terrain. Depending on the course you’re running, you should work over a hill and down the other side so you’re mirroring what’s going to happen in the race. During a race, if you work the uphill, you don’t just give up at the end of the hill, you get into a quick stride over the top of the hill and try to maintain your cadence. For example, I’ll have my athletes do a 4-minute interval on a hill, where it’s 2 minutes up a hill and 2 minutes down the back side of that hill. There are also some great intervals you can do where you run down a hill to start, then up a hill.

Leg Turnover

I do a lot of track work in the weeks before a race to get more leg speed and leg turnover. Sometimes when you’re on the trails, I think it’s easy to lull yourself into a false sense of security as to where your fitness really is or lull yourself into a pace that is less than what you’re capable of running. You need quick leg turnover to keep your timing sharp, even if you can’t run with that same fast turnover on a trail. There are times you need it, though, and if you don’t train for it, you won’t have it. So that’s why it’s still important to run fast on the track and road while you’re training for a trail race.

Tracking Trail Volume

I don’t track the miles I run on trails. You can never really get a consistent measure of how far you’re running, especially when you compare that to how far you might run on roads. I measure my running by time on my feet, not by pace or even distance. Pace is mostly irrelevant on the trails. I started trail running when I was about 11 years old with my dad over the fells in Scotland. In 2 hours, you might only cover 10 miles, but boy it sure is a hard 2 hours.

Cross-Training for Trail Running

I do a lot of CrossFit functional strength work like box jumps, single-leg hops, lunges in all different planes of motion, medicine ball tossing and other exercises that engage all of the muscles in all different ways. When you hit the side of a trail or the side of a rock at a different angle, you’re using a whole different set of muscles. So you need to be versatile and efficient to be able to do that and spring off that into your next stride. A lot of single-leg work is really important training for those kind of situations. I call them ice skate hops where you’re hopping from side to side. You’re teaching your body to propel off the side of the foot. When you’re running down a trail, chances are you’re going to be picking your line and propelling off one side, then another off rocks, so that can be really handy.

For me, the cross-training involved with triathlon has made me a much stronger runner. I think the endurance aspects of triathlon and the versatility aspects of training for triathlon are amazing. When you’re working on a few different sports like you do in triathlon, you’re using all planes of motion and building strength in a wide variety of muscle groups. One sport really feeds into the other very, very nicely. The swimming, for example, gives you so much more core strength, and that’s the basis for being an efficient runner. The biking gives you leg strength and muscle mass for trail running. Generally, you get much stronger from swimming and biking and that really benefits your running.

Running Form

From a balance point of view, when I run on trails, I tend to use my arms and have my arms out to the side so I can flail them a little bit in a bit of a circular motion. Practice a couple of techniques like that when you’re running downhill. Your body position and having enough of a forward lean is important. You don’t want to be jamming on the breaks when you’re running downhill, because that’s really going to damage the muscles and throw you off. If you have too much of a forward lean, that’s going to throw you off because you’re going to create too much speed.

Falling on Trails

I have almost perfected the Army roll. It’s about going with the fall rather than trying to breach it. The first reaction is something like, “Oh my god, I’m going to fall,” and then you tense up and stiffen your limbs and ultimately land a lot harder than you need to or potentially even break something. But if you roll with it and go with it, you can kind of get up and keep going and not have too much damage. But that also shows why strong ankles are really important. I sometimes roll over my ankles, but they’re strong enough to cope with that and I’m able to keep running and not fall over. The more you practice running downhill sections of a trail, the better you become and less likely you are to fall.


I wear a lot of compression apparel after workout for the rest of the day. I always use Podium Legs at night and, for circulation purposes, I also vary back and forth between ice baths and hot baths and do a lot of stretching as well. And, then, of course, I always address it through proper hydration and fueling, before, during and after a race or workout.

Makes you want to lace up and get out there….



Dave Kennedy really isn’t a nice man.

Continuing on my theme for the week, ultra trail running, ( ) I want to discuss perhaps the hardest start to a race I have ever experienced. Yes,  the infamous Goldmine Hill. This is where Dave Kennedy, the Race Director,  starts the 6 inch ultra marathon, at the bottom of said hill. I say hill , it must be pretty close to a mountain if you ask me. ! I still remember the first time I ran (maybe ran is a bit optimistic, staggered better describes my traverse.) up Goldmine Hill. It was 2009 and I had entered the 6 inch ultra for the first time. Back then it was a fat ass (free entry and self supported) and had a starting line up of about 20 I think.  We started at 4am but it was still pretty dark. (I think we had daylight saving at the time?) Anyhow up the hill (mountain !) we went, the twenty of us. Having made no effort to look at the course or elevation before the race you can imagine my surprise when faced with this 2-3k steep incline. I eventually got to the top absolutely  ‘cream-crackered’  (knackered) and I remember thinking what the hell have I let myself in for, if this was the first 3k and I still had 43k to go !

Unfortunately it got worse not better as we got lost and ended up running 50k instead of the course 46k so myself and Brett finished middle of the pack. This was due to a ‘random’ Tiger snake at a left turn that is now named ‘Big Kev’s Corner’  and normal has a picture of yours truely, Dave taunting me. I told you Dave is evil. To this day I swear he placed that Tiger snake there on purpose. I just can’t work out where he carried it for the first 17k of the race ? I digress, as always, so I will continue. There was no medal at the end just a stagger back to the car and a slow drive back to Perth. The race went so badly I actually tried to cancel my flight to South Africa the following year to run my third Comrades, ( ) I was that beaten. Luckily South African airways wouldn’t refund me the coast of the flight so I ended up going to Comrades and having a great run for a Silver medal. (finishing quicker than 7hrs 30 minutes gets you a Silver, I sneaked in for a 7hr 22minute finishing time.)

I have returned to the 6 inch every year since 2009 and even went on a few recon visits in between races in the early years. I still get lost and wear two gamins, one for pace and the other for directions, but even these don’t help and I still make the odd detour now and then. Will I get lost on Sunday ? I’m not confident either way really, that’s what makes trail running so challenging, you never know if you’ll even find the finish not matter get a good placing !

To further compound my theory about Dave Kennedy not being a nice man a few years ago, under the pretence of some work being done on the original part of the course, Dave found a hill that in my view could double as a wall! This bad boy is unclimbable on the way up and suicidal on the way down. Oh did I forget to mention Dave makes us run up and down this hill (wall), not content with one way, he likes to double the chances of a fatal injury. As I already mentioned in a previous post it was on this hill (wall) that Jon fell in one of the ruts and it was so deep it took him a few attempts to get out, while another friend of mine Michael Barton jumped over poor Jon stuck in the rut and continued on his merry way, probably laughing all the way to the top of the hill (wall).

The final peace de resistance in Dave’s catalog of pain is the final two kilometres of the race, a single track in dense forest that I swear never ends. It’s like a stuck record playing the same song over and over, you know you’re moving forward but you never seem to get to the end of the trail and the waiting finish line. You can even hear the cars so you know the road is close but still you seem to keep running, and running. I tell you that Dave Kennedy is an evil man.


Another 6 inch finish and more Big Kev and Esky time, it’s tradition. Sorry kids….

Should I be tapering or ramping up ? A runners quandary.

With the 6 inch ultra marathon  this weekend I should be tapering for the last week before some serious carbo loading from Thursday onwards. ( ) The only fly in my ointment is I seem to have double booked myself with my first 100k ultra next month. ( ) So the quandary I am in is do I that the 6 inch ultra as a long training run and as such do not taper or do I race both events which would mean I should stop running some time this week ?  (Probably shouldn’t have run 141k  and 14 times last week including a race albeit a small one.)

My times at the 6 inch ultra have never really been that quick bar a 2nd place finish one year when the first 5 all got disqualified for taking a wrong turn and coming down the finishing road instead of crossing it. Truth be told the first three runners (which included a two times winner!) could have back tracked to the point they got lost and still come across the line ahead of the rest of the field, they were probably 20-30 minutes ahead of the next group which included me. Funnily enough this was the one and only year Dave Kennedy, the Race Director, put up money. I managed to grab 2nd and my friend, and navigator Brett , got third. We both offered our prices to the guys who should had won the money but they both declined saying ‘rules are rules’. I think the chaos  of the decision to DQ the top 5 put paid to any monetary prize money from then on, and the race is better for it. (though it was a nice surprise at the time to go from 7th to 2nd.)  So the logic behind my plan not to taper for the 6 inch would be the 100k Australia Day Ultra takes precedence and thus I need to put in a big 3 weeks including this one to properly prepare for it.

I would of course still set a race goal finish time and this would be another sub 4 hour finish to go with the five I already have. Both times I have failed to run sub 4 hours have been down to geographical challenges. i.e. I got lost. The first time was due to a rather large snake placed just at a very important and unmarked left turn. (I suspect the Race Director, who was also running, placed said snake myself but this has never been substantiated.) Myself and Brett were too busy jumping over the snake, a Tiger snake we think, to notice the left turn and this cost us a four kilometre detour. This was the first time I ran the 6 inch so could probably be excused this small detour. The next time I got last was the 7th time I’d ran the race and this was near the end when I was closing in on a good sub 4 finish and a top 10 placing. To make it worse I convinced another runner he was going the wrong way and to follow me, as it turns out on a 3-4k detour. Sorry Phil.

Running for a sub 4 also allows me to spend a large amount of the race with my Sunday morning crew who will also be targeting times around the four hour mark. Although this is a race, and if you drop off the pace you will be left for dead, it is one of the most sociable occasions which much banter and there’s always a talking point or three somewhere along the course.

The 6 inch has grown from a fat-ass (a free entry, self supported race) twelve years ago to a 350 sell out it is today. Dave has also added a half marathon (the 3 inch, it had to be really.) which also sells out quickly and I’m assuming the same amount of numbers.  As it is so close to Christmas it has turned into the ‘last race of the year‘ type run with a great social gathering at the end where everybody can reflect on the race and start to unwind towards Christmas. I think, truth be told, I enjoy the end of this race , and the banter about the day, more than the race itself; actually no, it’s a close call though which is a nice position to be in.

Another great part of the 6 inch is the tradition of a railway nail (spike) rather than a medal as a finishers reward. For the first few years we all got black ‘spikes’ before the race got too popular and Dace couldn’t find enough old railway spikes without first derailing some trains ! Now you get a red spike for 6 finishes and we’re not sure what you get for twelve but will find out this year as Nate will have ran all twelve of the 6 inch races.

I seemed to have digressed for a change and will try and get back the point of the post. I think for this rendition of the 6 inch I need to finish sub 4 but also it’s as important to get another big week in for the Australia Day Ultra. Thus rather than a pre-race week of only 2 * 10k easy runs (which I my normal pre-marathon race routine) I’m going to try and find 100k from somewhere pre-race Sunday; without starting the race too fatigued. This in itself will be a challenge but as I always say if it was easy everybody would be doing it.

6 inch 6 * finishers 2014 Red Spikes all round…