Fifty seven years old (young?) with 48 successful marathons, 56 ultra marathons including a 2:44:30 for a silver medal in the 45-50 age group at the World Masters marathon in Perth (7th overall) and a 2:48:19, second place finish, at the Rottnest Marathon in October 2017. Perth City to Surf 2019 was sub 3 hour marathon number 32 , completing a 29 sub 3 hour streak. (I don’t get out much so 47 of my 48 marathons have been in Australia. All bar my New York time in 2011 are available at this link :-
In 2016 I have changed my training schedule, on the back of what I learnt working with Raf Baugh ( ) , and have started to see the rewards with PB’s (PR’s for our American Cousins) in the 5k (16:40), 10k (34.19) and half marathon (1:15:00) These times have reignited my passion for all things running and I’m hoping through this blog I can spread some of this knowledge to you. Age really can be only a number if you keep the love for running burning brightly, its time to either keep setting new PB’s or slow down as little as possible as we fight ‘Father Time.’
2021 was an epic year with 9 ultra marathons and 2022 looks to be even bigger starting off with a top 5 finish at the Delirious West 200 miler ( ), then a 6th place at Herdy’s Frontyard Ultra ( ) a win at the 24 hour LightHorse Ultra, running 207km. ( ) and the KepV2 105km ( ) , 5th male finish at the Unreasonable EAST 200 miler in the Blue Mountains outside Sydney and a win at the inaugural No Time to Die backyard Ultra in Adelaide.
I offer common sense advice that has helped me retain my fitness as I grow older and explode into the ‘best years of my life‘ which for me is ahead of me, not behind. Always look forward…..
Either search on terms you’d like to know more about using the Search bar on the right of the screen or trawl through my archives, there are hundreds of posts on all things running.
Enjoy the journey and the destination. Yours in Running, BK.
September 2016. PB Update. Managed a 20 second PB at the WAMC Peninsula 10k . Time down to 34:19. Look out Mo Farah, I’m coming for you….
October 2016 . PB Update. Fremantle half marathon, nearly a minute PB from Perth earlier in the year. Down to 1:15:00. (Should have dived for the line, rookie error. !!)
November 2016. World Masters Marathon. Age Group Silver medal 45-50. 2:44:30. First Australian in age group and part of the Australian team that received gold for the age group team award.
December 2016. City Beach 4k. 2nd place, 13:11. A 12 second PB but in a 4k I’ll take it. 6 inch ultra-marathon, top 10 finish (7th) and a 4 minute PB. Great way to end a great year.
January 2017. Australia Day Ultra 100k 8hrs 4min 14seconds, 2nd place. First 100k ultra and very happy with the result. Video and race report available on the blog.
August 2017. Perth City to Surf Marathon. 2:49:23, 14th overall and age group win. After a 3 month injury break due to a 5cm calf tear I ran this marathon on a solid 6 weeks of training. Very satisfying to keep my sub3 streak going and testament to not letting injury or age define you.
October 2017. Fremantle 10k, Managed a podium 3rd place finish with a 34:33. Only 15 seconds off my PB set last year. Probably down to the Nike Vaporflys 4% shoes but very happy with that time. Still chasing PB’s at 50.
October 2017. Rottnest Marathon. Second place in 2:48:19, hot and humid conditions on one of the most brutal but scenic marathons in Australia. Missed out on first place by 25 seconds ! Second fastest Rottnest time on my 11th running and 43rd marathon. Must be doing something right?
November 2017. Deep Water Point 15k, ran a 53:37 for a good course and distance PB. Would have been a 16k (10 Mile) PB if I ran on for a kilometre. Fourth overall but more than happy with the time.
December 2017. City Beach 4k, 1st place. 13:17. Nice to grab a win after three consecutive second places. Finished the year with another strong 6 inch Ultra run, sneaking into the top 10, running a 3:49. Would have been a few places higher but got lost for the third time in nine attempts.
January 2018. Australia Day Ultra . 100k 7hrs 47mins 33seconds. Good enough for 1st place and an AURA Australian Age Group record 50-55.
March 2018. West Australian Marathon Club, Peninsula 10K. First place and another sub 35 minutes 10k time at 51. Very happy to finish off a 4 week in a row racing calendar with a 34:55 finish.
April 2018. West Australian Marathon Club, Bridges 10k. Goal was a top 10 finish, age group win and a sub 35 minute time. Finished in 34.59 for an age group win and 8th place, mission accomplished.
April 2018. Australian Masters, Perth. Age group gold medal in the 10,000m, 3,000m steeplechase, 5,000m and cross county. Set out for four gold’s and managed to achieve my goal. It was fun but hard work racing four days on the trot but still managed track PB’s for the 10k (34:40) and 5k (16:54).
December 2018. 6th place overall at the 6 Inch Trail Ultra and beating my course Masters record I set the previous year by three minutes, 3:46. Great end to a disappointing year destroyed by injury. Hopefully stronger in 2019 after all I have age on my side.
March 2019. 9th place overall at the Darlington half, 1:22:55 , not my fastest time but happy with a top 10 finish. My ninth time running the Darlington half and enjoyed every one of them, I think? A good start to the 2019 racing season. Peninsula 10k, 3rd place, 36:16. Not my fastest but , as with Darlington, a good time considering my lay off with injury.
April 2019. 33rd at the WAMC Bridges 10k. Quality field and happy to break 36 minutes. 35:58. 9th place finish at the Joondalup half marathon 1:19:17. Both races quicker than their predecessors, so moving in the right direction.
May 2019. 5th place at the WAMC Shelly 10k. Season best time of 35:38. Slowly getting quicker as the season progresses. Rottnest Marathon in a few weeks, my 12th time and aiming for my 7th sub3 finish on the Island.
June 2019. 7th place at the Rottnest Marathon. 2:57:44. Age group win.
August 2019. Perth City to Surf marathon. 13th overall, 2:55:27 . A controlled race , banking time early and cruising to sub 3 finish number 32. (and 29 in a row)
July 2020 Perth Half 1:20:12 . Age group win and a comfortable return to racing after a long lay off due to COVID19. Goal was 1:21 so happy with the final time, fast finish to try and scrape under 80 minutes.
August 2020 Birdy’s Backyard Ultra. A last man standing event, 6.7k loop on the hour , every hour. My goal was 24 laps, which equated to 100 miles (give or take). Managed to run the 24 laps and finally become a member of the 100 Miler club.
September 2020 Light Horse Ultra, 24 hours. 192k (119miles) , good enough for a third place finish and redemption after DNF’ing this event (albeit the 12 hour version) last year.
December 2020 6 Inch Trail Ultra Marathon. 22nd overall and 3rd in my age group. A 4:09 finishing time which is my slowest since my first attempt in 2008. Number 11 this year and a great race, needed to dig deep a few times but love the event and can’t wait until next year. Bring on 2021.
March 2021 Herdy’s Frontyard. Assist to a new Australian Backyard Ultra record, 47 laps, 315km (195miles) So much fun, love these backyard ultras. 6.7k on the hour, every hour… until one runner left.
May 2021 Light Horse Ultra 24 hour. 196km (121 miles) , third place like last year but a 2k PB. Over 24 hours could have probably done better. ,must break the 200km barrier next year. KepV2 100km , 10hours 39 minutes, 5th place finish at the new Kep V2 ultra.
August 2021 Birdys Backyard Ultra. 28 laps for a top ten finish, 188km. Harder than the previous year due to the course changes because of the extra wet winter. Made the changeovers quicker which , over time, wore you down. With the Delirious West 200 miler in November this was all about getting a decent total but not too much to detract from Delirious, 28 hours was enough.
October 2021 Delirious West 200 Miler. Redemption, finally. Ran 83 hours and a 9th place finish but what an adventure. Best four days running ever. The crew were magic, the course and company was magic and the whole experience was magic. Can’t wait until February to do it all again.
November 2021 Feral Pig 100 miler. Another redemption run after a DNF last year. As with Delirious a great day out and another top ten finish. Very happy with the race and used poles from start to finish. Great conditions and good company made the event a huge success. Two weeks after the Feral I travelled to South Australia for the inaugural Hysterical Carnage backyard ultra. Wasn’t sure how the legs would go but managed an assist (last man to DNF) and 37 hours, just under 250km. Great result and had more in the tank but saving myself for Herdy’s next year. A real confidence booster.
December 2021 6inch trail ultra. My 12th one, finished in 4 hours and 18 minutes. Probably left 10-15 minutes out there on the course but it was more about having fun and getting ready for Xmas and a massive 2022…
February 2022 Delirious West 200 Miler. After running Delirious in October I was lucky enough to go back to the original date in February. Managed a fourth place and a 15 hour PB. 68 hours 38 minutes. Such a great race and can’t wait to go again next year. It really is a wonderful location that just keeps you coming back year after year.
March 2022 Herdy’s Frontyard Ultra. Another backyard ultra and after last years 47 laps expectations were high, unfortunately trying to run 200 miles after running a 200 mile race 5 weeks earlier was never going to fly. I managed 34 laps before timing out on lap 35, 240km, good enough for a 6th place from a World Record field of 266.
April 2022 Lighthorse 24 Ultra. 1st place running 207km. This is the third time I have ran this event and after two third places it was nice to finally snag a win and also break the 200km total.
May 2022 KepV2 . Another surprising win coming so soon after the 24 hour Lighthorse Ultra. Finished in 10 hours and 7 minutes for the 105km course, a 30 minute course pb.
June 2022 Unreasonable East 200 miler. A brutal 200 miler in the Blue Mountains just outside Sydney. Managed a 5th male, 8th overall in a time of 73 hours and 8 minutes.
August 2022 Birdy’s Backyard Ultra. Ran a course PB of 36 laps.150 miles (240km) to gain entry into the 150mile club at the event. 5th overall, 4th male eq. Great result but hard work of course. A good tester for ‘No Time to Die’ Front yard ultra in September.
September 2022 No Time to Die frontyard ultra. 33 laps and 224km , good enough for a win, finally. Albeit it will probably be my first and last but I’ll take it. Wasn’t expecting the win and now les than two weeks before the Melbourne marathon.
October 2022 Melbourne Marathon, 3 hours 17 minutes. Not the result I wanted but the one I deserved. Felt great to race marathons again, will be aiming for a few more next year.
November 2022 Feral Pig 100 Miler. Had no right to toe the start line after a long lay off due to injury after Melbourne but stumbled home in just over 32 hours. Happy is an under statement. Brutal event but so beautiful, maybe one more time next year? Hysterical Carnage backyard ultra. Coming a week after the Feral this was always going to be a challenge. The goal was at least 120km , 18 laps. In the end managed 27 laps before the ankle gave in, great result. Good for third male and sixth overall.
December 2022. 6 inch ultra trail marathon. Great to finish of 2022 with my last ultra finish. Four hours, forty eight minutes. Slowest by a country mile on my 13th finish but this was about finishing ultra number 10 for the year.
February 2023 Delirious West 200 miler. My fourth attempt at the beast that is Delirious. Ran in just under 72 hours, good enough for second overall. Harder than the previous two attempts but learned a few valuable lessons, apparently you can teach an an old dog new tricks.
March 2023 Herdy’s Frontyard Ultra. 28 laps, just over 190km for a top 15 finish from a world record field of nearly 300. Started the event with a virus so struggled the whole time. In the end illness and fatigue beat me.
April 2023 Lighthorse 24hr Ultra. for second place overall, 82 laps of a 2.5km loop. Love my Lighthorse, ultra number 45 to go with my 46 marathons.. 91 and counting…
December 2023 Six Inch Trail Ultra Marathon . Number 14 and a better time than last year, four hours thirty five minutes good for 31st place.
January 2024 Second place at the Australia Day Ultra 100k in a time of 9 hours 34 minutes. Made more difficult by running an ultra the week before, 24 Park Runs in 24 hours.
February 2024 Delirious West 200 miler. Just over 76 hours for a sixth place finish.
March 2024 Herdy’s Frontyard ultra . 24 hours, 100 miles, good for an 11th equal finish from the biggest starting field in backyard ultra history, 376 runners.
April 2024 Lighthorse 24 hour Ultra. 190km , good enough for second place. Stoked to podium for the fifth time at this event.
July 2024. Bibra Lakes Marathon, 3:04:37 . Great to run a quick marathon after Melbourne in 2022. I can go faster.
August 2024 Birdy’s backyard ultra. 22 hours (laps) good for nearly 150km.
September 2024 Bibra Lake 12k. 46:51. 10th overall and an age group record for 55+
October 2024 Perth Marathon . Age group win , 3:14:57.
November 2024 Feral Pig 100 miler. 9th place overall. 30 hours. That’s 100 Ultras and Marathons (combined) Sandman 50k 8th overall . 4 hrs 35mins.
December 2024 6 Inch Ultra marathon, 9th place overall ( 8th male) 4hrs 5mins. What a great end to the year, my fastest 6 inch since 2018. Stoked to get a top 10 finish.
January 2025 24 Park Runs in 24 hours and then the following weekend the True Blue Ultra 100k, 5th 9hrs 45 mins. Always tough running back to back ultra over consecutive weekends, but that’s the point I suppose ?
March 2025 Herdy’s backyard Ultra 19 laps, just over 130km, good for a top 60 eq. finish in a field of well over 400 runners.
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