Last August I signed up for a 1,000 mile (1,634km) race running the length of the Uniked Kingdom. Starting at the most southerly point, Lands End, and finishing 36 days (yep that’s days not hours!) later at the most Northerly point , John O’Groats. )
In August it was easy to press that enter button and then forget about it for a few months. In the meantime I had Birdys backyard Ultra, Not time to die backyard ultra, Melbourne marathon, Feral Pig 100 miler, Hysterical carnage backyard ultra, 6 inch trail ultra marathon, Delirious 200 miler, Herdy’s frontyard ultra and finally the 24Lighthorse ultra to attend to. These have all been dispatched and suddenly I’m sitting her with less than three weeks to go with a knot in my stomach and a mix of incredible excitement and numbing anxiety.
The race starts , funnily enough, just outside my old home town so it’ll be weird returning home after so many years. I left Penzance nearly thirty years ago and haven’t been back for many years. My childhood was idyllic growing up in , what I consider to be, the best part of the United Kingdom, but we all consider our childhood town to be special I suppose ? My brother and his family never left so it’ll be good to see them again for the first time since my father passed away in 2012. Time disappears so quickly and I am no longer the young man that left Penzance all those years ago but a part of me hasn’t changed and I am worried that that part will find it very hard to return and then leave again. When I left it was not going to be permanent, a year max to earn some coin for a surf sabbatical, life got in the way and eights years later I’m emigrating to Australia with a new Wife and a young daughter ?
This is another reason the fist few days of this adventure will be more testing as I once again leave my hometown, a place I love and will always love, as well as my childhood friends who have been distant memories for so, so long. Seeing them again is going to be hard as in my mind they are all young men in their prime, I’ll be returning to very different versions and these memories will be with me from then onwards, replacing the younger versions. I will also be leaving the beautiful scenery that is the South West coastline and trust me it is really is incredible. Maybe that knot in my stomach is more about my impending visit back to my hometown rather than the race anxiety ? So many memories, some good , some bad will come flooding back like a tsunami, any I ready for them ? One of the main reasons I don’t return to Cornwall is because I’m worried I’ll never leave , at least this way I know I will of course. As the image below shows , St. Ives in all her glory , Cornwall is magical.
As Run Britannia is a stage race there is the benefit of a good nights sleep every evening which will help with recovery for the next days adventure. As part of the race entry you get accommodation, transport and all meals as part of the deal. In theory I can turn up at Land’s End on June 2nd with my running gear and a bag of clothes and not spend a cent for 36 days before being deposited at Inverness in early July. Sounds good in theory but I’m sure I’ll find ways to give my credit card a beating, it’s in my blood according to my Wife.
There will be 29 starters, as of a few weeks ago, for the event which is a surprise as it sold out in a few hours and all forty places were initially taken. I got in after a short time on a wait list, it seems pressing that enter button is easy, you then have to tell your partner, family, work or friends of your impending challenge and maybe they talk you out of it , or life just gets in the way ? Anyhow it will be more intimate and maybe I won’t have to share my accommodation so much , although it would have been nice to have the full forty for company. To me I’m going to have 29 more friends , as well as support crew, after the event who will be able to share some great memories together, as well as some not so great ones ? This is the point of the Run Britannia event , memories to last a lifetime, the organisers aren’t even calling it a race and won’t be keeping a track of times (of course I will, c’mon, really?) This is about the experience, making good friends along the way, finding who you really are and finishing , that is all. Albeit I will be posting on Strava every evening and FB , Instagram etc… so everybody can come along for the ride, at a discounted rate of ‘free‘.
We’ve had a few zoom meetings with the organisers who have passed on the lessons learned from a test pilots who ran the route last year. I think three of the eight finished but all the non-finishers were beaten by injuries rather than distance. The daily distances didn’t seem to be a problem but the build up of fatigue which would eventually lead to fractures, strains, pulls, breaks etc., which was the issue, funny that? Mental note to self to spend an hour in the evening, at least, post run on stretching , massaging and general maintenance before scuttling off to bed. I’ll be taking a massage gun and my vibit ( ) , as well as my humantecar spray ( ) and fisocrem. ( ). I’ll be using Bix hydration products over the course of the event , for hydration and recovery . ( ) These will make a big difference, especially the recovery tablets in the evening. Luckily I also have a load of Bix power sachets which contain carbohydrates, these are yet to be released to the general public., I’m a guinea pig?
As the images in this post show the scenery is going to be epic and this is what I’m most excited about. From the website :-
There are some pretty wicked trails right there as well as some awesome b-roads snaking through some of the most beautiful parts of the country. I will be stopping for a few pub lunches, coffee breaks and places of outstanding beauty for sure as time is not important , its all about finishing. There will be cut off times for each stage but they will be generous and the organisers encourage you to soak up the adventure you’re on rather than be a slave to the GPS watch on your left arm. Of course my Coros watch ( ) will be recording time but I may treat myself and put on the auto-pause option.
Thus event will really test the theory that the mind is stronger than the body as I really believe the mental toughness you need to succeed in an event this big is as important as the physical training you put in before the start. Can you train for a 1,000 mile event ? I don’t think you can really, you just hope you adapt during the event itself and your body learns what’s expected of it and just performs with the mind opening all the possible road blocks along the way, well that’s the theory anyway ?
Over the last few months in Australia we’ve seen some mega-runs by normal athletes. Nedd Brockman for example :
When Brockmann arrived at Sydney’s Bondi Beach on Monday – his unmistakable, bleach-blonde mullet pinned down under a baseball cap – it signaled the end of a 2,456-mile (3,953km) running voyage that had started on the opposite side of Australia 47 days prior.
It’s difficult for the 23-year-old to know where to start when recounting the physical toll placed on his body since setting off from Cottesloe Beach in Perth last month – the countless injuries, the endlessly aching joints, the sleep deprivation, the blisters or even the maggots growing in his toes.
That all explains the joy and relief etched across Brockmann’s face when he finally arrived to hordes of people at Bondi – Australia’s iconic surfing beach – and marked the occasion by draining champagne from his sweat-soaked shoe.
“I’d been through hell and back 10 times to get there – through every injury, all the sun, the rain, the road trains, the roadkill, the weather, the headwinds,” Brockmann tells CNN Sport. “Just to get through that and then to finally see that amount of people in Bondi was out of this world. I couldn’t believe it.”
Brockmann, an electrician originally from Forbes, New South Wales, has endeared himself to the Australian public over the course of his transnational run, so much so that many are calling for him to be crowned Australian of the Year in 2023.
As of Friday, he has raised two million Australian dollars ($1.26 million) – almost double his initial target – for homeless charity We Are Mobilise through his run across Australia, covering an average of more than 50 miles a day for 47 days.
Another example is Erchana Murray-Bartlett who ran nearly 4,000 miles :-
Five months after setting out from the tip of Australia, marathon runner Erchana Murray-Bartlett has reached the country’s southern edge.
The 32-year-old on Monday finished her 6,300km (3,900 miles) journey – a marathon every day for 150 days.
Ms Murray-Bartlett’s effort sets a new world record for the most consecutive daily marathons by a woman.
And she has raised over A$100,000 (£57,000, $70,000) for conservation charity the Wilderness Society.
Ms Murray-Bartlett has been running professionally for years, but after missing out on qualifying for the Tokyo Olympics, she set her sights on another life-long dream.
She was going to run the entire length of Australia, and she was going to break the Guinness World Record for the most consecutive daily marathons by a woman – held by Briton Kate Jayden, who last year completed 106 in as many days.
Ms Murray-Bartlett set out on the run to raise awareness of the extinction crisis facing Australian animals and plants. Australia is home to some of the richest biodiversity in the world – much of which is unique to the continent – but it is among the worst in the world for biodiversity loss.
It was tough going for Ms Murray-Bartlett from the beginning – she had three injuries in the first three weeks.
But her body learned to cope as she wound her way along Australia’s famous coastline, through rainforests, and down both dirt roads and highways. She sometimes ran in torrential rain, other times in heat upwards of 35C (95F).
Despite consuming between 5,000 and 6,000 calories a day – about three times the average woman’s needs – the nutritionist shed weight.
She suffered sunburn, blisters and aches, and jokes that she’s now been bitten by every insect under the sun – ants, mosquitos, spiders and more.
She weathered constant brain fog and a pervasive body fatigue she says got harder and harder to shake each morning.
By the time she ran into Melbourne, her feet had swollen an entire shoe size and she’d burned through ten pairs of runners.
“There’s definitely been some very tough days… you’re out there all on your own and you can’t see the finish line and you think why am I doing this? And during those moments, I think to myself, why,” she told the BBC on Tuesday.
“Even though sometimes you are covered in sweat and flies and everything ached, I thought: ‘No, I can go one more km’ or, ‘no I can go 500 more metres’. If you keep stringing together little tiny goals… you can make it.”
She crossed the finish line on Monday evening to news she had raised almost double her original fundraising target.
Speaking to local media, Ms Murray-Bartlett said she had been overwhelmed by the support – people donated in droves and some ran parts of the journey with her.
“It’s overwhelming, I’m so stoked,” she said.
“The turnout has been phenomenal and the fact that everyone was running with me, it made it even more special.”
Makes my Run Britannia seem like a fun run ?
fisiocrem ( ) is just bloody brilliant and does exactly what it says it does , it just gets the major muscle groups moving again. I use this extensively towards the end of the race when my quads are hammered. It really makes a difference and allows me to move back through the gears towards the end of an event when most runners are stumbling home.
Bix hydration is just ace, a product brought to life by Vlad Ixel a professional ultra runner who knows a thing or two about hydration. ( ) The best thing about Bix is it tastes good with many different flavours and you never get sick of drinking it, this is a big plus as Maurten and Tailwind (both great products) can be difficult to digest later in the event. From the website :-
As an Australian elite multiple trail running champion, with wins in over 40 ultra-marathon races across Asia, recovery from training and races has always been my top priority.
In searching for a solid recovery and hydration supplement, I recognized that critical vitamins and minerals – both in diversity and quantity – were missing from almost all supplements on the market. I had the feeling that in an effort to maximize their bottom-lines, companies in the hydration space, failed to deliver a product that could meaningfully assist athlete performance.
In order to address this, I began the development of a hydration product. After two and a half years of development alongside a leading German sports scientist, BIX Recovery, an advanced, high-quality recovery drink was born.
BIX boosts 12 active ingredients scientifically balanced to replace lost electrolytes and assist in immune function. It’s designed with quality vitamins and minerals, in quantities that work!
BIX is a recovery solution for everyone, that will get you to the top of your game!
What can I say about HumanTecar, ( ) it looks great, smells great and is awesome for recovery or even pre-run/workout. Read about the science behind it first and then try the products. The compression bandages are just magical after a long event. Put these on and the next day you are recovered, I have used them on a number of occasions and they never fail to astound me albeit the family poke fun at me as I look like a ‘mummy and smell funny’ !
Fractel ( ) have your performance headgear covered. I love the colours and the functionality of these hats, I guarantee there is one model you’ll fall in love with.
Shokz headphones, let you keep in touch with the world around while losing yourself in quality tunes or podcasts. ( )
T8 running apparel is the best you can get, second to none. Designed for the ultra humid Honk Kong conditions the owners live in. It is light and does away with any chaffing worries. T8 is the name given to the highest typhoon warning in Honk Kong, storms and typhoons with gusts exceeding 180kph, which explains the branding. (
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A running tragic.
With Herdy’s backyard ultra 2025 kicking off in a few days I thought it…
In 2021 I ran 47 laps at the inaugural Herdy’s (Frontyard, as it’s…