Right back to Delirious , after Conspicuous beach myself and Adam really put a wiggle on and caught so many runners, albeit mainly women to start with and mostly injured women. In the end we managed to catch a few injured men including Felix who I mention in one of the videos, again only because he injured himself. I felt good and left Adam towards the end of the day as he was having issues with his calf/ankle, I can’t remember now. I was chasing Paul ‘Hopi’ Hopwood, not realising the man is a living legend and way outside my talent pool ! Anyhow the day was just ace, that is the only term I can use. Scenery, ace, how I was feeling, ace and crew, ace. What a day. I did get lost just before Monkey Rocks aid station and Paul and I together managed to find our way to the aid station together where I decided to wait for Adam, who had called ahead and asked that I wait for him. Also Gazza had cooked a steak with eggs, be a shame to rush it ? I took advantage of the situation with a 30 minute Nano-nap, that also felt ace.
From Monkey Rock to Denmark is not a nice section of the race, in fact it was probably the worst. Monkey Rocks is steep, very steep and just about unrun-able. (is that a word?). It was also wet and Adam and I both stacked it on the wet granite boulders. We both landed heavily on our ribs and this would come back and bite one of us badly the next day. After negotiating Monkey Rocks, and I mean negotiating, there is stories of runners , even with pacers, who have ran up to the top of Monkey Rocks , got disorientated and ran back to the start. Running it in the dark I can believe this is very possible, it all looks so similar. There is also stories of runners who have got completely lost and ran their Wife, on a different continent, in an attempt to get rescued. After you eventually get over the rocks you then stumble into Denmark and run through the backstreets to the sleep station. Uninspiring running at 1am in the drizzle trust me. When we got to the sleep station at Denmark I got on the pajamas, noise cancelling headphones , facemask and instantly drifted off into a deep sleep for nearly three hours, bliss.
We set the alarm for 4:30am so we could get a 5am lift to the final start point on day four of this adventure. In the good old days it use to be a boat across the inlet but HSE have put an end to this and now its a 20 minute car ride. No worries , a quick shower, change of clothes and I was ready for the final day. Myself and Adam felt great for the first 3-4km and then Adam’s race came to an abrupt end, well the running part anyhow. Unbeknownst to him he had fractured his ribs the previous night traversing Monkey Rocks and what he initially thought was a bad stitch was his fractured rib letting him know it would be a long day on the trail and all running was to cease immediately. Of course I did was all good friends do when their fellow runners show weakness, I accelerated away and never looked back. Adam would eventually finish 6-7 hours behind me but only due to his injury and he was still smiling , from the first step to the last, or maybe more of a grimace than a smile at the end, what a bloody legend !
The last day is a couple of long stretches between aid stations and then a couple of short legs and you’re done. Once you get to the second aid station of the day you’re as good as done. I got a couple of runners early and then just kept moving forward. I was alone but the end was in sight so just kept putting one foot infront of the other. I was feeling ok early on and as the day went on and I could see I had a chance of finishing before sunset I started to feel better , and the pace increased.
I even managed to catch Paul ‘Hopi’ Hopwood at the last aid station, less than 10k from the finish, and we both ran through it in full racing mode, after nearly 330km’s of running ! I raced Paul for about 2k before my head gasket blew completely and he left me to finish one place ahead of me in 8th overall. Looking back it was madness to try and race Paul and the better option would have been a gentle jog to the finish together but , hey, it’s a race and both of us are stubborn old runners with a rich history of racing, it’s in our blood ! Fair play, he kicked my backside royally albeit in my defense I knew not of his legendary history and status and if I had would have accepted his offer of a easy jog to the finish with both hands. I blame Rob Donkersloot for revving me up.
Of course there was beer at the end of the event. Great pub with great company and I managed three pints of Guinness and a shooter to celebrate Darlene and Shannon new grandchild, number 104 I think?, but by about 10pm it was time to me to exit stage right and sleep, and boy did I sleep good ! So to sum up the Delirious West 2021 was just ace, great race, great company, great support and I can’t wait to do it all again in February 2022, and beyond. It really is a race that defines you and lets you see what you can achieve, albeit with a great support crew and live marin. ? I say race but its more than that really, a three to four day adventure where you can strip yourself bare and rebuild yourself into what you want, albeit for the journey. It’s up to you how you take that forward in life but it does change you for the better and that is all we can do.
I need to thank so many people , the list is just too bloody large but my crew were just biblical, Gazza and Alex will always have a place in my heart, team BK ! Adam for putting up with me for well over 200 kilometres and would have been there at the end bar a fractured rib , my hero. Rob Donkersloot for training my mind , the one missing piece of this ultra runners arsenal. All the volunteers at the aid stations and anybody who gave up their time to help at this event, you are the true heroes of the piece, so , so very grateful. All the positive people you meet on the run, Bart’s, Marty, Wil, Frank, Wayne, Amanda, Shannon, Nats, Alan, Sue, Michael H., Nathan, the Race Directors and paramedics. Fellow runners , all of you ! The Northcliffe Hotel staff and owners and of course the chef’s who produced the waffle breakfast to end all breakfasts ! Anybody who knows me and anybody who has read this far, thankyou. Shaun Kaesler, the maker of dreams, never has that statement been more true. Eve for taking on the challenge at such short notice and acing this race, unbelievable. Finally to my long suffering Wife and kids who let me loose on these adventures, there are no words to express my gratitude and love.
Until next year…
or follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runbkrun/