July 25th 2021 is the date when runner and train go one on one in a test of nerve. How late can you leave North Dandalup train station to arrive at Serpentine train station and catch the one train back to the start at 10: 21am, on the Perth to Bunbury Australind train? . To get to Serpentine there is the small matter of just under 36k of serious trails on the Munda Biddi track, or 32k if you take the short cut due to some trail work? (The latest departure time of 7:22am last year took the shorter trail option.) There’ll be a GPX loaded onto the facebook page nearer the time but its basically the Mundi Biddi trail but remember to get off at Scrivener Road to come down the scarp and not just keep running to Jarrahdale, funnier things have happened !
So if you’re interested book your ticket online https://transwa.wa.gov.au/tickets-times/train-timetables although you can buy tickets on the day , but please note you cannot buy tickets on the day before, remember this is the Bunbury line , the Internet is still to be invented in Bunners’ . You’ll need a ticket from Serpentine to North Dandalup on the only train going between these two stations at 10:21am, from Serpentine, Sunday 25th July.
Then it’s all about turning up at North Dandalup train station and leaving at whatever time you feel comfortable to be at Serpentine before 10:21. It is to be noted the local deli at Serpentine sells some seriously good food so I’d factor in a few minutes there before the train arrives… As with all previous years if everybody could bring along a plate so we can all spend some time recounting stories of woe and triumph at North Dandalup before the long drive home.
The Facebook page for 2021 is now live :-
https://www.facebook.com/events/4286590841391596/?active_tab=discussion feel free to add posts, comments or brag about what time you’re leaving, remember for this format it’s he , or she, who leaves last , and makes the train , that is the official Runner vs Train Champion 2021 (There is rumour of a trophy..somesay, this will be confirmed on the Facebook page nearer the time)
To get you in the mood here are the last few years posts on the event, worth a read.. there have been some classic stories, so much laughter and a few runners missing the train and coming back to the ‘walk of shame‘ while we all tuck into the post race tukka back at the start.
So I’ll see you on the 25th at North Dandalup train station around 7:30am or later….. ?
Choo Choo 2020 :- https://www.runbkrun.com/2020/07/13/choo-choo-2020-this-time-the-train-managed-to-beat-a-few-runners/
Ch00 Choo 2018 :- https://www.runbkrun.com/2018/09/29/man-versus-train-again/
Choo Choo 2017 :- https://www.runbkrun.com/2017/09/15/choo-choo-run-2017-man-against-train/
Choo Choo 2016 :- https://www.runbkrun.com/2016/11/15/the-choo-choo-run-an-exercise-in-living-on-the-edge/
or follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runbkrun/
or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/runbkrunoz
A running tragic.
I’ve ran 47 marathons and always chased a sub two hour forty minutes finish…
The 6 Inch trail ultra marathon is one of those races that you keep going…