Runaway Weekends, what a great idea.

Two good friends of mine, Bart’s and Rob,  have started a little adventure company where they will take you on tours of Rottnest Island and , eventually, Collie. The first tour kicks off two weeks before the Rottnest Marathon,  so is perfect for those runners who need to acquaint themselves with the Island before the big day in June.  For a small fee of $450pp you get accommodation, food and as much running as you can handle, as well as Pilates and other entertainment over the course of the weekend.  You’ll need to cover the cost of transportation to the Island which will probably be by the Rottnest Ferry.  There is only 18 places available as it’s all about taking a small group and just having fun together, too many people and you’ll lose that intimacy.
Runaway Weekends, only downside it’s only a weekend !

I’ve attached the itinerary from the website below. ( ) , lots of running, eating and drinking coffee by the sounds of it, a perfect weekend as far as I’m concerned. Bart’s and Rob will be excellent hosts and as you can see from the photo below I have personally spent a lot of time with these two reprobates and loved every minute of it.  You couldn’t find two better hosts for a weekend away. The boys were on Rottnest over the Easter break,  sourcing out trails,  and they come back very excited , so it bodes well for some scenic runs. There are some seriously beautiful trails on Rottnest and to really enjoy then it is best to get a guide as without one you’ll end up wondering about lost or just miss the good trails completely, hence the tour.

Boys on the trails…The Bib track in this photo. Ignore the cost , it is $450pp. 


They have been very busy and as well as creating the idea for the weekend they have also created a website and a Facebook page, I would presume they had some help !  Facebook page :   You need to fill out the contact form on the website with your details and the boys will be in touch personally , I told you it was intimate.


A Facebook page is also available.. the boys have been busy !


Finally I’ve attached the flyer that is available on the Facebook page , gives you an idea of what to expect.  If you are serious about the Rottnest Marathon in June this year or just want a great weekend away with likeminded people this is the tour for you.


Please note I am not in any way a part of this venture and am writing this post in the hope of a free coffee from Bart’s but after knowing him for well over 10 years I think the possibility of this happening is slim to no chance ! The one caveat , finally, about the coffee is beware of Bart’s and his Dome loyalty card, he is well known in our running circles for loving his Dome coffee and even more loving his free Dome coffee. If he does persuade the group to stop for a coffee at Dome I guarantee he’ll be the first to the counter , loyalty card in hand and you’ll all be buying coffee while the staff stamp his card, priceless.


One more caveat before I finish, this weekend is not about pushing yourself to your limits or locking yourself in the pain box so you can return a better person. No, this tour is about like minded runners doing what they love,  in a relaxed atmosphere,  while immersing themselves in the beauty of the surrounding and finding new friends, creating memories and just generally having a runaway weekend.

Rottnest flyer.


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A running tragic.