What is worse with Plantar Fasciitis is you really need to protect the foot and so are constrained by running on grass or trails; which is fine but lonely as most of your (mine) running friends are on the beautiful asphalt ; and who can blame them ! ? Thus I have been having lots of ‘Kev time‘ lately. A positive is my new headphones supplied by Jaybird which arrived just as I started out on my injury journey. (Link to my post on the wireless headphones, built by runner for runners is here : https://www.runbkrun.com/2018/07/21/do-headphones-make-you-run-faster-or-smarter/ Please make sure you check these out as the more hits from my blog the more chance I get of getting more free gear. Note: they really are very good wireless headphones and, if you are in the market for a pair, these bad boys are the ones to get!) I digress…
So to the point of this post reference the drugs being the answer, what was the question ?. As a newbie runner I really had no idea that most of my running buddies were as good as professional drug dealers. Truth be told I only found out the day before my first Comrades run in 2008 when my fellow runner, who shall be known as Phil (as that is his real name) dragged me down to another runners bedroom (known as Richard, for that is his name!) where he was handing out high quality Voltaren tablets to all and sundry. Unbeknown to me these anti-inflammatories were the staple diet of the ‘older Comrades runner’ so I put out my hand and wolfed a few down, just to be on the safe side. This tradition has continued for most of my marathons from that time on , probably more of a placebo but I justify it as, at the end of a marathon block of training, there must be something, surely, that needs some help becoming un-inflammed. (Is that a word?)
As I’ve got older I find I am certainly more open to taking as many tablets as possible and on a number of occasions have helped myself to some of my Wife’s better, prescription, anti-inflammatories. In for a penny , in for a pound type attitude. This came back to bite me on one occasion where, unbeknown to me, there was also a tablet to be taken with the strong anti-inflammatories to help with any possible side effects. These said side effects were eventually embraced by me which meant a very long toilet visit and an upset stomach. My Wife found this very amusing.
Of course I am not advocating ‘popping pills‘ for no reason but merely advising that as a runner you will get niggles or sprains and rather than suffer in silence get yourself down to the local chemist and get some anti-inflammatories, these really do what they say on the packet. They also have their place to really help with a known area of concern by blitzing the problem before/while embarking on remedial exercise; short term of course. I’m by no means advocating long term NSAID use, that would be silly, although there have been studies advocating using aspirin daily but that helps with heart conditions etc, as with all thing medical Dr.Google has the answer.